Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ABC Pty Ltd is all about creating places where people feel comfortable in their environment

Length and/or format: 2000 words
Purpose: To identify and develop a diversity and inclusion strategy
How to submit: Turnitin
Return of assignment: Turnitin
“ABC Pty Ltd is all about creating places where people feel comfortable in their environment, allowing us all to be the best we can be. A diverse and inclusive workplace not only means people feel valued, it helps build a better, stronger and more innovative ABC Pty Ltd”.
Their global inclusion strategy is focused on embedding flexible work; achieving equity; and building inclusive leadership in order to develop a strong brand and reputation. Extrapolate this strategy into definitive policy where guidelines could be used in any industry.
You are to identify this diversity and inclusion strategy and then using the template provided develop a practical interpretation of how this strategy will apply to the organisations like ABC Pty Ltd. You can assume that they are a manufacturing and logistics firm with 3000 employees.
Developing the strategy to practical outcomes should always include a process for breach and reporting of the breach. There should be examples of what is not tolerated and what individuals or groups should do if they feel uncomfortable in their environment. This policy is to guide employees to the leadership outcome and should include reference to drivers such as legislation and organisational strategy and culture.
PFBS: This Unit requires you to use the Harvard referencing system. See the Academic Skills Unit for assistance with this.

Design your own environmental policy for a real or fictional government department and for a specific environmental issue.

Two options, both can be written as an essay or report
Design your own environmental policy for a real or fictional government department and for a specific environmental issue. Discuss the framing of the problem, how you would develop the policy, implement it, monitor it and then evaluate and report on it. In your report, include a section where you suggest alternative framings and policies but then justify your original policy decision.
you can focus of the Australian government versus the EU if it ok for you.

Documentation of your test plan, and documenting its results;

Assignment (20% of grade)
Due: Week 13 (3rd November 2017) Submission to Moodle.
The SpaceY monthly planner
This assignment should be done individually. The submission should be made by a single zipped file and submitted in Moodle.
The assignment submission should contain the following:
• A test plan;
• A program (working or not working); Your source code file (or files) enough so that I could re-compile it if I want, and any test files you created;
• Documentation of your test plan, and documenting its results;
• Evidence of you running a number of mandatory well documented test runs;
• A short reflection report; and
• An optional feedback paragraph to me which is not marked.
This assignment is marked after semester ends in the exam period resubmissions will NOT be possible.
You can ask for help in the tutorials, and hints, but the assignment should be your own work.

MANDATORY RUNS + other test files I supply
File Purpose
Dec2020.txt Mandatory Test run
Feb2023.txt Mandatory Test run
April2025.txt Mandatory Test run
Oct2017.txt The file shown in this document – for your basic testing if you want
Jan2018.txt You can use it if you want – it was one of my test files, it may or may not be sensible
Assignment Briefing:
The wonderful company, SpaceY, is a fictional company that makes its money by providing orbital services (aka, blasting rockets into space). They are ramping up spaceflights; to help them they need a monthly planner. The Monthly planner will take an input file and produce an order plan and an action plan.
The order plan is a list of materials and services that SpaceY needs to order for all the launches that month. The Action Plan is a list of actions for that month and this list can be quite long, so it also needs to be produced to a file for later printing.
They have three lift vehicles; Hawk-9, Hawk Heavy and the BFR. They offer a range of services including manned spaceflight.
The services they offer are similar to MT2; you can, if you want, hard code the services as we did in MT1.

