1.Using any of the critical essays we have considered in our class, create an argument on “A Rose for Emily” that expands, challenges or complicates any of those critical points. 2. Write an essay about how any of the texts we have looked at explores one particular social issue. You may only write about an essay you have not written on before. You MUST find a secondary critical source with social interests to expand, challenge or complicate as part of your paper. It must be peer-reviewed and high quality from an online database in order to complete this. 3.All of the texts we have looked at are interesting in relation the historical moment they are written in. Write an essay about how any of the texts we have looked at explores and illuminates its historical context or a moment in history. You may only write about an essay you have not written on before. You MUST find a secondary critical source with historical details to expand, challenge or complicate as part of your paper. It must be peer-reviewed and high quality from an online database in order to complete this.
THE TEXTS WE HAVE CONSIDERED IN OUR CLASS 1. “Roman fever” 2. Black box 3. “A Rose for Emily” 4.”Sonny blue”
Requirements: Penalties of up to 10 percentage points will be taken off for MLA errors (including punctuation) in Works Cited list, formatting, or in-text citations. The rubric will change to increase mechanics to 30% of the grade. Please make sure your focus adjusts accordingly. You must make reference to at least one critical essay on your topic. For Tim O’Brien, essays can be found in the Norton Introduction. Anything you consult MUST be fully cited in MLA format. In the use of any critical source, you must consciously extend, challenge or complicate the argument within it, showing what you add, disagree with or interrogate. If you do not extend, challenge or complicate a secondary source you will incur up to a 10% penalty on your paper. 950 words (3-5 pages). Every paper must include a word count, my name and a title to be decided upon by you. Every paper must be proofread for grammatical and spelling errors. ALL MLA FORMAT. Your grade will reflect the appropriate penalties if errors are not corrected. You are allowed within 10% of the word count; penalties will apply if the paper is significantly over or under this amount. Papers must be received on time. Late papers will lose 20%. Papers that are not submitted before the essays are passed back will receive a 0. I take the time of submission to be the online time given by Blackboard.
Writer’s Voice. You will be penalized in mechanics for using 2nd person (you, your).
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