Monday, May 22, 2017

Interpret Financial Information

This assessment consists of financial questions to be answered adequately to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the concept of interpret financial information in order to be deemed competent in this unit.
There are a total of two (2) parts to complete, as follows:
Part A – consists of questions requiring short responses.
Part B – is a Case Study comprising two (2) tasks. Each task consists of questions requiring short responses.
At the end of each answer, allow adequate space (at least 6-8 lines), for the teacher’s comments and feedback.
You will be assessed on how well you interpret each task request and how you structure each according to layout, sequencing and by providing all relevant and applicable details for each task.
This is an ungraded unit. Your result is based on the evidence you provide to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency and grading criteria.  You will receive a result of Achieved Competency (AC) or Not yet Competent (NC).
Information on how to submit your assignment is located on the OTEN website under your OLS log-in.


Part A: Short response questions

Question 1
Define the following financial terms and explain how they would help you effectively monitor your travel agency’s business performance at a day-to-day operational level.
a)      Staff Sales Report
b)      Product Sales Report
c)      Wages Report
d)     Income Statement
e)      Bank Statements
f)       Balance Sheet

Question 2
a)       What financial documentation is necessary to verify:
i.   income earned, and
ii.  expenditure?

b)      What calculations are typically included in a financial analysis?

Question 3
a)       Explain the purpose of the Statement of Financial Performance (Profit and             Loss).
b)      Identify and explain the key information contained within the Statement of           Financial Performance?

Question 4
a)       Explain the purpose of the Statement of Financial Position (Balance            Sheet).
b)      Identify and explain the key information contained within the Statement of           Financial Position?

Question 5
Define the meaning of financial ratios. Explain how these ratios can assist in the financial management of a business.


Part B: Case Study

Task 1

The figures for this task were obtained from the Qantas Australia 2010 financial reports. (File > About Qantas > Investors > Annual report > 2010).

Question 1
The Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income report (Annual report 2010, page 48) for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas received:

  • Net Profit/Loss =  $116 million

  • Dollar change from 2009 =  -$7 million (QF Group 2010 = 116 mil; 2009 = 123 mil)

  • Percentage from 2009 = -5.69%

Explain what these results mean.

Question 2
a)       The Consolidated Income Statement report (Annual report 2010, page 47)   for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas:

  • Received a Total Revenue =  $13,772 million

  • Dollar change from 2009 =  -$780 million

  • Percentage change from 2009 = -5.36%

Explain what these results mean.

b)      The Consolidated Income Statement report (Annual report 2010, page 47) for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas:

  • Largest Expense = $3,405 million on manpower and staff related

  • Dollar change from 2009 = -$279 million

  • Percentage change from 2009 = -7.57%

Explain what these results mean.


Task 2

The figures for this task were obtained from the Qantas Australia 2010 and the Virgin Blue 2010financial reports. (File pathway: > About Qantas > Investors > Annual report > 2010and > About Us > Company Overview > Investor Information > Annual reports > 2010).

Question 1
The Net Profit margin for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) for the year ending 2010 was:

Net Profit margin
Virgin BlueQantas
2010 = 0.71% (21.3/2,981.8 x 100)2010 = 0.84% (116/13,772 x 100)
2009 = -6.07% (-160/2,981.8 x 100)2009 = 0.84% (123/13,772 x 100)

The above findings for Virgin Blue shows that their profit was less than 1% in 2010, but this was better than the 6% loss in 2009.

Explain what the above figures for Qantas show.

Question 2
The 2010 Expense ratios (Expense/Sales x 100 = %) for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) are:

2010 Expenses ratios
 Virgin BlueQantas
Fuel26.23% (782.1/2,981.8 x 100)23.84% (3,283/13,772 x 100)
Wages21.46% (639.8/2,981.8 x 100)24.72% (3,405/13,772 x 100)

Explain these above findings.

Question 3
The Return on Owners Equity ratios (Net Profit/Equity x 100 = %) for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) were:

Return on Owners Equity ratios (ROI)
 Virgin BlueQantas
20102.28% (21.3/933.3 x 100)1.94% (116/5,981 x 100)
2009-27.72% (-160/577.1 x 100)2.13% (123/5,765 x 100)

Explain these above findings.