Space vehicles can be launched into three standard orbits: LEO (low earth orbit), GTO (Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) and CSO (CircumSolar Orbit). NESA tracking must be arranged for GTO and CSO orbits.
You program needs to do the following (also see marking rubric below)
• Show a small menu with 3 options (console or swing at your option)
o 1- Produce an order plan for the month;
o 2- Produce an action plan to console; and
o 3- Produce an action plan to a file; and
o 4 - Exit
• If options 1, 2 or 3 are selected it should ask for a file name which is the monthly orders file. This is an input file, several will be provided for mandatory testing. (see Monthly-Orders format below)
• If option 3 is selected it should ask for an output file name, this file will have the order plan written to it.
Monthly-Orders format (input file) comma separated
Field Number Name Contents
1 Date The date of the order in format dd/mm/yy
2 Client The client Id (a string of up to 20 characters)
3 Service From the service codes file (eg ORB1, ORBH)
4 Launch Id String up to 8 characters
5 Orbit LEO, GTO, CSO
6 Nitrogen Nitrogen flush Y or N
7 Insurance Insurance wanted Y or N
8 Value Total insured value of all launches or 0
9 Comment A text comment – see special processing
Monthly order file (will be sorted in date order with up to 2 orders in 1 day)
Below is the test file Oct2017.txt (which I supply for your testing)
Produce an order plan; (this one is for the file Oct2017.txt)
Order Plan for October 2017
Arrange 4 million insurance for launch SYH17 on 18/10/17
Arrange for NESA tracking for SYH18 on 20/10/17
Order 2 Hawk-9 launch Vehicles
Order 6 Cylinders of Nitrogen
Order 550,000 Kg of LOX
Order 240,000 Kg of RP1
Produce an action plan (this one is for the file Oct2017.txt);
18/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad LC40 for SYH17
18/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for SYH17
18/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for SYH17
18/10/17 10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH17
18/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO for launch SYH17
18/10/17 11:00 Launch SYH17 for CLINTY
20/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad LC40 for SYH18
20/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for SYH18
20/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for SYH18
20/10/17 10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH18
20/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO for launch SYH18
20/10/17 11:00 Launch SYH18 for MATTY GPS-Satellite
Times for AM and PM launches
Time action Action
6:00 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad PPP for FFF
7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for FFF
8:00 Fuel rocket with TTT for FFF
10:00 Nitrogen flush FFF
10:50 GO/NOGO Decision FFF
11:00 Launch FFF for CLIENT CCC
11:30 Start vehicle rollout of hawk-9 on pad PPP for FFF
12;30 Fuel rocket with LOX for FFF
14:00 Fuel rocket with TTT for FFF
15:00 Nitrogen flush FFF
15:30 GO/NOGO Decision FFF
15:40 Launch FFF for CLIENT CCC
List of notes about the program:
1. LOX, RP1 and Methane (fuels) are bulk ordered at the beginning of the month so a month total must be computed. (the BFR runs on Methane and Lox, the others run on RP1 and LOX).
2. The first line of the order plan must read ‘Order Plan for MMMMM YY’ where MMMMM is the full month name and YY is the year, the order of the other lines does not matter.
3. A nitrogen flush requires three cylinders of Nitrogen.
4. SpaceY can launch two rockets in a day; but they must use different launch pads. One launches in the am timeslot (6 to 11); the other in the pm timeslot (11:30 to 15:40)
5. PPP is the allocated launch pad – your action plan must allocate the Launch pad. Two launches on the same day must use different pads.
6. TTT is the fuel type – your action plan must use the correct fuel.
7. FFF is the flight ID (e.g. SYH17).
8. CCC is the comment field (which can be blank or empty in the file).
9. CLIENT should be the client id.
10. The BFR can only be launched from Launchpad KSC
11. NESA Tracking is needed for CSO and GTO orbits only.
12. Some services require a Drako spacecraft which must be on the order plan (it does not appear on the action plan).
Launch vehicle needs
Launch Vehicle LOX RP-1 Methane Launch pads
Hawk-9 275,000 Kg 120,000 kg 0 LC40 or
Hawk Heavy 810,000 Kg 353,450 kg 0 LC40 or
BFR 4,280,000kg 0 1,870,000kg KSC
You can probably modify either the ServiceList class from MT1 or MT2 You can edit or change the ServiceCodes.txt file format if you want to.
Service Code Description LV Notes
ORB1 One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 7 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 5.5 metric tonnes Hawk-9
ORBH One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 16 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 8 metric tonnes Hawk Heavy
ORBVH One satellite to low earth orbit weighing less than 100 metric tonnes; or one satellite to GTO weighing less than 40 metric tonnes BFR
ISS5 Up to 5 tonnes of cargo delivered to the ISS with a Drako spacecraft (LEO) Hawk-9 Must order a Drako spacecraft
MOON2 Two space tourists to fly around the moon accompanied by an experienced astronaut Hawk Heavy Must order a Drako spacecraft
MARS1 One way to Mars BFR
MARS2 To Mars and back. Three years in space or on mars BFR
My sample runs:

Contents of temp.txt after the above run (very similar to the console – you could improve the format a little).
18/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of Hawk-9 on pad LC40 for SYH17
18/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for SYH17
18/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for SYH17
18/10/17 10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH17
18/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO Decision SYH17
18/10/17 11:00 Launch SYH17 for CLINTY
20/10/17 6:00 Start vehicle rollout of Hawk-9 on pad LC40 for SYH18
20/10/17 7:00 Fuel rocket with LOX for SYH18
20/10/17 8:00 Fuel rocket with RP1 for SYH18
20/10/17 10:00 Nitrogen flush SYH18
20/10/17 10:50 GO/NOGO Decision SYH18
20/10/17 11:00 Launch SYH18 for MATTY GPS-Satellite

