Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Are animals conscious? Support your arguments with reference to criteria for consciousness and the empirical evidence suggesting that at least some non-human animals meet some of those criteria. Criteria of consciousness: Seth, Baars and Edelman (2005) list a number of criteria which are widely recognized properties of consciousness in humans which are as followed:  Irregular, low-amplitude EEG

Are animals conscious? Support your arguments with reference to criteria for consciousness and the empirical evidence suggesting that at least some non-human animals meet some of those criteria. Criteria of consciousness: Seth, Baars and Edelman (2005) list a number of criteria which are widely recognized properties of consciousness in humans which are as followed:  Irregular, low-amplitude EEG  Involvement of thalamocortical circuits  Widespread brain activity  Limited capacity and serial processing  Focus-fringe structure

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