Question 4
Explain what profitability ratios are and what they indicate about a business.

Question 5
Explain what the ‘overall’ above findings in questions 1, 2, and 3 indicate about the financial performance of Virgin Blue in comparison to Qantas.

Question 6
Identify and explain what internal and external factors could affect these two airline’s performance. As they are similar businesses, both airlines are affected by similar factors.

Dr. Judith, Hope this find you well. This time you can choose the topic you think would be best to present in this case?

The topic: Select a public infrastructure failure in the last 20-years and analyze.

Dr. Judith,
Hope this find you well. This time you can choose the topic you think would be best to present in this case?

Research: Historic Failures of Public Infrastructure

All public infrastructure is at some degree of risk of failure to meet its designated functions. Sound engineering design seeks to understand uncertainty and manage risk to a level that is both affordable and at the same time acceptable to society. Select a public infrastructure failure in the last 20-years and analyze the failure.

At a minimum discuss:

1. Failure:
Describe what happened in sufficient detail to permit the reader to understand the general magnitude and the context and environment in which the failure occurred.

2. Consequences:
Discuss the immediate physical, life safety, economic, and political consequences of the failure of this system. Then discuss the long-term consequences that were identified as a result of this failure.

3. Threats:
Discuss the major threats that this specific infrastructure system was designed to withstand. Was the failure due to one of these identified threats?

4. Countermeasures:
Discuss the countermeasures that were designed into the system to withstand the identified threats. Then discuss the countermeasures that should have been designed into the system
to prevent the failure.

5. Vulnerability:
Describe an approach for calculating the degree of vulnerability of the system to the threat that ultimately caused its failure.

6. Threat Likelihood:
Discuss an approach for determining the probability that the system would be successfully impacted by the threat that ultimately caused the system to fail.

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Historic Failures of Public Infrastructure

The topic: Select a public infrastructure failure in the last 20-years and analyze.

Dr. Judith,
Hope this find you well. This time you can choose the topic you think would be best to present in this case?

Research: Historic Failures of Public Infrastructure

All public infrastructure is at some degree of risk of failure to meet its designated functions. Sound engineering design seeks to understand uncertainty and manage risk to a level that is both affordable and at the same time acceptable to society. Select a public infrastructure failure in the last 20-years and analyze the failure.

At a minimum discuss:

1. Failure:
Describe what happened in sufficient detail to permit the reader to understand the general magnitude and the context and environment in which the failure occurred.

2. Consequences:
Discuss the immediate physical, life safety, economic, and political consequences of the failure of this system. Then discuss the long-term consequences that were identified as a result of this failure.

3. Threats:
Discuss the major threats that this specific infrastructure system was designed to withstand. Was the failure due to one of these identified threats?

4. Countermeasures:
Discuss the countermeasures that were designed into the system to withstand the identified threats. Then discuss the countermeasures that should have been designed into the system
to prevent the failure.

5. Vulnerability:
Describe an approach for calculating the degree of vulnerability of the system to the threat that ultimately caused its failure.

6. Threat Likelihood:
Discuss an approach for determining the probability that the system would be successfully impacted by the threat that ultimately caused the system to fail.

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Summarize Stormwater Management as it relates to Watershed Protection and Management

Summarize Stormwater Management as it relates to Watershed Protection and Management

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Stormwater Management

Summarize Stormwater Management as it relates to Watershed Protection and Management

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How would you stop or slow down urban sprawl in a rapidly growing city? What would be some of the challenges?

How would you stop or slow down urban sprawl in a rapidly growing city? What would be some of the challenges?

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You work for the urban city planning department for UrCity. UrCity has been experiencing phenomenal growth; population has expanded from 50,000 to 1 million people over the past 10 years. UrCity has offered homebuilders incentives to build communities on the outlying edges of the city center, producing multiple suburbs to reach a population of 2 million over the next 10 years.

