Wednesday, October 25, 2017

job -One web desk solution for IT helpdesk Issue

Project title related to my job -One web desk solution for IT helpdesk Issues'.
These projects papers are to explain the leaders about genius solution to overcome the problems
and the consequences caused by companies which are still manually managing IT help desk
operation such as attending calls from branches, ticket routing, assigning task to the IT
Technicians and escalation which cost manpower , time and manual efforts. So here I would like
to propose the solutions by introducing the system as One IT web desk solution. By
Implementing this One IT web desk system in companies or organizations, are actually improves
the trouble shooting workflow and it consumes cost and manpower. One person is able to
perform multi-tasking. It also can be a great platform in helpdesk industry. As we are moving to
e-generation or E-world, this One IT web desk will be the defined as the best solution for the old
system IT Helpdesk center. Soon with the help from IT experts it can be developed to be fully
automated trouble shooting system in IT industry.

Companies nowadays are much to in the usage of software’s, hardware’s and webpage
application to run their organization or firm. In this case there will be always problems with
these IT tools. So as the users itself they are not allowed to do the troubleshooting on their own
as they have their own access credentials. So the users will call the help desk to fix the problem.
In this scenario there must be a bunch of peoples to attend the number of calls which will be
called from nationwide. Some of IT helpdesk center even suffer from lack of manpower which
falls under unsatisfactory rating.
Below is the basic workflow which is implemented in IT helpdesk Centre generally.

Below are the requirement needed for my proposal.
Candidates are reminded that they must submit the project proposal for approval before
beginning to carry out their project paper work. They should consult their supervisor for
approval. The following points must be prepared in the project proposal.

1. Study Area:
The candidate must indicate the area of investigation or study. The study area must be
related to the program the candidate is undertaking.

2. Title of Project Paper:
Candidate to have discussion with supervisor to finalise the title. It must be focused, clear
and short.

3. Background:
Candidate to write briefly about the background of the study, highlighting the
importance of the study being carried out and its relevance to the industry or the
candidate's company.

4. Objectives and Scope
Candidates to clearly write down specific objectives of the studies or investigations. The
Objectives must be measurable and not open statements. Objectives that are achievable
and will be carried in the study.
The scope will identify and determine the area or place or the people who will be involved in the study.

5. Research Methodology
Candidate to indicate the various methods to be taken to undertake the study.
e.g. (i) collection of primary and secondary data
(ii) method to be use for data analysis

6. Milestone
Candidate to plan the actual task need to be carried out during this study in a tabular
form. List down all the activities which you strongly feel need to be done and place it
against the week which you wish to do it.

Activity / Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 11 Week 12
Discussion with supervisor x x X
Confirmation of title X
Preparation of background x

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