Saturday, March 19, 2016

The town council has become aware that some local communities are in need of education about certain hazards and threats. They have asked your team to help address this need by determining the needs and creating an outreach plan to better inform the public of the threats

The town council has become aware that some local communities are in need of education about certain hazards and threats. They have asked your team to help address this need by determining the needs and creating an outreach plan to better inform the public of the threats. The town council has asked that you present this plan to them for approval. Part 1 Conduct a community assessment to determine what needs are most evident. Choose a need you think would be best helped with a community outreach program. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing the community need you identified. Include the following in your paper: Explain the result of your assessment. Explain how to use various resources to identify and monitor potential threats. Evaluate resources available to conduct a community assessment and determine hazard vulnerabilities. Analyze the relationship between a community assessment and hazard vulnerabilities. Analyze feasibility of policy to reduce identified hazard vulnerabilities. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

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