Saturday, February 20, 2016

Philosophy response essay

Suggested Topics
1.  Consider Steele’s discussion of stereotype threat and implicit bias (with respect to race or gender).  Should these finding influence how we think about questions how we think about moral theory?
  • Hint: This is in effect a questions about ideal theory (Nozick or Rawls) vs non-ideal theory (Mills)
 2.  Evaluate Pogge’s argument: is global poverty actually unjust?  Specifically, do we have an intermediate duty (rather than a positive duty or no duty) to address global poverty?
 3.  Using one of the theories that we have studied (Nozick, Rawls, Mills) to evaluate whether some form of inequality that we have studied (race, gender, wealth) is justified.
 4.  Moral theory and practice topic of your choice focused on philosopher from Unit 4.

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