Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Locate a publicly traded U.S. company of your choice. Then, calculate the following ratios for the company for 2014 and 2015: •Liquidity Ratios ◦Current ratio [current assets / current liabilities] ◦Quick ratio [(current assets – inventory) / current liabilities]

Word document of 500-800 words with attached Excel spreadsheet showing calculations Library Research Assignment

Locate a publicly traded U.S. company of your choice. Then, calculate the following ratios for the company for 2014 and 2015: •Liquidity Ratios ◦Current ratio [current assets / current liabilities] ◦Quick ratio [(current assets – inventory) / current liabilities]

•Asset Turnover Ratios ◦Collection period [accounts receivable / average daily sales] ◦Inventory turnover [cost of goods sold / ending inventory] ◦Fixed asset turnover [sales / net fixed assets]

•Financial Leverage Ratios ◦Debt-to-asset ratio [total liabilities / total assets] ◦Debt-to-equity ratio [total liabilities / total stockholders’ equity] ◦Times-interest-earned (TIE) ratio [EBIT / interest]

•Profitability Ratios ◦Net profit margin [net income / sales] ◦Return on assets (ROA) [net income / total assets] ◦Return on equity (ROE) [net income / total stockholders’ equity]

•Market-Based Ratios ◦Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio [stock price / earnings per share] ◦Price-to-book (P/B) ratio [market value of common stock / total stockholders’ equity]

You are now ready to interpret the ratios that you have calculated. If a ratio increased from 2014 to 2015, why do you think that it increased? Is it a good or bad sign that the ratio increased? Please explain.

If a ratio decreased from 2014 to 2015, why do you think that it decreased? Is it a good or bad sign that the ratio decreased? Please explain.

If a ratio was unchanged from 2014 to 2015, why do you think that it was unchanged? Is it a good or bad sign that the ratio was unchanged? Please explain.

omparing the impacts of fraudulent financial statements, asset misappropriation and corruption on the organization. Include the following: How does each type of fraud impact the organization? Consider the relative frequency.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper comparing the impacts of fraudulent financial statements, asset misappropriation and corruption on the organization. Include the following: How does each type of fraud impact the organization? Consider the relative frequency.

Define and describe Theft Act Investigative Methods. 2. What is a Vulnerability Chart and how, when and why is it used?

University of Phoenix Material           


Only question 1-8

Please see the Prepare detailed answers, as a team and in your own words, to the following questions: 1. Define and describe Theft Act Investigative Methods. 2. What is a Vulnerability Chart and how, when and why is it used? 3. Define Invigilation and discuss how, when and why it is used. 4. Discuss the steps in obtaining electronic evidence. 5. To what are Concealment Investigative Methods primarily related? 6. Discuss the following concealment investigative techniques: a. Audits 7. What is Discovery Sampling and what are some of its pitfalls and challenges? 8. For what two purposes are Conversion Searches conducted? 9. From Chapter 9 select eight total investigative sources (two each from Governmental, Private, Online and Internet Search sources), and describe how you might use these in investigating fraud. 10. What is the The Net Worth Investigation Method? How and why is it used?

Submit your answers in a Word document.


Crooked, Scenario 3

The results of the financial statement fraud were profound. You realized you would need to find some additional staff to assist in your investigative efforts due to the depth and breadth of the alleged fraud.  You also recognized you would need staff prepared to identify and investigate asset misappropriation (Week 3 emphasis) and corruption (Week 4 emphasis).

You placed an ad in the local paper expressing your interest in finding some forensic help.  After a careful review of credentials and backgrounds, you interviewed several candidates.  However, you soon learned everyone you interviewed had some sort of connection, either personally or professionally, with CrookEd partners.  Most had even lied on their applications and resumes.  Likewise, their understanding of fraud investigation and forensics had come from committing, rather thaninvestigating, fraud.  Mack T. Knife and Stagger Lee’s mother, grandmother and several cousins even had the audacity to try and get a position with your firm.

Consequently, you began scouring the local universities for bright, eager, intelligent and hungry accounting, law enforcement, business and other students.  Soon you found a number of untainted, and inexperienced, but promising, prospects.  The students came primarily from Herculean University, an extraordinary adult and online education institution, spread across the country, but headquartered in the heart of the Zeus Gathering Tower in downtown Fargo.

Ten prospects were interviewed, but you could only hire three.  The top three candidates were triplets originally from Missouri, Joseph, Sterling and Glenda Berkeley.  In order to get them ready as quickly as possible to assist you, they were put through a rigorous three-day Fraud Investigation Training Seminar (FITS) course, with you as the instructor.

The training came primarily from Fraud Examination, 5th Edition chapter 7, “Investigating Theft Acts;” chapter 8, “Investigating Concealment;” and chapter 9 “Conversion Investigation Methods.”  The principles taught in this class are listed below and, coincidently, correspond with this week’s assignment:

Prepare detailed answers, as a team and in your own words, to the following questions:

  1. Define and describe Theft Act Investigative Methods.

  2. What is a Vulnerability Chart and how, when and why is it used?

  3. Define Invigilation and discuss how, when and why it is used.

  4. Discuss the steps in obtaining electronic evidence.

  5. To what are Concealment Investigative Methods primarily related?

  6. Discuss the following concealment investigative techniques:

    1. Audits

  7. What is Discovery Sampling and what are some of its pitfalls and challenges?

  8. For what two purposes are Conversion Searches conducted?

  9. From Chapter 9 select eight total investigative sources (two each from Governmental, Private, Online and Internet Search sources), and describe how you might use these in investigating fraud.

  10. What is the The Net Worth Investigation Method? How and why is it used?

  Submit your answers in a Word document.

Imagine you are the office manager at a small doctor’s office. As the office manager, you are in charge of educating new hires.

Imagine you are the office manager at a small doctor’s office. As the office manager, you are in charge of educating new hires.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word reference guide describing electronic data interchange (EDI).

Include the following in your summary: • Define EDI.

• Explain how using EDI facilitates electronic transactions.

• Explain how HIPAA has changed how health care information is transmitted in EDI.

• Describe the relationship between Electronic Health Records, reimbursement, HIPAA, and EDI transactions.

Cite a minimum of two outside sources. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources check out the Reference and Citation Generator resource in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Format your paper consistent with APA guideline

Exposure to Country Regulations Maude, Inc., a U.S.-based MNC, has recently acquired a firm in Singapore. To eliminate inefficiencies, Maude downsized the target substantially, eliminating two-thirds of the workforce.