Marking (This assignment part is worth 20 marks).
Marking Rubric
Marks Feature
6 Good test plan and evidence of testing
6 Your program code, accuracy, functionality and formatting
2 Reflection Report
6 Results of mandatory testing
-2 Each mandatory test that’s wrong
-2 Program crashes during our testing but not fatally
Maximum of 9 marks for assignment Program fatally crashes or wont compile
Late submission 5% per day up to 1 week then a mark of 0
Watch the web site for late class wide extensions that may be given

A .zip file that contains your web application project and database file.

Assignment 2
Type: Individual assignment
Total mark: 15
Proportion of unit assessment: 15%
Submission: Submit via Moodle the following
1. A .zip file that contains your web application project and database file.
2. Usernames and passwords for one web manager and one registered user.
Late submission: 5% of the total mark (i.e., 0.75 mark) per day.
Tasks: Design and implement additional web pages to the website that you have developed for Assignment 1. These web pages allow online users to rate and review the restaurants available on your website after they are logged in. Your website also allows a website manager to log in and change or delete current posts for ratings and reviews.
1. Template: ASP.NET Core Web Application in Visual Studio 2015/2017. Language: C# (-15 marks if these template and language are not used).
2. Project: Assignment 1 project (-15 marks if Assignment 1 project is not used unless it has not been implemented for Assignment 1).
3. The new web pages for ratings and reviews are developed using MVC Entity Framework (-15 marks if MVC Entity Framework is not used) and have the design as seen in the screenshots below.
4. Information on current reviews and ratings and how to rate and review a restaurant has to be available on the Cuisine page.
5. User can read all reviews and ratings posted on your website without login.
6. User can rate and review a restaurant available on your website after he/she is logged in.
7. User cannot modify or delete a rating or review after it is posted.
8. Website manager can edit or delete any rating or review after he/she is logged in (you can manually assign manager role to a registered user in the current database).
9. A post for rating and review contains the following: heading, star rating, comments, date (when it is posted) and name (who posted it, could be the current username). The user does not need to enter date and name, you implement controller methods to save them to the database when the post is submitted.
10. There are 2 additional buttons (Agree and Disagree) for each post and the user can increase the current number for agree or disagree after he/she is logged in.
11. Details (heading, star rating, comments, when it is posted and who posted it, and current numbers for agree and disagree) of all posts have to be stored in a database created by MVC Entity Framework (-15 marks if all details are not saved in the database).
12. Handle all exceptions that may occur at runtime (– 1 mark for each exception found).
No report is required. More details and help will be provided in tutorials and lectures.
Marks for each item are given below.
1. [3 marks] If the user clicks Reviews on the navigation bar, the Customer Reviews page will appear with the design below. Note details of those customer reviews below will be added later from other pages. There is no customer review when you start creating this page.
2. [0.5 mark] On this Customer Reviews page, if the user clicks on create an account, the following page will appear and the user can register. The register data has to be saved to the database.
3. [0.5 mark] On this Customer Reviews page, if the user clicks on log in, the following page will appear and the user can enter username and password to log in (the user has to create an account first):
4. [1 mark] After the user is logged in (either website manager or registered user), the user will see an extra blue button Submit a Review on the Customer Reviews page as follows (other content and layout on this page remain the same)
5. [2 marks] If the user clicks on this Submit a Review button, the user will see the Create a Review page below. Note that
a. Date: the current date (when the user opens this page)
b. Name: the username (for login),
c. Other details: as seen in the screenshot below
The user will use this page to create a new customer review as follows: the user selects a restaurant from the dropdown list (there are at least 6 restaurants you have implemented in Assignment 1), enter a heading, enter a comment and change the number for rating from 0 to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (your website needs to handle exceptions if the user does not enter a number between 0 and 5). After the user clicks the Create button, the user will be back to the Customer Reviews page and will see the new customer review added to the list. The number entered for star rating will be the number of yellow stars seen on the page.
On the Customer Reviews page:
6. [1 mark] If the user is website manager, after logged in the user will see two extra buttons (Edit and Delete) appeared on every customer review (see the screenshot above). However, if the user is not website manager (i.e. just a registered user), the user will not see these two buttons.
7. [1 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Edit button, the manager will see the Edit page as below. The manager edits all details except the date (greyed out, not editable) then clicks the Save button and be back to the Customer Reviews page. The manager will see the updated review on this page. Note: the date appeared on this Edit page is the current date at which the Edit form is opened.
8. [1 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Delete button of a review, the Delete page will appear as seen below with all details of that review
After clicking the Delete button, the manager will be back to the Customer Reviews page and will not see that review (it has been removed from the list).
Note: For items 9 and 10 below, the registered user can only change the number for either Agree or Disagree (cannot change both) and only once in the current session (the registered user needs to logoff to stop the current session then login again to start a new session if the user wants to change the number for either Agree or Disagree again).
9. [1 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Agree, it will add 1 to the next number. For example Agree(11) becomes Agree(12) after clicked.
10. [1 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Disagree, it will add 1 to the next number. For example Disagree(4) becomes Disagree(5) after clicked.
11. [1 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Details (for example in the first review for Delicious Pizza), the following page will appear
If the logged in user clicks on Back to List, the logged in user will go back to the Customer Reviews page.
12. [2 marks] The Click here link on the Restaurants page and list of customer reviews on the Cuisine page.
Restaurants page (the Click here link [0.5 mark])
Cuisine page (the list of customer reviews [1.5 mark])
Note: the list of customer reviews needs to be sorted by dates, newest to oldest one.


