Thursday, March 3, 2016

Read three books (from the reading list in the Library, Bibliography of American History, or titles mentioned in An Introductory Outline of American History, and write a three – to four – page (typed and double-spaced) review on each book.* Attach reviews together and hand in on due date. Content of the reviews should summarize the thesis or interpretation of the author in interpretative works and summarize the scope and subject of the book in non-interpretative books.

Paper instructions:
1. Read three books (from the reading list in the Library, Bibliography of American History, or titles mentioned in An Introductory Outline of American History, and write a three – to four – page (typed and double-spaced) review on each book.*

Attach reviews together and hand in on due date. Content of the reviews should summarize the thesis or interpretation of the author in interpretative works and summarize the scope and subject of the book in non-interpretative books.

2. Read six books and submit note cards (hand-written) giving evidence of having read and understood the central ideas in the book, notes may include points of interest to the students.

3. Read two chapters from twelve books (titles may be concentrated on one topic or diversified) and submit notes on note cards (hand-written) giving evidence of having read and understood the portions of the books read.
4. Read three books on Pearl Harbor and orally present findings to the class on the date collateral reading reports are due. Those interested in this approach should ask the professor for a handout on this topic.

5. Term paper on an aspect of American history from 1865 to today or history of a local community or family. Topics must have prior approval of the professor.*
6. Read a book on the Great Depression and interview seven people (members of your family, friends, etc.) who lived through the depression. Find out how the depression influenced their lives. Hand in a report based upon the interview and book read.

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