Saturday, June 23, 2018

After viewing this presentation, write a brief essay in which you describe the study and its results in relation to self-objectification and social-role theory based on your book. Your response should be two-to-three paragraphs in length.

**********Notes1. The book I am using is (the psychology of diversity by James m. Johns). I am not allowed to have a different source except this book and a video if the instructor provided one.
                        2. You need to write the answers in depth (not general answers at all).
For your assignment this week, please view this brief presentation on reach conducted by Dr. Kathleen Vohs of the University of Minnesota:

The link for the video:

After viewing this presentation, write a brief essay in which you describe the study and its results in relation to self-objectification and social-role theory based on your book. Your response should be two-to-three paragraphs in length.

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