Exposure to Country Regulations Maude, Inc., a U.S.-based MNC, has recently acquired a firm in Singapore. To eliminate inefficiencies, Maude downsized the target substantially, eliminating two-thirds of the workforce. Why might this action affect the regulations imposed on the subsidiary’s business by the Singapore government? 4. Valuation of a Private Target Rastell, Inc., a U.S.-based MNC, is considering the acquisition of a Russian target to produce personal computers (PCs) and market them throughout Russia, where demand for PCs has increased substantially in recent years. Assume that the stock prices of most Russian companies rose substantially just prior to Rastell’s assessment of the target. If Rastell, Inc., acquires a private target in Russia, will it be able to avoid the impact of the high stock prices on business valuations in Russia? 8. Uncertainty Surrounding a Foreign Target Refer to question 7. What are some of the key sources of uncertainty in Blore’s valuation of the target? Identify two reasons why the expected cash flows from an Asian subsidiary of a U.S.-based MNC would be lower if Asia experienced a new crisis. 16. Feasibility of a Divestiture Merton, Inc., has a subsidiary in Bulgaria that it fully finances with its own equity. Last week, a firm offered to buy the subsidiary from Merton for $60 million in cash, and the offer is still available this week as well. The annualized long-term risk-free rate in the United States increased from 7 to 8 percent this week. The expected monthly cash flows to be generated by the subsidiary have not changed since last week. The risk premium that Merton applies to its projects in Bulgaria was reduced from 11.3 to 10.9 percent this week. The annualized long-term risk-free rate in Bulgaria declined from 23 to 21 percent this week. Would the NPV to Merton, Inc., from divesting this unit be more or less than the NPV determined last week? Why? (No analysis is necessary, but make sure that your explanation is very clear.)

Chapter 16

2. Country Risk Assessment Describe the steps involved in assessing country risk once all relevant information has been gathered.

7. Country Risk Analysis Niagara, Inc., has decided to call a well-known country risk consultant to conduct a country risk analysis in a small country where it plans to develop a large subsidiary. Niagara prefers to hire the consultant since it plans to use its employees for other important corporate functions. The consultant uses a computer program that has assigned weights of importance linked to the various factors. The consultant will evaluate the factors for this small country and insert a rating for each factor into the computer. The weights assigned to the factors are not adjusted by the computer, but the factor ratings are adjusted for each country that the consultant assesses. Do you think Niagara, Inc., should use this consultant? Why or why not?

13. Reducing Country Risk MNCs such as Alcoa, DuPont, Heinz, and IBM donated products and technology to foreign countries where they had subsidiaries. How could these actions have reduced some forms of country risk?

16. How Country Risk Affects NPV Hoosier, Inc., is planning a project in the United Kingdom. It would lease space for 1 year in a shopping mall to sell expensive clothes manufactured in the United States. The project would end in 1 year, when all earnings would be remitted to Hoosier, Inc. Assume that no additional corporate taxes are incurred beyond those imposed by the British government. Since Hoosier, Inc., would rent space, it would not have any long-term assets in the United Kingdom and expects the salvage (terminal) value of the project to be about zero.

Assume that the project’s required rate of return is 18 percent. Also assume that the initial outlay required by the parent to fill the store with clothes is $200,000. The pretax earnings are expected to be £300,000 at the end of 1 year. The British pound is expected to be worth $1.60 at the end of 1 year, when the after-tax earnings are converted to dollars and remitted to the United States. The following forms of country risk must be considered:

The British economy may weaken (probability = 30 percent), which would cause the expected pretax earnings to be £200,000.

The British corporate tax rate on income earned by U.S. firms may increase from 40 to 50 percent (probability = 20 percent).

These two forms of country risk are independent. Calculate the expected value of the project’s net present value (NPV) and determine the probability that the project will have a negative NPV.

MNC that does not currently do business in China. Next, consider the steps that the company should consider in determining the feasibility of entering the Chinese market and establishing a market for its products or services there.

MNC Enters China Due Week 8 and worth 300 points

Select one (1) MNC that does not currently do business in China. Next, consider the steps that the company should consider in determining the feasibility of entering the Chinese market and establishing a market for its products or services there.

In addition to your own research, use the following links to conduct a country risk assessment (CRA) on China:

Bureau of Economic Analysis: www.bea.gov Transparency International Corruptions Perceptions Index:http://www.transparency.org/cpi2013/results Ranking of Economies-World Bank:http://www.doingbusiness.org/rankingsIMF Home Page: http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm Country Risk Classification-OECD: http://www.oecd.org/tad/xcred/crc.htmWorld Trade Organization Home Page:http://www.wto.org/“Industry Analysis: Recreation” article:http://www.valueline.com/Stocks/Industries/Industry_Analysis__Recreation.aspx

Focus on the following areas: corruption, political stability, exchange rate stability, regulatory oversight, freedom of the press, and rule of law. Research other factors that you believe you should evaluate. Additionally, consider the importance of culture in evaluating risk.

Then, go to the Hofstede Center’s Country Comparison cultural tool, located at http://geert-hofstede.com/china.html. Compare China to the U.S. on Hofstede’s six (6) key cultural dimensions scale by selecting “United States” from the “Comparison Country” drop-down menu.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

Summarize the business that you have chosen, and provide a two to three (2-3) paragraph justification as to why China would be a viable market for the selected business. Examine the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar and the Chinese Yuan for the last 24 months. Explain the major overall changes that have occurred and speculate on the key economic variables that most likely have influenced the exchange rate movements. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the major exchange rate risks associated with transaction and translation exposure within the Chinese market. Based on what you have gleaned from your analysis, predict the major changes that you believe will occur in the next 24 months. Justify your response. Recommend key steps that the chosen MNC could take in order to mitigate or eliminate exchange rate risk. Suggest one (1) method that the MNC in question could use with derivatives in order to mitigate, or eliminate such risks. Provide a rationale for your response. Recommend one (1) hedging technique geared toward managing the economic, transaction, and translation exposure in the Chinese market. Justify your response. Conduct a country risk assessment to ascertain whether or not management should support the proposal for your chosen MNC to enter into the Chinese market. Based on Geert Hofstede’s six (6) dimensions of culture, predict three (3) likely problems posed by the cultural differences between the chosen MNC’s culture and the Chinese culture. Provide a rationale for your response. Use at least six (6) quality references, with at least two (2) from peer reviewed journal articles.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Evaluate the major international financial markets to determine effective methods for financing global business operations. Analyze the economic variables that influence exchange rate movements and equilibrium price to anticipate fluctuations, and minimize the negative impact on international business operations. Formulate strategies to use currency derivatives for foreign exchange risk management and for speculation by multinational corporations. Analyze the exchange rate risks associated with transaction, economic, and translation exposure in global markets, and develop risk management strategies to minimize the impact on international business operations. Apply a hedging technique to manage the risks of transaction, economic, and translation exposures. Use technology and information resources to research issues in international finance. Write clearly and concisely about international finance using proper writing mechanics.

Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Calculating statistical Data): Can mean, median, or mode be calculated from all statistical data? Explain why or why not. When is the mean the best measure of central tendency? When is the median the best measure of central tendency? Minimum: 75 words

1) Question: (Calculating statistical Data): Can mean, median, or mode be calculated from all statistical data? Explain why or why not. When is the mean the best measure of central tendency? When is the median the best measure of central tendency? Minimum: 75 words

2) Question: Class, what does it mean when the data is multimodal? Provide an example. Minimum 75 words

3) Question: (Data Distribution): What are the various methods one can use to identify the shape of data distribution collected for research study? Why it is important to know the shape of distribution? How it can be used in decision making? Provide examples other than those already posted in class? Minimum 75 words

Network Infrastructure and Security

Project Deliverable 5: Network Infrastructure and Security

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: an infrastructure document and a revised project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

With the parameters set forth at the onset of the project, present the infrastructure and security policy that will support the expected development and growth of the organization. The network solution that is chosen should support the conceived information system and allow for scalability. The network infrastructure will support organizational operations; therefore, a pictorial view of workstations, servers, routers, bridges, gateways, and access points should be used. Since the company will be merging with a multinational company, virtualization and cloud technology should be taken into consideration. In addition, access paths for Internet access should be depicted. A narrative should be included to explain all the nodes of the network and the rationale for the design. Lastly, using the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Triangle, define the organizational security policy.


Section 1: Infrastructure Document

Write a five to ten (5-10) page infrastructure document in which you:

  1. Identify possible network infrastructure vulnerabilities. Address network vulnerabilities with the appropriate security measures. Ensure that consideration is given to virtualization and cloud technology.

  2. Design a logical and physical topographical layout of the planned network through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Explain the rationale for the logical and physical topographical layout of the planned network. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

  3. Illustrate the possible placement of servers, including access paths to the Internet and firewalls. Note: facility limitations, workstations, printers, routers, switches, bridges, and access points should be considered in the illustration.

  4. Create and describe a comprehensive security policy for the company that will:

  • Protect the company infrastructure and assets by applying the principals of CIA. Note: CIA is a widely used benchmark for evaluation of information systems security, focusing on the three (3) core goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

  • Address ethical aspects related to employee behavior, contractors, password usage, and access to networked resources and information.

  • Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

  • Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the infrastructure document. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the infrastructure document.

Section 2: Revised Project Plan

Use Microsoft Project to:

  1. Update the project plan (summary and detail) template, from Project Deliverable 4: Cloud Technology and Virtualization, with three to five (3-5) new project tasks each consisting of five to ten (5-10) subtasks.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Companies can conduct marketing research in many ways. Let’s compare tools. Using a made up company , examine the Market Analyses provided by GlobalTrade.net, located athttp://www.globaltrade.net/international-market-analyses-reports.html. On the left-hand side of the page, there is a section titled, “Browse the Market Analyses by Industry.” Click on the industry that is closest to the selected company. Review the resources that this search yields in order to gather information on possible countries where the company could expand.

Companies can conduct marketing research in many ways. Let’s compare tools. Using a made up company , examine the Market Analyses provided by GlobalTrade.net, located athttp://www.globaltrade.net/international-market-analyses-reports.html. On the left-hand side of the page, there is a section titled, “Browse the Market Analyses by Industry.” Click on the industry that is closest to the selected company. Review the resources that this search yields in order to gather information on possible countries where the company could expand.

Compare the information you locate from GlobalTrade.net against the Market Research Database from U.S. Commercial Services located at http://www.buyusainfo.net/adsearch.cfm?search_type=int&loadnav=no?. You may also use the Internet or Strayer databases to conduct any additional research.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. The business can be any business of your choosing, although it is recommended that you choose a field that you are currently working in or have previously worked so that you are starting with more knowledge. However, you must remove any and all identifying information that would enable someone to discern the organization(s) that you have used.

Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question (except Questions 1 and 6) under the following section headings:

The Market Research Data Base (for Question 2) Market Research Information (for Question 3) It’s Your Call – Where Are You Going to Look When You Need Information? (for Questions 4 and 5) Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Provide a brief (one [1] paragraph) description of the company that you are working for. Note: Consider the type of products / goods the company provides, the company mission, how long they have been in business, etc. From your research efforts on the U.S. Commercial Services site, recommend at least one (1) country that could possibly use the company’s product or service. Propose one (1) approach that the company can take in order to expand to the aforementioned country(ies). From your research efforts on the Global Trade site, recommend at least one (1) country that could possibly use the company’s product or service. Propose one (1) approach that the company can take in order to expand to the aforementioned country(ies). Determine which of the two (2) sites provides better marketing research information in relation to the company. Suggest reliable methods that you could use in order to fact check the accuracy of either site. Provide your opinion as to whether or not the market research you have found on these sites is reputable. Provide a rationale for your response. Use at least six (3-6) quality references

The sweater shack is offering a 20% discount on sweaters. If the regular price of a sweater is $15.00, what is the discount?

The sweater shack is offering a 20% discount on sweaters. If the regular price of a sweater is $15.00, what is the discount?

Nursing Informatics 101” available in the Resources section of the American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA) website.

Review the article titled “Nursing Informatics 101” available in the Resources section of the American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA) website.

Locate and download the article by searching the Internet using the keywords ANIA’s Nursing Informatics 101.

Refer to the Webilography of this course to learn more about Nursing Informatics 101.

Next, look in the South University Online Library for an article on nursing informatics in the scholarly nursing literature published in the last five years. Focus your search on trends and issues related to current computer and informatics applications used in nursing practice, administration, research, or education. After reading the article, provide a brief summary of the article and discuss the relevance of nursing informatics and its impact on nursing practice.