Population and Urbanization Analysis
You work for the urban city planning department for UrCity. UrCity has been experiencing phenomenal growth; population has expanded from 50,000 to 1 million people over the past 10 years. UrCity has offered homebuilders incentives to build communities on the outlying edges of the city center, producing multiple suburbs to reach a population of 2 million over the next 10 years. The goal of the city is to add 25,000 new homes per year to accommodate the projected growth in population. The problem is there are neither mass transit systems nor sufficient roadways to transport people to and from the suburbs into the city. The urban planning department has been asked to review the situation. You have been asked to analyze the situation and present your findings.

Describe your population and the trend of migration.
- Analyze the factors that influence the distribution of your population.
- Identify the needs of this urban society.
- Provide your thoughts on plans that could slow the sprawl and correct the problems with commuting.

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Critically thinking about historical issues in Latin America

The conquest of Middle and South America by the Spanish and Portuguese transformed life in the region. Identify some of the lingering effects (social, economic, environmental, and political) of the conquest and colonization.

Rural-to-urban migration has fed the rapid growth of cities in the twentieth century. Do you see any parallels to rural-to-urban migration in the United States? For both regions, identify several environmental and social effects of this migration on both the places the migrants leave and the places to which they move.

The extended family is the basic social institution of Middle and South America. Discuss the likelihood that this type of family structure will persist in the future. What forces are pushing for change? What are the strengths of the extended family that have helped it persist so far?

. Religion has played a role in this region since pre-colonial times and was of special importance during the conquest. Often, religion reinforces the status quo in a society. Would you say that the present rise in various kinds of religious activity in Middle and South America is likely to bring social stability or change?

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Disadvantages to living in cities

What are disadvantages to living in cities? Are the disadvantages greater than the advantages?

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What is one major cause of present-day reduction of species diversity? What might be some personal impacts of having more biodiversity or less biodiversity in your community? Explain.

1. In your community, or one you visit, what aspects of suburban sprawl and urban blight are evident? How does the blight impact you and your family? Identify some options of how the effects from the evidences of blight might be alleviated.

2. What is one major cause of present-day reduction of species diversity? What might be some personal impacts of having more biodiversity or less biodiversity in your community? Explain.

3. Is your community people- or car-oriented? Why or why not and how can you tell? How does that orientation affect both energy use and sustainability of your community? How might the orientation of you community be transitioned for the future of your community?

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Community Diversity: Urban Sprawl and Urban Blight

1. In your community, or one you visit, what aspects of suburban sprawl and urban blight are evident? How does the blight impact you and your family? Identify some options of how the effects from the evidences of blight might be alleviated.

2. What is one major cause of present-day reduction of species diversity? What might be some personal impacts of having more biodiversity or less biodiversity in your community? Explain.

3. Is your community people- or car-oriented? Why or why not and how can you tell? How does that orientation affect both energy use and sustainability of your community? How might the orientation of you community be transitioned for the future of your community?

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Describe how physcial structures affect human behavior.

Can you please start me off in the right direction on the following:

- Describe how physcial structures affect human behavior.
- Analyze architecture as a means of controlling human behavior.
- Describe the environment psychological implications of commercial and residential
design, including purpose and consideration.
- Analyze the importance of architectural development supporting sustainable development.

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Question about Architecture and the Environment

Can you please start me off in the right direction on the following:

- Describe how physcial structures affect human behavior.
- Analyze architecture as a means of controlling human behavior.
- Describe the environment psychological implications of commercial and residential
design, including purpose and consideration.
- Analyze the importance of architectural development supporting sustainable development.

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How are these concepts reflected in landscape? What examples of modern and postmodern landscapes can be found in your local community?

Modernism & Post-modernism

Give an analysis of what is meant by the terms modernity and post-modernity? How are these concepts reflected in landscape? What examples of modern and postmodern landscapes can be found in your local community? What makes them modern and postmodern? Does there appear to be a transition from one to another?

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Modernism & Post-modernism

Modernism & Post-modernism

Give an analysis of what is meant by the terms modernity and post-modernity? How are these concepts reflected in landscape? What examples of modern and postmodern landscapes can be found in your local community? What makes them modern and postmodern? Does there appear to be a transition from one to another?

