Research interspecific and intraspecific interactions using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet.
This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts.
Part A
Complete the following:
Track your interactions with other organisms—between and within species—for one day. Summarize your interactions throughout the day, using the terms from this module’s readings. If required, review the module’s readings again. At a minimum, identify ten interactions that you witnessed or participated in today. Among those interactions, you should be able to identify a predatory-prey relationship, a competitive relationship, and a mutualism. You could also identify parasitic relationships or commensalisms, if you choose. Although you can repeat interaction types—for instance, you can have multiple mutualisms—the examples must differ. These are some examples: Did you have a predatory-prey relationship with a chicken today? That is, did you eat chicken for lunch? Did you have a competitive relationship with a coworker today? That is, were you competing for a raise? Click here to download this template to track interactions with organisms. Part B
Respond to the following:
For every interaction you identified above, describe an interaction in nature that is similar to what you experienced or witnessed. For example, if you had a predatory-prey interaction with your meal, identify and describe an example of a predatory-prey interaction in nature. Or, if you had a competitive interaction with your coworker, identify and describe a competitive interaction in nature. Using the information you reviewed, explain why it is important to recognize these interactions. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.
Using the information that you compiled above, summarize your interactions for the day. Be sure to classify your interactions (parasitic, mutualism, etc.) and that you also determine if the interactions are considered intraspecific or interspecific.
Write your initial response in a minimum of 300–350 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. ____________________________________________________________________________
The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once biomes, and the rapid development of land. All this occurred without assessing the long-term impact to the environment. Recognizing the importance of the Industrial Revolution era and the ongoing impact it has had on the environment is essential to learning how to help the environment and correct the damage of that era.
Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following:
Identify three of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution and justify your choices. For example, the invention of the automobile revolutionized travel in a positive manner. However, this invention is causing some of the biggest environmental problems as a result of the extensive use of oil extracted from the earth. Examine how these three negative impacts changed the environment; list the mechanisms through which this happened. For example, factories caused an increase in pollution through the release of toxic waste, which led to diminished and lost fish populations in rivers. Explain the effect of the environmental movement on the process of industrialization in the United States during the 1970s. Identify the laws passed to help ameliorate the environmental issues in the U.S. or around the world related to these three impacts. Have any laws been passed since this movement in the 1970s? If there have been laws implemented, summarize the spirit of the law and comment on the effectiveness of the law. Based on your research, examine whether the state of the environment has become worse or has improved as a result of these laws. Suggest steps to improve the environmental situation. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Be sure to include an additional page for references.
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
During this course, you will be working on a five-paragraph essay that presents an informed, cohesive opinion on a topic of your choice. In this assignment, you will select that topic and explain why it appeals to you more than any other topic. Think carefully about each possibility in the list of topics. Which one can you best explain? Which one do you know about the most? Why does this one appeal to you more than any of the others?
Choose one topic from the following list:
Qualities of an ideal teacher What are the qualities of an ideal teacher and how are they applied? What characteristics do ideal teachers have? Qualities of an ideal businessperson What characteristics enable someone to succeed in the field of business as opposed to any other field? Characteristics of a good citizen How/why are citizens responsible to their government? What things should an individual do on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to qualify as a good citizen? Why are these actions worthwhile or important? What difference do they make in the governance of a city, county, state, or country? How manners have changed over time What sorts of behaviors were previously accepted? What new behaviors are widely accepted in society today that were not acceptable in the past? What has caused these changes? How do these changes affect the next generation? Projects, programs, or initiatives that could make a community more enjoyable to live in How would these projects, programs, or initiatives benefit the community? Who would benefit most from these steps? Are there any foreseeable disadvantages to these proposals? Respond to the following in one paragraph (six to eight sentences):
Why does your chosen topic appeal to you more than any other topic? Be sure your response paragraph includes:
Topic sentence Supporting sentences Remember: Your response is explaining why you have chosen the topic; you are not actually writing the essay for this assignment!
Save your 6- to 8-sentence paragraph in Word format
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