Over the last five weeks, you have completed part of a professional development plan. This week, you will compile the papers to make one final paper. You need to include a resume in this paper. The final paper should include the following: Career goals

Over the last five weeks, you have completed part of a professional development plan. This week, you will compile the papers to make one final paper. You need to include a resume in this paper. The final paper should include the following:

  • Career goals

  • An action plan to meet those career goals

  • Long-term goals

  • Professional practice components

  • The purpose, activities, and research interests of a professional organization

  • Resume (education, experience, and licenses or certifications)

Cite any sources in APA format.

Discuss an event in which you had to make an ethical decision. Identify at least two ethical theories that support your decision.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary.

Include the following in your summary:

For this discussion, take the time to reflect on the course. What have you learned from this experience? What areas interest you to pursue further research

For this discussion, take the time to reflect on the course. What have you learned from this experience? What areas interest you to pursue further research

The football coach randomly selected ten players and timed how long each player took to perform a certain drill. The times (in minutes) were: 11 8 8 10 11 9 9 14 8 5 Find a 95% confidence interval for the population standard deviation Η. Identify the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, test statistic, P-value, conclusion about the null hypothesis, and final conclusion that addresses the original claim.

The football coach randomly selected ten players and timed how long each player took to perform a certain drill. The times (in minutes) were: 11 8 8 10 11 9 9 14 8 5 Find a 95% confidence interval for the population standard deviation Η. Identify the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, test statistic, P-value, conclusion about the null hypothesis, and final conclusion that addresses the original claim.


2) A supplier of digital memory cards claims that no more than 1% of the cards are defective. In a random sample of 600 memory cards, it is found that 3% are defective, but the supplier claims that this is only a sample fluctuation. At the 0.01 level of significance, test the supplier’s claim that no more than 1% are defective. Solve the problem.



3) A manufacturer finds that in a random sample of 100 of its CD players, 96% have no defects. The manufacturer wishes to make a claim about the percentage of nondefective CD players and is prepared to exaggerate. What is the highest rate of nondefective CD players that the manufacturer could claim under the following condition? His claim would not be rejected at the 0.05 significance level if this sample data were used. Assume that a left-tailed hypothesis test would be performed. Identify the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, test statistic, P-value, conclusion about the null hypothesis, and final conclusion that addresses the original claim.



4) The health of employees is monitored by periodically weighing them in. A sample of 54 employees has a mean weight of 183.9 lb. Assuming that Η is known to be 121.2 lb, use a 0.10 significance level to test the claim that the population mean of all such employees weights is less than 200 lb

Network Infrastructure and Security

Project Deliverable 5: Network Infrastructure and Security

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: an infrastructure document and a revised project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

With the parameters set forth at the onset of the project, present the infrastructure and security policy that will support the expected development and growth of the organization. The network solution that is chosen should support the conceived information system and allow for scalability. The network infrastructure will support organizational operations; therefore, a pictorial view of workstations, servers, routers, bridges, gateways, and access points should be used. Since the company will be merging with a multinational company, virtualization and cloud technology should be taken into consideration. In addition, access paths for Internet access should be depicted. A narrative should be included to explain all the nodes of the network and the rationale for the design. Lastly, using the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Triangle, define the organizational security policy.


Section 1: Infrastructure Document

Write a five to ten (5-10) page infrastructure document in which you:

  1. Identify possible network infrastructure vulnerabilities. Address network vulnerabilities with the appropriate security measures. Ensure that consideration is given to virtualization and cloud technology.

  2. Design a logical and physical topographical layout of the planned network through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Explain the rationale for the logical and physical topographical layout of the planned network. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

  3. Illustrate the possible placement of servers, including access paths to the Internet and firewalls. Note: facility limitations, workstations, printers, routers, switches, bridges, and access points should be considered in the illustration.

  4. Create and describe a comprehensive security policy for the company that will:

  • Protect the company infrastructure and assets by applying the principals of CIA. Note: CIA is a widely used benchmark for evaluation of information systems security, focusing on the three (3) core goals of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

  • Address ethical aspects related to employee behavior, contractors, password usage, and access to networked resources and information.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

  • Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the infrastructure document. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the infrastructure document.

Section 2: Revised Project Plan

Use Microsoft Project to:

  1. Update the project plan (summary and detail) template, from Project Deliverable 4: Cloud Technology and Virtualization, with three to five (3-5) new project tasks each consisting of five to ten (5-10) subtasks.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the methods and best practices in implementing process change in IT organizations.

  • Describe the role and methods of technology-induced process improvement in organizations.

  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.

  • Write clearly and concisely about leadership issues and strategic insight of the Information systems domain using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

Your supervisor, Jorge, has assigned you the task of evaluating a new product. The new product, oven mittens, has several competitors in the marketplace, but your company will be using a new patented material that provides protection from heat and maintains a great deal of flexibility. The supply and demand functions for oven mittens are as follows:

Qd = 45 – 6.9P Qs = –15 + 10P where Qd is the quantity demanded, Qs the quantity supplied, and P the price.


Jorge has asked you to research the market and provide detailed responses to the following questions:

• What is the equilibrium price and quantity for oven mittens? Using Microsoft Excel, construct a table that shows the quantity demanded, the quantity supplied, and the surplus or shortage associated with prices from $2 to $5.55. (Use appropriate intervals.) Indicate the level at which equilibrium is achieved. Graph the data, indicating the equilibrium level and the areas of shortage or surplus.

• If a price floor were established at $4, what would happen in this market? Explain your answer.

• If a price ceiling were established at $3, what would happen in this market? Explain your answer.

• What will happen to the demand curve for the product if the following changes occur? Answer separately for each change, assuming each event to be independent of the other: o The price of the substitute Good A increases. o The price of the complementary Good C increases.

Compile your calculations and graph in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and your analysis in a Microsoft Word document.

Spending by the consumer sector is the driving force in the US economic system. Although the business and government sectors make a considerable contribution to the success of the economy, it is the spending by the consumer or household sector of the economy that determines prosperity or recession in the economy.

Spending by the consumer sector is the driving force in the US economic system. Although the business and government sectors make a considerable contribution to the success of the economy, it is the spending by the consumer or household sector of the economy that determines prosperity or recession in the economy. Do you agree or disagree with this argument? Why or why not? Support you answer with examples and references of how the business and government sectors of the economy are crucial in supporting spending by the household sector. How has the spending behavior of the government sector changed over the past decade, and what effect have these changes had on the economy?