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Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.  Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.  Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.  Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product? Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably. Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably.  Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

What are the dysfunctional aspects of the “New Economy” promoted by eBusiness? Identify any legal, ethical, regulatory and social issues that might negatively impact people, organizations and/or society

What are the dysfunctional aspects of the “New Economy” promoted by eBusiness? Identify any legal, ethical, regulatory and social issues that might negatively impact people, organizations and/or society.

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Discuss organizational ethical processes as well as regulatory and legal rulings that might affect consumer trust when using an eBusiness Web site.

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Conduct online research using your favorite search engine to learn more about the Napster lawsuit. Identify the main issues in the case and the principal arguments that could be used by either side.

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Create a product or service (do not choose an existing brand) OR select a product or service from the following list: cell phone, video game, motorcycle, perfume, hair salon, toothpaste, website design consulting business, online dating service, auto body shop.

Environmental analysis

Create a product or service (do not choose an existing brand) OR select a product or service from the following list: cell phone, video game, motorcycle, perfume, hair salon, toothpaste, website design consulting business, online dating service, auto body shop.

Using the course resources, develop an environmental analysis, marketing strategy, and marketing mix for this product.
Consider if your selected product is affected by environmental factors (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Competitive). If so, how?

Include a description of the target market and positioning (how customers perceive your product or service). Include a detailed overview of each element of the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, and marketing communications).

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Chocoberry evaluated all the ideas and decided to proceed with a new retail chocolate product.

Chocoberry evaluated all the ideas and decided to proceed with a new retail chocolate product.

The product development team at Chocoberry has the responsibility of drafting a business plan for the option of marketing chocolate products with basic health claims for the United States’ retail consumer market. These products are being developed by the technical departments as bar goods, such as one ounce or larger molded slabs of chocolate in dark, milk, inclusion-containing (nuts, fruit, etc.) products.

Decisions must be made relative to retail outlet types; numbers to be serviced; intermediary channels (including the possibility of refrigerate distribution to retain healthful qualities); sales methods, such as brokers or the use of other candy companies to complement their lines; warehouse locations and control; units of delivery, shelf units; where in the retail outlet does it belong: health food department, check out area, candy shelf; costs of distribution; and so forth.

Your Assignment

You are a consultant who has been engaged by CB to create and evaluate their alternatives and provide a report. The following are some areas your report should address:

You should detail at least three possible distribution options for Chocoberry’s new venture. Describe and provide flow diagrams for the alternative patterns. This includes the advantages and disadvantages for Chocoberry for the first year of the new chocolate product mix to reach the target markets identified to date. Select and justify the best for Chocoberry at this time using known data.

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Project Task-List You have been tasked with the project of organizing a company offsite 2-day training session in which people are brought in from different parts of the country

Project planning and implementation

Project Task-List You have been tasked with the project of organizing a company offsite 2-day training session in which people are brought in from different parts of the country. This entails everything from preparation, accommodations, and facilities. Submit a 2- to 3-page executive memo summarizing the project’s objective, any scoping boundaries used to define the project, and relevant facts about the tasks or resources. • Identify all related tasks and resources needed to complete this project. • Highlight or specify any measurable deliverables relating to your project. Attach a task list with assigned resources from a Microsoft® Project file that supports what you have outlined in your memo.

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Option 1: Web Conferencing Programs Research Memo Read the following scenario: Your manager wants to use web conferencing to hold weekly status meetings, but has not decided on a program.

Corporate Memos

Option 1: Web Conferencing Programs Research Memo Read the following scenario: Your manager wants to use web conferencing to hold weekly status meetings, but has not decided on a program. You have been assigned to do some basic research on available web conferencing programs. Research and compare different web conferencing programs using the Internet. Write a memo to your manager that describes the web conferencing program you believe is the best choice. Explain why you selected this program. Include a list of all web conferencing programs you reviewed. Consider using a table to present your references. Format the memo properly for management review. Use the course texts as a resource. Include a minimum of two citations from your research.

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Identify the selected organization’s PR issues based on your selected scenario.

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You would like to buy a boat and know you can afford boat payments of $225 a month for 5 years. The interest rate is 7.65 percent, compounded monthly. How much money can you afford to borrow?

