Monday, February 22, 2016

What is cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, and explain how it is used to aid in decision making? Give one question CVP analysis can answer for a for-profit company. Give one question CVP analysis may answer for a nonprofit organization.


Discussion -01

Cost volume relation ship.


What is cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis, and explain how it is used to aid in decision making? Give one question CVP analysis can answer for a for-profit company. Give one question CVP analysis may answer for a nonprofit organization.

Compose an initial response that is one or two paragraphs long




You have been asked to mentor Jennifer, the new manager of Department A. Jennifer confides in you that she is confused about the subject matter that was discussed in her weekly meeting this morning, activity based costing. Jennifer states that she thought activity based costing was the same as activity based management. Prepare a response to Jennifer, explaining the similarities and differences in the two.

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