• Decision making in a business environment requires an understanding of cost and revenue data. This includes an understanding of marginal and incremental analysis, as well as basic cost and revenue relationships. Explain how a basic understanding of these concepts, as well as of managerial economics, can enhance the managerial decision-making process. Support your answer with examples and references.

Justify your choices with valid assumptions and logically driven arguments. Cite any sources using APA format.

What does it mean to create a “Culture of Honesty, Openness, and Assistance?” Give an example from an organization with which you have been affiliated.

Copy and paste each question on a separate Word document.

Write a brief response, no less than 45 words, for each question.

Submit your assignment on the Assignments tab.



  1. What does it mean to create a “Culture of Honesty, Openness, and Assistance?” Give an example from an organization with which you have been affiliated.

  2. Codes of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Forms are often called “soft” controls. What does this mean?

  3. What does it mean to have a good system of internal controls? Give some examples of internal controls.

  4. Whistleblower policies and procedures? Good or bad idea?  Why?

  5. Symptoms of fraud can be separated into six groups: (1) accounting anomalies, (2) internal control weaknesses, (3) analytical anomalies, (4) extravagant lifestyle,

  6. (5) unusual behavior, and (6) tips and complaints. Discuss three.

  7. Discuss the elements of a good fraud report.

  8. What does “Tone at the Top” mean?

  9. Discuss the relative oversight responsibility of the audit committee, management, internal audit and independent auditors as it pertains to fraud.

  10. Summarize the five steps of managing the Business Risk of Fraud.

  11. Define and explain ERM.

  12. What is a risk assessment? What are the steps to complete one?

  13. Give some examples of how technology may be used in fraud prevention.

  14. Explain FCPA and the U.K. Bribery Act. Why all the fuss?

Determine the key characteristics of the users of the products and/or services of the health care provider you selected.

For this assignment, use the same health care provider as in Assignment 1.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the key characteristics of the users of the products and/or services of the health care provider you selected.

  2. Analyze the competitive environment of the health care provider you selected and recommend a course of action for strategic marketing success.

  3. Determine which tools of the marketing mix available to health care providers would be most effective for the health care provider you selected.

  4. Determine the best possible pricing strategy for at least one of the products or services offered by the health care provider you selected.

  5. Provide at least three (3) qualified sources, e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organization Website, or health care provider Websites.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the competitive environment of a health services organization and identify a course of action that will allow for strategic marketing success.

  • Analyze the users of the health care system.

  • Describe the various tools of the marketing mix available to health care providers.

  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services marketing.

  • Write clearly and concisely about health services marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Challenges in the Global Business Environment

Due Week 9 and worth 330 points

According to the textbook, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Imagine that you have been appointed as Apple’s Chief Compliance Officer and must prepare a video presentation for Apple’s suppliers regarding Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct to deliver via a web meeting. To prepare for your presentation, review Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct, located at https://www.apple.com/supplier-responsibility/. Next, use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a maximum of a five to seven (5-7) minute dynamic video on Apple’s Code of Conduct. Alternatively, you may submit a four to six (4-6) page paper instead of the video submission.

In addition to the recorded video, you must also create a presentation using PowerPoint (or other equivalent software) summarizing the important changes and explanations regarding the code of conduct that you communicated in your video presentation to email to the suppliers after the meeting for future reference.

You must submit both parts of the assignment to receive full credit.

Note: If you are using a tablet or smartphone you will need to email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your video to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, if your email will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app.

Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, view the Kaltura video tutorial found in your online course shell (Week 9).

Please use the following naming convention in the popup window for your video once it is finished uploading:

  • Title: Your First Name, Your Last Name – Challenges in the Business Environment

  • Tags: BUS475, Business Environment

  • Description: First Name, Last Name – BUS475 Assignment 2 (Date Uploaded ex. 11-14-2014)

Part 1: Video Presentation OR Paper

Prepare and present a video that is a maximum of five to seven (5-7) minutes OR write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. List specific changes that Apple has made to its Code of Conduct in recent years. Provide at least one (1) example of each change.

  2. Explain the identified changes to the suppliers in such a way that they will understand the standards that Apple requires in order to maintain their relationship with the company.

Part 2: PowerPoint Presentation

Create a six to eight (6-8) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  1. Summarize Apple’s Supplier Responsibility information.

  2. Discuss Apple’s stance on each of the following areas:

    1. Empowering workers

    2. Labor and Human Rights

    3. Health and Safety

    4. The Environment

    5. Accountability

  1. Identify the key ways that Apple’s Progress Report has changed since last year.

  2. Examine the manner in which Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

  3. Provide detailed speaker notes of what you would say if you were delivering the presentation.

  4. Submit a reference page with at least two (2) quality references that you have used for this presentation / paper. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your PowerPoint presentation must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title and reference slides are not included in the required slide length.

If you choose the written paper, your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Costs are a consideration of every organization and in economically difficult times many managers may want to cut the “training budget” to save costs

DUE TOMORROW- 2-22-16 by 1400 hrs EST


Costs are a consideration of every organization and in economically difficult times many managers may want to cut the “training budget” to save costs. I’m sure that you’ve heard that training is always the first to go in tough times.  But is that really the smartest business strategy to employ–or during economically difficult times should the “training budget be increased?

Write a paper taking one of the following sides…

  • Training should be cut in tough times


  • Training should be increased during tough times


The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins

In the role of a health care manager, for the final project you will develop and write a comprehensive marketing and communication plan for your fictitious health care organization. The final project will be divided into four parts:

Part I: Health Care Organization Profile


In the role of a health care manager, for the final project you will develop and write a comprehensive marketing and communication plan for your fictitious health care organization. The final project will be divided into four parts:

  1. Health Care Organization Profile

  2. Communication Plan

  3. Marketing Plan

  4. Community Collaboration Plan

Part 1, “Health Care Organization Profile,” should include the following components:

  1. Name and type of health care organization (stand-alone, multifacility, multicampus, community-based, etc.).

  2. Mission, vision, and goals

  3. Bed number

  4. Type of services provided

  5. Volumes

  6. Quality indicators

  7. Financial performance indicators

  8. Human resource challenges

  9. Diversity issues

  10. Community population statistics

Refer to “Health Care Organization Profile Grading Criteria” for details on how the assignment will be graded