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Learning Team Public Relations Campaign:

Learning Team Public Relations Campaign: Progress Report Presentation Resources: University Library, Internet Prepare a 5- to 7-minute oral Progress Report Presentation accompanied by 8 to 10 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides illustrating the work completed on your PR Campaign up to this point.

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Why is it important that senior management take a leadership position on the sign off of the corporate web presence? And who in management should do it?

Corporate web presence

Why is it important that senior management take a leadership position on the sign off of the corporate web presence? And who in management should do it?

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How to download a popular App and install it successfully •

Instructional Writing & Documentation Write a set of instructions for one of the following (visuals must be included). Identify the audience at the beginning of the document and then align your text/visuals to that audience: • How to download a popular App and install it successfully • How to set up a wireless home network • Making a paper airplane • Removing a faulty light switch and installing a new one • Installing a new door handle on an interior room door • Making the perfect ham and cheese omelet.

Remember; choose only ONE of the above! LENGTH: There is no page limit; the complexity of the tasks will dictate the length of the document; I will be assessing how complete, succinct, clear and achievable the instructional writing is. Reading: Use at least two techniques to organize or display your content as described in the Ch. 18 reading, “Technical Instructions”. FORMAT: use BLOCK STYLE, ordered lists, illustrations or images, headings and a good use of margins (white space) to visually organize your text. The size, shape and style of your document is up to you. APA is NOT required; this is a custom, commercial type document. Visuals are REQUIRED Chapter content examples out of CHAPTER 18 are uploaded as attachment

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Instructional Writing & Documentation

Instructional Writing & Documentation Write a set of instructions for one of the following (visuals must be included). Identify the audience at the beginning of the document and then align your text/visuals to that audience: • How to download a popular App and install it successfully • How to set up a wireless home network • Making a paper airplane • Removing a faulty light switch and installing a new one • Installing a new door handle on an interior room door • Making the perfect ham and cheese omelet.

Remember; choose only ONE of the above! LENGTH: There is no page limit; the complexity of the tasks will dictate the length of the document; I will be assessing how complete, succinct, clear and achievable the instructional writing is. Reading: Use at least two techniques to organize or display your content as described in the Ch. 18 reading, “Technical Instructions”. FORMAT: use BLOCK STYLE, ordered lists, illustrations or images, headings and a good use of margins (white space) to visually organize your text. The size, shape and style of your document is up to you. APA is NOT required; this is a custom, commercial type document. Visuals are REQUIRED Chapter content examples out of CHAPTER 18 are uploaded as attachment

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How the “look and feel” differs for three Web sites

PART A. That describes how the “look and feel” differs for three Web sites. Include an evaluation of the ease of navigation of each Web site.

PART B. Describes the supply chain for the same three businesses that you selected when in a “brick and mortar” environment. Explain how the supply chain was modified from “brick and mortar” by the Web sites. NOTE: USE the same three websites that you used in part A.

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The term metrics is commonly used by Internet marketers. What is your understanding of the term.

The term metrics is commonly used by Internet marketers. What is your understanding of the term.

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Create a performance reporting template for the Riordan Manufacturing Go Green campaign. Write a brief opening statement in which you reiterate project deliverables and communicate changes

Create a performance reporting template for the Riordan Manufacturing Go Green campaign. Write a brief opening statement in which you reiterate project deliverables and communicate changes. Emphasize the benefits of the project and the value of the stakeholders’ and management’s patience and support. Create a Microsoft® Word document in which you specify upcoming events and items that require stakeholder or management attention. Present these items to encourage stakeholders and management to give attention to them. Create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet in which you track the budget, schedule, and milestone completion of the project. Combine these elements into a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation suitable for use as a performance report for stakeholders and management. Include the following items in an appendix to the presentation: a project scope statement, a WBS, a project organization chart, a communication plan matrix, and a change management flowchart. Explain, in no more than 700 words, the importance of the project leader’s attitude and leadership in reporting progress to stakeholders and senior management. Submit this separately from the performance report.