This is a group assignment. Only ONE submission is required per group
Weighting: 50/3%
Submission Location: Submission box Labelled “ALI AMIN” on Level 2 Civil Engineering Building H20
Cover Sheet: Must be included and signed.
Late Submission: Late Assignments will incur a penalty of 10% of the maximum mark per calendar day regardless of the mark awarded. An extension will only be granted by the Lecturer under exceptional circumstances. In all cases, documented evidence must be provided.
You may undertake the assignment individually or in groups of two. On the front cover of your submission provide your names and student numbers.
For this assignment students will be assessed as a team, which means each group member will normally receive the same mark. If one group member feels that the other member is not contributing, the lecturer should be informed and a group meeting held to produce a solution. NO complaints about group operation will be considered after the assignment has been handed in.
Design the beams and size up the columns to support the floor slab as shown on Figure 1 to AS3600-2009. The building is to be used as a commercial office and is located at Maroubra in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. The buildings fire rating and other durability considerations must comply with local ordinances.
The design should consider flexure, shear and deflections. The supporting columns may be treated as slender and act as simple supports. Fully detail your design and provide the contractor an indication of the tonnage of steel in your design. At the front of your assignment provide drawings of your design (in sufficient detail and clarity that the beams and columns can be constructed). Take f’c = 32 MPa, fsy = 500 MPa, the slab thickness = 250 mm. You are to make all beams equal in total depth. Beam B2 is a continuous over Column C2.
The design live loading is to be taken as appropriate for the buildings designated use.
All drawing and calculations must be able to be read and marked without pulling your assignment apart. References to Australian Standards etc are to be placed in a separate column on the right hand side of your report.

Concatenate (example 1)

Assignment Part A (part 1 of 3)
(6% of Grade)
Due: During your normal tutorial in Week 13 (Starting 30th October 2017). Demonstrate it for a demonstration and immediate mark)
If you do a demonstration to your tutor you do not need to submit it to Moodle.
Basic Swing Form
This part of your main assignment should be done individually. This assignment consists of writing a program and demonstrating it or submitting it on Moodle.
NOTE: while you can do this using drag and drop in eclipse or some other java development environment you should be warned that; I will put coding questions in the exam that assume you wrote this swing form yourself manually coding the listeners and attaching them to buttons. You are unlikely to learn how to do this if you use drag and drop GUI builders.
Write a simple swing form that has the following features and looks (more or less) like the following:

It has three buttons, each of which does one thing; Add, Subtract, Concatenate.
Here are examples of each function


Concatenate (example 1)

Concatenate (example 2)

Marking Rubric
No Submission Zero Marks
Form Displays with no features working 2 Marks
Add button works 4 Marks
Add and Subtract buttons work 5 Marks
Add, Subtract and Concatenate buttons work 6 Marks
You Tutor can mark it quickly and on the spot with a simple demonstration or you can submit it to Moodle with the code and a cover sheet and screenshots of all 3 functions (as in my example above, show two different examples of concatenate):
It’s fairly Straightforward to code if you have done the Swing Tutorial 1
Hints :
1. First define the GUI class which extends Jframe
2. Set the frame size
3. Set it to visible
4. Add the 3 or 4 JLabels (I used a JLabel for ===== which is optional)
5. Test it
6. Add the 2 JTextField (input boxes)
7. Test it
8. Add the 3 buttons
9. Test it
10. Write 1 listener class for Add
11. Connect the listener to the button
12. Test it
13. Write 2 more listener classes for Subtract and Concatenate
14. Connect the listener to the button
15. Test it
16. Drink Vanilla coke (optional step)
17. Fix formatting of the output
18. Add a title to jframe
19. Tidy it up
20. Test it
21. Show your tutor (get 6 easy marks)
Below are some useful code fragments:
// *******************************************************
setTitle(-Assignment PartA-);
// *******************************************************
String text = text1.getText();
val1 = Double.parseDouble(text);