In the role of a health care manager, for the final project you will develop and write a comprehensive marketing and communication plan for your fictitious health care organization. The final project will be divided into four parts: Health Care Organization Profile

Part I: Health Care Organization Profile


In the role of a health care manager, for the final project you will develop and write a comprehensive marketing and communication plan for your fictitious health care organization. The final project will be divided into four parts:

  1. Health Care Organization Profile

  2. Communication Plan

  3. Marketing Plan

  4. Community Collaboration Plan

Part 1, “Health Care Organization Profile,” should include the following components:

  1. Name and type of health care organization (stand-alone, multifacility, multicampus, community-based, etc.).

  2. Mission, vision, and goals

  3. Bed number

  4. Type of services provided

  5. Volumes

  6. Quality indicators

  7. Financial performance indicators

  8. Human resource challenges

  9. Diversity issues

  10. Community population statistics

Refer to “Health Care Organization Profile Grading Criteria” for details on how the assignment will be graded

Revisit the topic that you listed in your research proposal from Module 1, and do some research. If you have some trouble, you may need to narrow it a bit to find appropriate academic source material. Your selected topic will be the topic for your final paper in this class.

Revisit the topic that you listed in your research proposal from Module 1, and do some research. If you have some trouble, you may need to narrow it a bit to find appropriate academic source material. Your selected topic will be the topic for your final paper in this class.

For this assignment, you need to complete an annotated bibliography of the sources you are finding for your research paper. As you continue to work on your project, add to your list, so that when you are ready for your final draft you can remove the unused citations and all annotations. After these things are removed, and your page is re-titled “References,” it will be ready to submit as part of the final paper. Here are the things you should look for in a good annotated bibliography:

  • You use at least three university-level resources that are authoritative, correct, unbiased, current, and coherent.

  • Your title is “References,” not “Bibliography.” Your authors are listed in alphabetical order, and there is a short explanation after every citation.

  • Your citations are APA formatted (with hanging indent) and each needed block of annotation text is in the appropriate order.

  • The work is formatted in 12 point, Times New Roman font, with one inch margins all around.

  • You offer a description of the source’s usefulness: statistics, clever quote, graph, table, fact, or other relevant information. If a source is not useful, you note that it is not going to be used in your paper

Philosophy as Translation: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell” and “Philosophy as Education and Education as Philosophy: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell”by Saitofrom the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.

Philosophy as Translation: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell” and “Philosophy as Education and Education as Philosophy: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell”by Saitofrom the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.

You are the publicist for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Your assignment, which is NOT to exceed 500 words, is to create a tactical public relations initiative in support of ‘rebranding’ Michael Vick. Do your research. Do not rehash what his PR company, Sitrick & Company, already did regarding his case

You are the publicist for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Your assignment, which is NOT to exceed 500 words, is to create a tactical public relations initiative in support of ‘rebranding’ Michael Vick. Do your research. Do not rehash what his PR company, Sitrick & Company, already did regarding his case. Prepare an opening statement and then map out your public relations plan. Where do you start? State why Michael Vick’s image needs an overhaul.  What is Vick already doing to repair his image? Is he doing anything? Do you agree or disagree with the tactics that are already in place?  What should he be doing? Get creative. Be unique. Your PR plan should go beyond the obvious.  Don’t just talk about his new hard work ethic or his now honorable character. Be specific. You are to write your proposal as if you are pitching it directly to Michael Vick AND the Pittsburgh Steeler

anaylze two scenes of the film Birth of a Nation no summaries thesis must be descriptive…

anaylze two scenes of the film Birth of a Nation no summaries thesis must be descriptive…

what is an important challenge facing the financial management of organizations today regarding financial markets, and how would you go about addressing it? Explain.

what is an important challenge facing the financial management of organizations today regarding financial markets, and how would you go about addressing it? Explain.


What differentiates the chosen business from others, and the markets the business serves? Provide a written company description.

  1. What differentiates the chosen business from others, and the markets the business serves?

Provide a written company description.


  1. .What are the strengths and weaknesses of each primary competitor in terms of sales, quality, distribution, price, production capabilities, reputation, and products/services?  Does the chosen business have a competitive advantage?


  1. What are the responsibilities and expertise of each manager? What role will they play in managing personnel and resources?


4.How will the chosen business reach their customers? Provide a written description of the marketing strategy for the chosen business.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Choose whether you believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified individual. Explain your rationale. Determine how your current (or future) place of work could benefit from a diverse workforce.

Please respond to the following:


  • Choose whether you believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified individual. Explain your rationale. Determine how your current (or future) place of work could benefit from a diverse workforce.


I have to express my opinion

and discussed one of my classmates.



Good Morning Everyone,

Choose whether you believe a company should hire for diversity or the best qualified individual. Explain your rationale.

I believe a company should hire with both in mind. A diverse workplace contributes to productivity and morale.  You should hire for diversity to improve the quality of your organization workforce which leads to it being more profitable, enhances connection with customers and employee motivation.  When hiring for best qualified we tend to look for the departments need at that time, those whose knowledge, attitude,  experience, reliability/skills and abilities that match the job requirements.





I have to express my opinion about this.

Take a position on the following: A lousy performance appraisal system or process is better than not giving employees any type of performance appraisal. Support your position with evidence or examples.

I have to discusse her :

Hello Professor and class,

I would honestly choose a lousy performance appraisal versus no type of performance appraisal because according to www.businessdictionary.com

The process by which a manager or consultant(1) examines and evaluates an employee’swork behavior by comparing it with preset standards, (2) documents the results of the comparison, and (3) uses the results to providefeedback to the employee to show whereimprovements are needed and why.

Performance appraisals are employed to determine who needs what training, and who will be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired.

I feel it would be beneficial t communicate with employees so they can have some kind of idea of their work performance. If any employee is not aware they are not holding up to standards, they cannot improve if they don’t know.




My opinion about this.

With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, determine if workplace security is getting easier or more difficult for organizations to manage. Support your response with evidence or examples.


My discussion to my classmate

I feel that the increasing use of technology in the workplace makes workplace security easier for organizations to manage because of cameras. A lot of crimes and people are caught because of advanced cameras that they did not know was there. Also companies should keep up with the changing and increasing needs in technology to accomplish different tasks that can be caused by human error. Quicker decisions can be made in businesses because of the advances in technology. According to www.useoftechnology.com

“Technology in the workplace can change the way human resources managers do their job. It improves on the process of screening, recruiting, and hiring new employees.”