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Project deliverables and communicate changes

Create a performance reporting template for the Riordan Manufacturing Go Green campaign. Write a brief opening statement in which you reiterate project deliverables and communicate changes. Emphasize the benefits of the project and the value of the stakeholders’ and management’s patience and support. Create a Microsoft® Word document in which you specify upcoming events and items that require stakeholder or management attention. Present these items to encourage stakeholders and management to give attention to them. Create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet in which you track the budget, schedule, and milestone completion of the project. Combine these elements into a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation suitable for use as a performance report for stakeholders and management. Include the following items in an appendix to the presentation: a project scope statement, a WBS, a project organization chart, a communication plan matrix, and a change management flowchart. Explain, in no more than 700 words, the importance of the project leader’s attitude and leadership in reporting progress to stakeholders and senior management. Submit this separately from the performance report.

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Create a product or service (do not choose an existing brand) OR select a product or service from the following list: cell phone, video game, motorcycle, perfume, hair salon, toothpaste, website design consulting business, online dating service, auto body shop.

Environmental analysis

Create a product or service (do not choose an existing brand) OR select a product or service from the following list: cell phone, video game, motorcycle, perfume, hair salon, toothpaste, website design consulting business, online dating service, auto body shop.

Using the course resources, develop an environmental analysis, marketing strategy, and marketing mix for this product.
Consider if your selected product is affected by environmental factors (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Competitive). If so, how?

Include a description of the target market and positioning (how customers perceive your product or service). Include a detailed overview of each element of the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, and marketing communications).

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Three possible distribution options for a new venture

Chocoberry evaluated all the ideas and decided to proceed with a new retail chocolate product.

The product development team at Chocoberry has the responsibility of drafting a business plan for the option of marketing chocolate products with basic health claims for the United States’ retail consumer market. These products are being developed by the technical departments as bar goods, such as one ounce or larger molded slabs of chocolate in dark, milk, inclusion-containing (nuts, fruit, etc.) products.

Decisions must be made relative to retail outlet types; numbers to be serviced; intermediary channels (including the possibility of refrigerate distribution to retain healthful qualities); sales methods, such as brokers or the use of other candy companies to complement their lines; warehouse locations and control; units of delivery, shelf units; where in the retail outlet does it belong: health food department, check out area, candy shelf; costs of distribution; and so forth.

Your Assignment

You are a consultant who has been engaged by CB to create and evaluate their alternatives and provide a report. The following are some areas your report should address:

You should detail at least three possible distribution options for Chocoberry’s new venture. Describe and provide flow diagrams for the alternative patterns. This includes the advantages and disadvantages for Chocoberry for the first year of the new chocolate product mix to reach the target markets identified to date. Select and justify the best for Chocoberry at this time using known data.

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A key aim of this unit is to question models that promote a one-best-way mentality – that if the organization is accredited to the standard and maintains the processes and practices that have been accredited it will be a quality organization

Paper instructions:

We have studied two chapters then the instructor asked us to write a “reflective report” show what we have learned by including examples and analyze them and showing our experiences or our opinion

First chapter was about :
1. A key aim of this unit is to question models that promote a one-best-way mentality – that if the organization is accredited to the standard and maintains the processes and practices that have been accredited it will be a quality organization. The relation between surveillance and management control. Foundations of innovations in management

Second chapter was about :
2. The extent to which bureaucratic organizations’ control over their members can be counterproductive. The ‘failure trap’ and the ‘success trap’

So you can divide them into two paragraphs do not exceed 300 words. Show what you have learned through examples and experiences or opinions

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Social Science – Human Behavior Perspective

What method of social science research most appeals to you? (The Experiment, Participant Observation or Statistical Analysis) Why? Define, explain, and discuss(1 page 1 ½ inch spacing) .

Essay must be written with strong definition, explanation, and discussion. At end of essay list and cite sources APA style, and ensure to give a small synopsis of each source. Ensure that the

complete url of the source is typed (For example: (One of the sources must come from the sheet that I have attached which

indicates the 3 social science research methods).

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Compare/Contrast ambulatory pharmacy and home infusion pharmacy

Compare/Contrast ambulatory pharmacy and home infusion pharmacy

(Don’t need to use reference.)

comparing/contrasting two pharmacy practice settings (excluding hospital and community pharmacy) that have been presented over this 4 semester course sequence.