catch (NumberFormatException e)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, -Enter a valid double precision number please-,
- First Number Error -,
// *******************************************************
public class bAddAction implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
///// -----------------

////// Lines deleted here that parsed the JTextFields into val1 and val2
///// -----------------
if (rc)
{displayText4.setText(String.format(-%12.4f-,(val1 + val2)));}

// *******************************************************
int posX =260;
JButton buttonAdd = new JButton(-Add-);
buttonAdd.addActionListener(new bAddAction());

Identify the ethical issues at stake in your chosen case study

Select a case study from given options (see AT3) and address the following points:
1) Identify the ethical issues at stake in your chosen case study
2) Establish and defend an ethical perspective on the issues
3) Discuss the ethical issues from the perspectives of:
• The requirement to respect human dignity & human rights;
• Your future profession’s codes of ethics/ professional conduct & professional standards;
• One ethical theory you have studied in the unit; & • The principles of health care ethics
4) Make recommendations for professional practice
A week by week plan
Week Activity My Notes
1 Read assessment task & marking criteria. Prepare to jot down ideas & note the sources from where you read those ideas each week. It is very helpful to record your references as you use them. Don’t waste valuable time later on looking for
references/ sources that you have not already recorded
2 Choose a case study that addresses concerns that are most likely to involve members of your future profession.
Identify one or more ethical issues in the case scenario.
Consider the issue(s) in the light of the professional codes of conduct, code of ethics (if relevant), and professional standards
3 Choose one ethical theory (e.g. deontology – duty-based ethics or virtue ethics) from which to draw theoretical support for your discussion/ argument(s). This is required on the marking rubric under the section: Analysis of ethical issues and conflicts
4 Consider the issues you have identified in relation to the notions of human dignity & human rights. Jot down some ways of applying them in your discussion
5 Consider the issue(s) from the perspective of the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence and respect for patient autonomy. What if those principles conflict? Consider, also, confidentiality, privacy and veracity (truth-telling). You don’t have to be able to solve the conflicts between the principles yet – just be aware of them at this stage. You may wish to at least acknowledge/ mention this awareness in your essay
6 Consider the conflict(s) in relation to the principle of justice (if relevant). What would the law/ professional tribunals require?
Prepare questions on the essay for this week’s tutorial class
7 By week 7, you should have a plan for how to go about writing the essay. If you require assistance with essay writing, go to the
ACU website, or click on here:
? In an essay, you are attempting to answer a question.
? In this essay, you will be asking, in general: what does a health care professional do when faced with particular ethical issues and conflicts. You go about answering that question by considering it from a range of perspectives (as set out in the assessment task)
1) Your essay should have:
? an introduction in which you identify the case study you have chosen, outline the essay discussion, briefly specify the main points, and briefly state your proposed recommendations for professional practice
? a body in which you work through the required perspectives in order to answer the essay question. Each paragraph should address one idea only. Keep working through the perspectives until you have considered the ethical issue(s) from all the required perspectives and made some recommendations for professional practice. Remember:
all the ideas you use should be supported by reference to the literature/ course material.
? A conclusion in which you bring together your main points and provide an answer to your question. Do not introduce any new material in your conclusion – just sum up the discussion and make a final comment to lend strength to your argument.
? A reference list formulated in accordance with the APA referencing convention (6th edition). Remember: only include those references you have actually used in your essay (as indicated by in-text citations). Always use credible, peer-reviewed sources – you will lose marks if you use non-peer reviewed sources (e.g. consumer websites, informal blogs etc)
2) Ensure that your name and student number is on each page of the essay, use size 11 font, double space your essay, and remain within the 2,000 word limit (+/- 10%).