As we all know that good HR Management is vital in all organization

Your paper needs to be two to three pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use the textbook and at least one scholarly source per area. Cite and reference your sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The details in this paper can then be converted to your speaker notes on your PowerPoint presentation for the Final Project.

Complete the following sections for your capital investment proposal:

Your paper needs to be two to three pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  You must use the textbook and at least one scholarly source per area. Cite and reference your sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  The details in this paper can then be converted to your speaker notes on your PowerPoint presentation for the Final Project.

Key Strategic Goals: one page minimum, include specific funding sources for the capital investment.


Surgical Unit add on for CHKD

Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at http://www.npr.org/series/4516989/storycorps. Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues.

Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at http://www.npr.org/series/4516989/storycorps. Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues.

Next, use the textbook and the Strayer Library to research evidence-based strategies to help with adjustment. Consider strategies that relate to stress and coping, gender, stages of life, cultural and social issues, and health.

When referencing the selected stories, please use this format:

  • Standard Reference Format:

    • Title of the story [Audio file]. (Year, Month Day). Retrieved from website url.

      • Example:

A homeless teen finds solace in a teacher and a recording [Audio file]. (2014, March 7). Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2014/03/07/286921391/a-homeless-teen-finds-solace-in-a-teacher-and-a-recording.

  • In-Text Citation Format:

    • The in-text citation for a selected story is an abbreviated version of the title and the year of publication. The abbreviation contains the first three words of the title.

      • Example:

(“A homeless teen,” 2014).

When referencing the textbook, please use this format:

  • Standard Textbook Reference Format:

    • Author’s Name. (Date of publication). Title of the resource. Publisher information.

      • Example:

Santrock, J. (2006). Human adjustment: 2007 custom edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

  • In-Text Citation Format:

    • The in-text citation for the textbook is the author’s last name and year of publication.

      • Example:

(Santrock, 2006).

Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. The two (2) article must be from within the last two (2) months.

  2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story.

  3. Examine at least three (3) evidence-based strategies from each of the selected articles that could help the individuals in each article enhance their adjustment skills.

  4. For each article, recommend the evidence-based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your response.

  5. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Each of your selected articles (2) is a source and your textbook should be used as a source. One additional academic source is required for a total of four (4) sources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.

  • Include a reference page containing APA-formatted references for all sources used in your paper. The reference page is not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Imagine a customer service call center has recently hired you, as an HR advisor, to make recommendations to their organizational development and training

Imagine a customer service call center has recently hired you, as an HR advisor, to make recommendations to their organizational development and training program. The call center’s profit margin has been low and many employees quit after 1 year. The employee who has worked longest has only been there for 2 years, and he is looking at other job markets. You observe employees in their activities and notice that many do not see a future at the call center. Many new hires complain about the lack of a training class. The only training involves them observing another employee for 3 days; afterwards, they are expected to begin working with customers on their own and to be familiar with the database. Customers also complain that representatives are rude, impatient, and confused when answering questions.


Create a detailed report, in no more than 1,050 words, of what your recommendations would be for the call center. In your report, include the following points:


  • Components of your job analysis and design


  • Techniques in developing your training programs


  • Importance and differences in using mentoring and executive coaching


  • An effective approach to organizational development based on the situation


  • Different approaches to career development


Format your paper and citations consistent with APA guidelines.

Training and Intervention Program

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Training and Intervention Program


The value of a good assessment comes from the ability to conceptualize a situation and provide some language and a vehicle to promote change. Too many times in treatment, an assessment is completed as a task of the first few sessions and then left in the chart never to be reviewed again. This is a mistake, and good practice includes a constant review and update to the assessment as well as a plan of action.


Using the assessment that you completed for the LASA 1 in M3: Assignment 2, you will be able topractice making a difference in a child’s life by creating a training and intervention program for the adults in that child’s life.


  • Write a summary assessment of the case study to be handed out in the school meeting with the family and professionals. This summary should include the following:

    • Background information about the child, explaining his or her behavior and the current situation

    • Possible determinates of the stated behaviors focusing on the family

    • Possible determinates of the stated behaviors focusing on the school

  • Create a presentation, with detailed speaker notes, to train the parents and school personnel to better understand the socialization of this particular child and to create a training and intervention program for both parents and school personnel. The presentation should provide research support from at least two peer-reviewed articles and include the following:

    • Separate title and reference slides.

    • Provide a review of the role this child plays in his or her family, how that correlates with the expressed behavior, and specific interventions recommended to change problematic behaviors.

    • Provide a review of the role this child plays in his or her school and peer group, how that correlates with the expressed behavior, and interventions recommended to change problematic behaviors.

    • Create a guide for parents to find the resources needed in the community or methods to gain the services needed for their child. Be sure to also identify four or five resources in your own community, and provide a description of the services they provide that would be useful.

    • Provide information on resiliency and the research literature that best applies to this particular case study. Present the strength areas of the child, family, and school integrated with this resiliency literature to provide positive intervention strategies.




Write a 2-3 page summary assessment in Word format and develop a 18–20-slide presentation (with detailed speaker notes) in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources, including use of in-text citations and full references. Academic sources could include your textbook, required readings for this module, or academic journal articles found in the Argosy University online library.

Describe the Underground Injection Control Program and its impact on the disposal of hazardous wastes via underground injection.

1. Describe the Underground Injection Control Program and its impact on the disposal of hazardous wastes via underground injection. 


2. Describe the five waste treatment processes prior to land disposal of hazardous waste. Identify their specific applications. 

3. Describe the key pollutants in air emissions from incinerators of hazardous waste and their sources. Include in the discussion the potential products of incomplete combustion. 


4. Discuss the advantages of industrial boilers as a method of incineration of hazardous waste. Hypothesize the potential health and safety risks associated with operation of a boiler of this type. 


5. Describe leachate management, drainage materials, and leachate removal systems for a secure hazardous waste landfill. 

You must include a brief description of the organization. In the description, include the organization’s size, number of locations, and other information that is necessary to describe the organization’s networking needs as they relate to this project.

For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a comprehensive Network Improvement Plan document. Your first task in this process will be to select an organization to use as the basis of your plan. Appropriate research should be conducted to support your work, and assumptions may be made when necessary.

