Saturday, February 20, 2016

Using the information and feedback gained from the Topic, Annotated Bibliography, and Working Outline, you will create a 10–12-page Research Paper on your approved topic. Your title page, abstract, and reference page(s)may not count toward the 10–12 pages. Also, you may not copy and paste your annotated bibliography into your final paper

Using the information and feedback gained from the Topic, Annotated Bibliography, and Working Outline, you will create a 10–12-page Research Paper on your approved topic. Your title page, abstract, and reference page(s)may not count toward the 10–12 pages. Also, you may not copy and paste your annotated bibliography into your final paper. At least 10 peer-reviewed sources must be used to support your paper, and current APA format must be adhered to.The following items: Topic, Annotated Bibliography, and Working Outline, have been completed and uploaded . you will write using not exceed the paper using those completed items, paper should be at least 10-12 pages and not to exceed 12 pages. formatting and editing is very important.This is a master level paper.

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