Identify the role(s) that postgraduate training may play in these settings.
(1. Define the practice settings upon which you’ve chosen to focus and identify why you chose those two settings.
2. Identify how each setting is important to the overall practice of pharmacy. Compare/contrast the benefits of each setting to the overall practice of pharmacy.
3. Identify 3 areas of similarity and 3 areas of difference for the two practice settings.)Need a Professional Writer to Work on this Paper and other similar topics.  Get a 100 % Original Non-plagiarized Paper? 

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Empirical Investigations of Effectual Logic: Implications for Strategic Entrepreneurship

Empirical Investigations of Effectual Logic: Implications for Strategic Entrepreneurship

This assignment to be handed in in my masters is based on an critical article analysis.

It is required to :

1) Illustrate what we learn of this article
2) What does this article change in the way of thinking of Strategic Entrepreneurship> this could be backed up with a little paragraph, giving an example of a different study. But just a little


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The Revolt of Mother

Question 1:

Although the father is mostly absent from “The Revolt of Mother,” his presence is clearly felt. Compare and contrast this character with the father in “El Patron.” Does either man change or grow during the course of the story? Responses should be at least 200 words.

Question 2:
In the Week 4 forum (Part II), we discussed the potential of skewed characters in In Cold Blood. Choose one classmates response to that question. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with his or her analysis. Is the character an accurate portrayal? Please include the classmate’s full name in your response. Your response should be at least 200 words and should include sufficient support for your argument.

Part II: As Truman Capote got to know many of the characters involved in the story behind In Cold Blood, his depictions were undoubtedly influenced. Select one character from the movie that you believe was portrayed in a different light and discuss why you think this character was skewed. Keep in mind that there are a lot of possibilities to consider. Capote’s own feelings could influence the work, the character may be too distasteful

(for a variety of reasons), or the exaggeration could simply make a better read. Since we are dealing with a film, the possibility is also there that the change translates better to film. You are welcome to investigate this possibility as well. Please support your ideas. In this assignment, you may want to read other reports of the crime or excerpts from the book.

The most topical choice is Dick Hickock’s portrayal in the film. It was said that he was in an automobile accident that left him disfigured. However, in the film it was mentioned that he had reconstructive surgery to give him a great smile. This makes the movie more interesting, in my opinion, because it gives a more honest perspective of his swindling ways. It would be more difficult to pass off a disfigured person being personable with employees at a suit store and writing bogus checks, especially while requesting some extra walking around money. Overall, this may have been the work of the movie industry wanting to make more money.

Also, there was not much of a backstory to Hickock during the film. We learn that Smith (Robert Blake), had a short fuse and was a Korean war veteran, who killed a man in Las Vegas. This makes it more believable that Smith committed the murders and Hickock did not have anything to do with it. It also tends to focus on Smith having shell shock, or post traumatic stress disorder, as there were many flashbacks and bouts of depression that field his anger. But with Hickock, it does not go into detail that he committed petty crimes before this infamous night. This may be due to Capote getting better acquainted with Smith during his time in prison.

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Theories of Counseling – Modeling Procedures

Theories of Counseling – Modeling Procedures

Question: Describe how you might use modeling procedures in helping a client learn a specific social skill.

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PepsiCo challenges in China

Research PepsiCo challenges in China

You will need a:

• Cover Page
• Table of Contents
• Abstract or Introduction
• Text – Body of Work (with HEADINGS)
• Conclusion/Recommendation
• References

1. Write a 10 page Research Paper on the Cultural Aspects of Marketing in a Foreign Country of your choice (or consider Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Nigeria, Jamaica, or Vietnam, etc).  Minimum 5 qualitative references.  Word document MUST be in APA format (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font, a cover page, table of contents, and references).


2.  Research PepsiCo challenges in China
Words have meanings!  What we say in one culture can be offensive to another.
PepsiCo launched its popular marketing campaign with the tagline Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation, in Chinese, it translated as “Pepsi Brings your Ancestors Back from the Grave.” As a result Pepsi sales dropped abruptly in China. What issue did PepsiCo face here? Suggest how marketers can avoid such cross-culture marketing mistakes?