Target Organization

Identify an organization, which becomes the foundation for the fictional case. Use an actual company for this assignment, but change the name of the company and any other information specific to the company so that you can develop an illustrative, fictional case study

For this assignment, build an illustrative, fictional case study (see required reading for characteristics of illustrative and fictional case studies). Data collection for the assignment involves the following steps:

  1. Identify an organization, which becomes the foundation for the fictional case. Use an actual company for this assignment, but change the name of the company and any other information specific to the company so that you can develop an illustrative, fictional case study.

  2. List the “new” name and a brief description of the organization and why it was chosen.

  3. Conduct secondary research on the company, its mission, location, other public information

  4. Identify a person from the company whom you would interview and develop a set of interview questions that are relevant to the organization.  The questions should uncover one or more potential areas of organizational development interest or issues that the company faces. List the name (under a new name) and role of person to be interviewed.

  5. Conduct primary research by interviewing the identified employees of the organization. Your case study should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this case.

  6. Your fictional case study should include:

    • The case’s organization and industry context

    • The organization’s vision/mission, strategy, product/service, business model, and organizational structure

    • Scenario setting including the main character/s

    • Problem statements or questions (not more than five)

Support your case study with at least two scholarly resources. Ensure your final case includes a cover page and references formatted per APA requirements.

For information on Case Studies: http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=60.


Written Paper  

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Cite any sources in accordance with APA requirements.

As an instructor of the basic skills class at the local community college, you have been asked to provide ideas for assessing the writing ability of entering learners

As an instructor of the basic skills class at the local community college, you have been asked to provide ideas for assessing the writing ability of entering learners through the use of traditional and nontraditional methods. The assessment approaches and instruments that you recommend will be used to decide who needs a developmental writing class and who should take the regular writing course. Prepare a presentation in PowerPoint that offers several possible traditional and nontraditional assessment instruments, including the strengths and weaknesses of each and the impact of the instrument on the selected sample population. Be sure to add brief but informational notes to key slides. Add citations as necessary to slides, and create one or two slides at the end that include your Reference list. Use APA format for citations and references, and follow PowerPoint guidelines for effective presentation of ideas.

This assignment is a part of the institutional effectiveness program. It is a common assignment that is required in every section of EDU602. It will be assessed using the grading criteria that align with the program progression requirements provided here.

10-15 PowerPoint slides with notes

You have just been hired as the human resources (HR) manager by your company’s chief executive officer (CEO). During your interview process, the CEO indicated that in the last 2 decades, the workforce demographics of her company have changed dramatically. Although this had been occurring, both the previous HR manager as well as all of the company’s front-line supervisors have remained as they had been for years: primarily white males, now in their 50s and early 60s, from a Judeo-Christian background.

You have just been hired as the human resources (HR) manager by your company’s chief executive officer (CEO). During your interview process, the CEO indicated that in the last 2 decades, the workforce demographics of her company have changed dramatically. Although this had been occurring, both the previous HR manager as well as all of the company’s front-line supervisors have remained as they had been for years: primarily white males, now in their 50s and early 60s, from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO indicated that at a frequent rate, workplace strife had been increasing, and it seemed to be related to the changing demographics of the workforce itself. The CEO asked you to compile a training manual that consists of sections targeted at the training of the existing front-line supervisors. Later on, there will be sensitivity training as well as to help all employees understand the changing workforce and what it might mean for them.

To complete the CEO’s request for a comprehensive training manual, she has asked you to first create a table of contents for the manual and to complete at least 20% of the manual itself.

Diversity Training Manual: Overview

The content of the final complete manual will be developed throughout the course and will need to cover diversity issues, specifically the following forms of discrimination:

  • Religious

  • Ethnic

  • Gender

  • Age

There also must be information regarding the following information:

  • Recent trends

  • Forecasts about the changing general population

  • Legislation covering these type issues

There will need to be subsections that deal with the following information:

  • Customs and values of each group

  • The need for sensitivity to differing values and customs

  • Legislation affecting supervisor regulations

Diversity Training Manual: Part I

Given that the training manual will be dealing with several diversity issues, prepare the table of contents and write the first part of the manual, which should deal with some useful background for the company’s supervisors and managers.

The first parts that the CEO wants completed are as follows:

  • A preliminary outline of the entire manual (this may change as you work on the project)

  • The table of contents

  • The following sections regarding the demographics of the U.S. population should be included:o Current statistics

    o Recent trends

    o Forecasted trends

  • Using the Web sites listed, present information about trends in the U.S. populations regarding the following information:

o Immigrant versus native

o Religion

o Age

o Race

Use the following Web sites:

Diversity Training Manual: Part II

As the new human resources manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of a diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic percentage of the workforce) and how the supervisors should address them. The goal is to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among employees of different races.

Part II is to be titled, Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them.

This section should discuss the following:

  • Different races now or likely to be in the workforce of the future, based on the U.S. populations racial demographic changes

  • Particular issues that create tensions among the different groups

  • How supervisors need to address these issues that could potentially cause tension

Diversity Training Manual: Part III

As a continuation of the diversity training manual, you (as the new manager of human resources) should now create portions that specifically address gender issues and are targeted at training and raising the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding potential gender issues. It should include a section on how the supervisor should or should not handle certain gender-based workplace issues. For example, can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement?

This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:

  • A few general facts about the U.S. population’s gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce should be included. Make sure to include all sources of information.

  • The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed.Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case.

  • Describe how the supervisor should state minimum job requirements when he or she requests new employees to be hired into the department.

  • Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team.


Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971). Retrieved from the FindLaw Web site:http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=401&invol=424

Passel, J. S., & Cohn, D. (2008, February 11). U.S. population projections: 2005-2050. Retrieved from thePew Research Hispanic Trends Project Web site:http://www.pewhispanic.org/2008/02/11/us-population-projections-2005-2050/

Pew Research Religion & Public Life Project. (n.d.). Reports. Retrieved fromhttp://religions.pewforum.org/reports

Pierce, R. (n.d.). Dealing with a changing workforce: Supervision in the 21st century. Retrieved from the Business Expert Webinars Web site:http://www.businessexpertwebinars.com/content/view/593/29/

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  1. TITLE PAGE. Remember the Running head: AND TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS

  2. ABSTRACT. A summary of your paper…not an introduction. Begin writing in third person voice.

  3. BODY. The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 4-6 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.

  4. REFERENCE PAGE. References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper and lower case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.