The Ethical and Effective Change Agent
In this assignment, you will complete the assignment you began in Unit 5. Here, you will take on the role of change agent and appreciative inquiry consultant, working with the characters you chose in Unit 5 as clients to resolve their differences.
There are no right or wrong answers. Your report will demonstrate your mastery of the change principles and strategies dealt with in the units. Feel free to be imaginative in your approach.
The report can be either:
- A paper, or;
- You will then write a report describing the situation, the change strategies you considered, the reasons behind your choice of them, and the likely result of your having used them.
- Provides a brief overview of the circumstances and the conflict that occurred between the characters you chose, and relates it to the mission of the organization.
- Describes the appreciative inquiry strategies that you used to establish a working relationship, explains how you assured that your strategies were ethical, and describes how likely they were to have worked.
- Analyzes the way change theory is applied in an organizational context through change agent practice.
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