gig economy

Update for HRMG600 Assessment 3: Analytical Report
For Assessment 3, the HRMG600 Unit outline states:
The purpose of the assessment is for you to analyse and report on the HR implications of emerging working arrangements relating to the “gig economy”. Please use your own organisation to frame your report about the HR implications of this emerging form of work arrangement.
For this assignment, you need to explain how the “gig economy” operates and identify the HR benefits and challenges for your organisation and develop possible responses for effectively operating in this hyper-flexible mode. Finally, you need to provide recommendations of how your organisation might make best use of the “gig economy” working arrangements.
We are aware that some of you currently are not working, and if you are working, you are may not be working for an organisation is that is involved with the gig economy.
Therefore, you may select one of many actual organisations that actively using the gig economy as part of their operations. These are easy to identify using a GOOGLE search, as is mention of the issues around HR. However, you must back up your work with sound research using academic journal articles, academic conference papers and current reference books. These also often identify organisations that are using online or app-based platforms and other on-line systems. Areas impacting HR include: the consequent reorganisation of, and the changing nature of work; changing work structures; employment rights; employment status; fair pay; intergenerational communications; and recruitment methods, just to name a few.
A simple search in Google Scholar such as “Gig economy and HR issues” identified a number of recent good quality academic references.
Do not limit your search only to this search term: there are many other key words you can use for your search.

Understand the assumptions and values which inform various frameworks and theories and their impact of human resource policies (GA 3)

Assessment task 3 Analytical Report
Due date:
Length and/or format:
Learning outcomes assessed
2,500 words
The purpose of the assessment is for you to analyse and report on the HR implications of emerging working arrangements relating to the -gig economy-. Please use your own organisation to frame your report about the HR implications of this emerging form of work arrangement.
For this assignment, you need to explain how the -gig economy operates and identify the HR benefits and challenges for your organisation and develop possible responses for effectively operating in this hyper-flexible mode. Finally, you need to provide recommendation of how your organisation might make best use of the -gig economy- working arrangements.
Please present you work in report format.
3. Understand the assumptions and values which inform various frameworks and theories and their impact of human resource policies (GA 3)
5. Explain how different frameworks result in different policy outcomes (GA 4,6, 2)
How to submit: Via Turnitin
Return of assignment: After release of final grades for the unit
Assessment criteria: Rubric attached
Update for HRMG600 Assessment 3: Analytical Report
For Assessment 3, the HRMG600 Unit outline states:
The purpose of the assessment is for you to analyse and report on the HR implications of emerging working arrangements relating to the “gig economy”. Please use your own organisation to frame your report about the HR implications of this emerging form of work arrangement.
For this assignment, you need to explain how the “gig economy” operates and identify the HR benefits and challenges for your organisation and develop possible responses for effectively operating in this hyper-flexible mode. Finally, you need to provide recommendations of how your organisation might make best use of the “gig economy” working arrangements.
We are aware that some of you currently are not working, and if you are working, you are may not be working for an organisation is that is involved with the gig economy.
Therefore, you may select one of many actual organisations that actively using the gig economy as part of their operations. These are easy to identify using a GOOGLE search, as is mention of the issues around HR. However, you must back up your work with sound research using academic journal articles, academic conference papers and current reference books. These also often identify organisations that are using online or app-based platforms and other on-line systems. Areas impacting HR include: the consequent reorganisation of, and the changing nature of work; changing work structures; employment rights; employment status; fair pay; intergenerational communications; and recruitment methods, just to name a few.
A simple search in Google Scholar such as “Gig economy and HR issues” identified a number of recent good quality academic references.
Do not limit your search only to this search term: there are many other key words you can use for your search.

CHEER checklist, KMAT Checklist and CASP tool

Your task is to critically appraise the clinical and economic evidence and prepare a report explaining why, on the basis of this evidence, it should or should not be funded in the Australia.
We have provided you with a clinical trial and an economic evaluation for each technology. Undertake a critical appraisal of these provided papers using suitable appraisal tool/checklists (CHEER checklist, KMAT Checklist and CASP tool) and prepare a report that includes key information about the technology and your recommendation about whether the technology should be funded in the Australian setting.
Note that for each of these technologies there may be other published studies, technology assessment reports from MSAC, PBAC or from HTA bodies internationally (for example NICE). You may refer to these in your review but the provided studies should be your primary source.
Your report should be in three parts and include the following:
1. An abstract that summarises the technology, the comparator, the key findings of the clinical trial and economic evaluations, the quality of the clinical and economic evidence, potential implications for policy and practice, and your recommendation. (Up to 500 words)
2. The completed appraisal checklists for the two provided studies.
3. A report (1000-1200 words) that addresses the following issues. The context for the health technology, including a description of the health technology, the appropriate comparator, the population and circumstances of use.
• The nature of the evidence for the safety, efficacy and effectiveness of the new technology, and your conclusions regarding this evidence. • The nature of the economic evaluation of the new technology, including: o the modelling approach. o A summary of the outcome measures in the clinical evidence and how they are translated in the economic evidence. o A summary of the types of resource use that were included in the economic evaluation, and an assessment of whether these were appropriate. o Key sources of uncertainty and assumptions, and what impact these may have on the results and interpretation. o The findings in relation to cost-effectiveness of the technology, and your conclusions regarding this evidence • An assessment of the applicability of the evidence to the Australian context. • Potential impacts on the Australian health budget and costs to consumers • Your recommendation about whether the technology should be funded in the Australian setting, and justification. • A clear reference list of resources you have used, including the provided papers Logo

