Thursday, December 28, 2017

evaluate the extent to which Andrew is at risk and in what way practitioners and agencies should be involved in safeguarding Andrew

Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Work 1
Assignment Title
2000 – 2500 word assignment: Using the case study evaluate the extent to which Andrew is at risk and in what way practitioners and agencies should be involved in safeguarding Andrew
See overleaf for assignment brief
This unit is graded
Grade descriptors 1, 2, 5 and 7 apply No of credits: 6
Date set Date due Date submitted
If a resubmission Date due Date submitted

Student Declaration:
I understand that copying / taking ideas from other sources (e.g. reference books, journals, internet, and tutor handouts) without acknowledging them is plagiarism. I confirm that:
• This assignment is all my own work
• All contributions taken from other reading and research have been referenced accurately
• Any direct quotations taken from other reading and research have been acknowledged and attributed accurately
• I have attached a bibliography listing all sources used in producing this assignment.
• I have added the word count below. .
• I have read and understood the Ascentis document entitled ‘Policies and Procedures for Dealing with Malpractice’ provided by the tutor and understand the consequences of non-compliance with this document.

To be completed by student on submission and in confirmation of above declaration:
Student name (printed)
Student signature

Word count
To be completed by tutor:
Tutor name (printed)
Tutor signature

Unit grade awarded Word count confirmed as accurate Yes/No
To be completed by the ISM (Internal Standards Moderator) if work has been internally moderated:
ISM name (printed)
ISM signature

Date internally moderated

Assignment Brief
Case study
Andrew is a 22 year old man with autism who grew up in the care of children’s services and lived in residential care. He receives Disability Living Allowance. His relationship with his family is difficult and a couple of years ago he stopped all contact with them. He clearly has some learning difficulties, although this hasn’t been officially diagnosed. There are some issues with his personal hygiene. He has a history of limited engagement with both Iocation services and employment. He has abandoned two tenancies because he has not coped with living alone and is now living in a short stay hostel. Andrew has a history of challenging services and people, and is known to the police for a range of incidents, where he was either the victim (he had his mobile phone stolen and was physically and verbally threatened), or the perpetrator (throwing stones and stealing money). He has attended Accident and Emergency on a number of occasions following assaults. Andrew has now said that he is receiving threatening texts and messages on Facebook and that he is going to be seriously assaulted. He is now scared to go out.

Using the case study above, evaluate the extent to which Andrew is at risk and in what way practitioners and agencies should be involved in safeguarding Andrew (LO2)
You should consider the types of abuse he is exposed to and the signs and symptoms he might be experiencing (LO1)
Ensure that you identify and evaluate the relevant legislation, policy and guidelines (LO3) in addition to considering how the possibility of abuse can be reduced in social care settings (LO4)

Your essay should show evidence of a wide range of research and demonstrate correct citation and referencing techniques.

Word count 2000 – 2500 words

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Achieved
Y / N
The student should be able to: The student has achieved this outcome because s/he can:
1.0 Understand how to recognise signs of abuse or harm
1.1 Define three of the following types of abuse:
• bullying
• emotional abuse
• financial abuse
• institutional abuse
• neglect by others
• physical abuse
• psychological abuse
• self-neglect
• sexual abuse
1.2 Identify the signs and symptoms identified with three types of abuse
2.0 Understand how to respond to incidents of abuse or harm 2.1 Explain what action to take if there is evidence of suspected or actual abuse
2.2 Evaluate the roles of practitioners and agencies involved in safeguarding
3.0 Understand the policy context of safeguarding 3.1 Identify the legislation, policy and guidelines relating to safeguarding
3.2 Evaluate the impact of key requirements on safeguarding
4.0 Understand ways to minimise the possibility of abuse
4.1 Explain how the likelihood of abuse can be reduced in health and social care settings
4.2 Analyse the impact an accessible complaints procedure can have on reducing incidents of abuse

Grading the assignment
Once the learning outcomes for this assignment are achieved, the student is eligible for grading against specific grade descriptors (these are identified on the following pages)

There are no descriptor components for Pass. Students achieve a Pass by meeting the requirements of all the assessment criteria of a unit

1 Understanding of the subject Only the components that are ticked apply to this assignment
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance: The student, student’s work or performance
a demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base √ a demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base √
b is generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study b is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study
c demonstrates very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study. √ c demonstrates excellent understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study. √

2 Application of knowledge Only the components that are ticked apply to this assignment
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance
makes use of relevant a The student, student’s work or performance makes use of relevant a
• ideas • ideas
• facts • facts
• theories √ • theories √
• perspectives √ • perspectives √
• models • models
• concepts • concepts
with either
b breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass
and/or with both
b breadth and depth

c very good levels of c excellent levels of
• consistency • consistency
• precision • precision
• accuracy • accuracy
• insight √ • insight √
• analysis √ • analysis √
• synthesis √ • synthesis √
• creativity • creativity

5 Communication and presentation Only the components that are ticked apply to this assignment
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance shows very good command of: The student, student’s work or performance shows excellent command of:
 format √  format √
 structure √  structure √
 use of images  use of images
 language (including technical or specialist language) √  language (including technical or specialist language) √
 syntax √  syntax √
 register √  register √
 spelling √  spelling √
 punctuation √  punctuation √
 referencing √  referencing √

7 Quality This grade descriptor applies to all units
Merit Distinction
The student, student’s work or performance: The student, student’s work or performance:
a is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent √ a is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent √
b puts forward arguments or ideas which are
generally unambiguous but which are in a
minor way limited or incomplete √ b puts forward arguments or ideas which
are consistently unambiguous and
cogent √
c taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment √ c taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment √

Tutor Feedback

Credits awarded:

Yes / No Number of
credits Resubmission

Yes / No Date for resubmission Referral

Yes / No

Tick if applicable to this assignment Tutor comments Performance against descriptor
(P / M / D)
1 Understanding of the subject
2 Application of knowledge
5 Communication and presentation
7 Quality
Overall unit grade


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