Thursday, June 21, 2018

Virtual Teams You have already experienced a virtual teaming process.

1.Virtual Teams You have already experienced a virtual teaming process. Now, you will look at a case study about virtual teams. Please read Case 4.1, Virtual Teams, on page 107 in your textbook and address the following questions: In what ways do you believe the virtual team described by Dr. Gina Walker is like the Superteam Model? How was the team different from the model? 2.Culture and Virtual Teaming You have already experienced a virtual teaming process in Units 1 and 2. Now, you will look at a case study about virtual teams. Please read Case 4.1, Virtual Teams, on page 107 in your textbook and address the following questions: What organizational culture and global strategy did you observe? Is this culture and strategy a good match for virtual teaming? Why or why not?

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