To develop conceptual and critical thinking skills concerning existing marketing practice

Assessment Task 4: Critical Analysis Paper
Due date: Week 11, at the lecture and also submit on Moodle
Weighting: 30%
Length and/or format: 1500 word essay
Further details will be provided in week 2
Purpose: To develop conceptual and critical thinking skills concerning existing marketing practice
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 4, and 5.
How to submit: Students are required to submit a hard copy of their papers at the beginning of the lecture and upload soft copies onto Moodle
Assessment criteria:
After your visits to your chosen retailer you are asked to write a critical review either of that retailer’s marketing strategies or you may choose to CRITICALLY examine the marketing strategy of ONE of the other retailers you may have included in your Weekly Reflections and how they use the various marketing concepts e.g. what is their primary and secondary target market, how do they segment their market, what concepts of consumer behaviour do they use in their store layout (in the case of, how do they use price, what elements of the promotional mix do they use etc.
The essay must not exceed 1500 words and all topics should be clearly headed, appropriate references should be cited to support your arguments.
Assessment Task 4 - MRK101 Critical Analysis Paper Marking Guide
Topic Max Mark Available Actual Mark
environment 3
Segmentation strategy 5
Targeting strategy 5
Description of the target customer 3
Positioning strategy 5
Marketing tactics 6
Relationships 3
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Max Mark Actual Mark
environment Provides a excellent description of the marketing environment and clearly defines the implications for the brand. Takes into account all relevant information provided, and has done substantial extra research.
Provides a detailed description of the marketing environment and explains clearly the implications for the brand. Takes into account all relevant information provided, and has done extra research.
Provides good description of the marketing environment and has good understanding of implications for the brand. Takes into account most of the relevant information provided.
Provides some description of the marketing environment and hints at implications for the brand. Takes into account all relevant information provided.
Provides little or no description of the marketing environment and omits implications for the brand. Ignores or does not grasp the significance of information provided. 3

The motion of a damped spring-mass system is descirbed by the following ordinary differnetial equation: d2x dx m 2 ?c dt ? kx? 0 dt

Assignment 2
1. The assignment may be completed individually or by a group up to 3 students. The group formation is your own responsibility. Members may be from the same or different tutorial groups.
2. No collaboration between groups permitted. Any case of plagiarism will be penalized and students should make themselves aware of the university policies regarding plagiarism (see subject outline under University and Faculty Policies)
3. The assignment is due in week 13 (Friday 27 October by 4 pm) and submitted to Central of EIS using then barcoded sheet (see subject outline under assignment submission). Late submission will incur penalty as described in the subject outline.
4. If the assignment is completed by group, statement indicating the effort or contribution to the assignment by each member and signed by all members must be included in the beginning of the report, or all students agree that they have contributed equally to the report –add a statement at the front of the report, signed by all members.
5. The assignment must be submitted as a formal report. You need to include the analysis of the problem, the procedure for solution, and discussion of the results. It is NOT sufficient to only provide the program and results. All matlab script files, function files and excel files must be included as attachments or main contents in the hard copy report.
6. In addition, all matlab codes and function files must be burned in a CD or USB and submitted with the report for checking.
Question 1: Motion of a Spring-Mass System (50%)
The motion of a damped spring-mass system is descirbed by the following ordinary differnetial equation:
d2x dx
m 2 ?c dt ? kx? 0 dt

where x is displacement from equlibrium position (meter), t is time (second), m is the mass and equal 20 kg, c is the damping coefficient (N.sec/meter) . The dampping coefficient, c, takes on two values of 5 (under damped), 40 (critically damped. The spring constant k = 20 N/meter. The initial velocity is zero, and the intial displacement x = 1 meter.
Figure 1. Damped spring-mass system
(a) Transform the problem into a system of two first order initial value ODEs. The report must clearly provide the detailed derivation of the technique.
(b) Solve for motion of a spring-mass system using the 2nd order RK Huen method over the time period 0?t ?5 sec with a step size ?t ?1.0 . You can calcualte the results manually or by matlab or by excel.
(c) Plot the displacment verus time for two values of the damping coefficient on the same figure, and discuss the results.
Question 2: Transient Heat Conduction (50%)
The non-dimensional form for the transient heat conduction in an insulated rod is
?2u ?u
2? t
?x ?