Write a 10 page text report on the above in APA style format (include a separate cover page and reference section). Articles must be current – no more than 5 years old with a minimum 5 qualitative references.


3. Write a 10 page text report on “Negotiating with international partners and customers” considering the pros and cons. Submit in APA style format (include a separate cover page and reference section). Articles must be current – no more than 5 years old with a minimum 5 qualitative references.

Policy: you must use peer-reviewed articles to support your research, in APA Format.  No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from or, as they present a biased opinion.

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Discuss the strengths and weaknesses. You can use quotations that you’ve already used but you need to write something different about them than you wrote before

English and Literature

1 page minimum, single-spaced: write a journal entry — in other words, a text that is addressed to yourself — and rip Thoreau’s essays apart. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses. You can use quotations that you’ve already used but you need to write something different about them than you wrote before. Remember, since this is a journal you are your audience, not me, so don’t worry about being formal. Keep it real. One inch margins. Times. 12 pt.

1 page minimum single-spaced: write a letter to your Grandmother or Grandfather (Dear Grandma…) about a quotation or quotations from Thoreau’s essays that angers or amuses you — when writing the letter actually picture your audience — your grandparent. You can use quotations that you’ve already used but you need to write something different than you wrote before. Be sure to be clear and expressive. One inch margins. Times, 12 pt.

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How is it that a “positive reinforcement” will teach the child or person not to repeat the wrong behavior.” Personally I thought using a “negative reinforcement” was needed in this case to teach the child or person not to repeat the wrong behavior. What is the correct answer?

have a classmate that presented this question; “How is it that a “positive reinforcement” will teach the child or person not to repeat the wrong behavior.” Personally I thought using a “negative reinforcement” was needed in this case to teach the child or person not to repeat the wrong behavior. What is the correct answer? 2). Would a scenario using a using negative reinforcement works much better if paired with positive feedback. Why or Why not. If so please explain 3). What is the difference between a negative reinforcement versus a positive reinforcement. Use scholarly sources to support your answers. Cite your sources with an APA format

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Organizations and other entities, throughout the world, are experiencing issues or problems that they may or may not have the knowledge or talent to resolve.

Organizations and other entities, throughout the world, are experiencing issues or problems that they may or may not have the knowledge or talent to resolve.

Based on the above statement , Please explain why the following statement is true:

- Therefore, creating a series of solutions based on empirical research, experiments, and studies is an extremely important step when solving these problems or issues.

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Gestalt Theory – Criticisms & Contributions

What is Gestalt Theory? What are the major contributions of this theory? What are the major criticisms?

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Do you think that the consumption of news through mobile apps or the Internet affects the understanding of a story’s context? Why or why not?

Answer the following question in your own opinion:

• Do you think that the consumption of news through mobile apps or the Internet affects the understanding of a story’s context? Why or why not?

• Many traditional news sources now use blogs, RSS feeds, Facebook, and Twitter in addition to their traditional dissemination channels. Do you think that the use of these new media and social media channels enhance their ability to deliver news? Why or why not?

• Is there any danger when inaccurate information is distributed over a social media news channel such as Twitter or Facebook? Explain.

Cite at least two separate citations to support your answer on a question (one of the questions doesn’t need one).

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Write a 1-pg. summation on the clinical, industrial, and/or environmental significance of the Gram-negative unknown you identified using the Enterotube II system in lab recently.

Health Care and Life Sciences

Cite at least two outside primary literature (or reference/diagnostic book) references for each question.  These should be peer-reviewed sources – avoid website citations unless they are government or CDC citations.

 #1: In approx.. 1 page, discuss the orgin, virulence, detection, and treatment options for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7

#2: Chapter 9, page 176.  Problem #2

#3: Write a 1-pg. summation on the clinical, industrial, and/or environmental significance of the Gram-negative unknown you identified using the Enterotube II system in lab recently.

#4: Chapter 8, page 146. Problem #1

#6: Chapter 6, page 109.  Problem #2

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