x is the nondimensional length, t is the nondimensional time, u is the nondimensional
temperature. This makes for the following boundary and initial conditions:
Boundary conditions u(0, t ) = 0.5
u(1, t ) = 2.0
Initial conditions u( x , 0) = 0.5 0? x 1
Figure 2. Heat conduction problem in an insulated rod.
x t T?To , in which L = the rod length, k = thermal Note: x?L , t ?( CL2/k) , u?TL ?To
conductivity of the rod material, ? = density, C = specific heat, To = temperature at x = 0, and TL = temperature at x = L.
Solve this nondimensional equation for the temperature distribution using explicit finitedifference method and implicit Crank-Nicholson method:
a) Write the finite-difference equation of the differential equation. The report must clearly provide the detailed derivation of the technique.
b) Programing to obtain the solution for time duration 0?t ?1. (For explicit finite difference method, you can use EXCEL or matlab. For implicit Crank-Nicholson method, you must use the matlab).
Please demenstrate that appropriate ?x and ?t are needed to solve u until steadystate solution is reached.
c) Plot the nondimensional temperature versus nondimensional length for a few typical values of nondimensional times, which can demonstrate the evloution of the tempeature at different time.
Dr. Hongtao Zhu
October 2017

You have just been hired as an accountant for the Australian Electronics Division of HighTech Incorporated

You have just been hired as an accountant for the Australian Electronics Division of HighTech Incorporated. HighTech is a highly diversified organisation headquartered in Japan, with interests in healthcare, electronics, construction, insurance and shipbuilding, though most of these are mainly in Japan. The Australian Electronics Division is based in Kwinana, Western Australia and is run as a stand-alone business.
The Australian Electronics Division produces printed circuit boards, memory chips and processors.
These are mainly used in alarm systems, however, some are also used in other products. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Department is part of the Australian Electronics Division and produces circuit boards mainly for use in alarm systems. However, there are other circuit boards that are produced for other electronic devices, but these make up a small percentage of total sales of the PCB Department.
Three of the circuit boards produced by the PCB Department make up the bulk of the department’s sales: The first, HT Prime, has been the mainstay of the department for several years. The market for this board is very competitive and price sensitive. The second, HT Maximus, was a new board introduced two years ago. It is a medium range circuit board that had slightly more advanced features. This board has been used in alarm systems that could be partly modified by customers to suit their requirements. The third circuit board, HT Zenith, is a top-of-the-range circuit board that allowed full configuration of the alarm system by customers. This board incorporates the latest technology and the price matches the capabilities of the circuit board.
When you arrived at work for the first time, you were invited into a meeting that was being chaired by Nagasai Motoko, head of the Electronics Division. At the meeting you were introduced to Gemma Gooding (Finance Manager; also your immediate supervisor); Alistair Cook (Purchasing Manager); Dominic Chan (Sales Manager) and Joe Yarran (Production Manager).
“Before we begin,” Nagasai started. “I would like to acknowledge our new accountant who will be sitting in on this meeting. There are several issues we need to discuss and having fresh ears and eyes may be good for us. Why don’t you start with your issue, Alistair?”
“I have told you all before, you guys need to stop messing around with the numbers. I do not know how much material is needed and when it is needed if you keep changing the numbers.”
“Like I said, we produce what is required by Dom and his team. You can’t blame me for the changes as Dom keeps changing his numbers!”
“It’s not like I want to change the numbers. The market is constantly changing so we need to adjust the numbers accordingly. Furthermore, we have to keep the numbers realistic for my sales people, otherwise, they would not be motivated to achieve them.”
“Hang on, Dom. I prepared the budget and these are based on the information you provided for me at the beginning of the year. It’s not like it will change so drastically that we have to change the numbers all the time.-
“Which is what I keep saying!”
“Look, I don’t like this ganging-up on me business. I am only trying to make sure that our targets are met and that our sales team is happy, so that they will keep selling for us. If I have to adjust the numbers, it’s because I am being told that the numbers are not achievable. I know I gave Gemma some numbers at the beginning of the year, but it’s not like I have a crystal ball. I am only trying to predict based on last year’s numbers. How else would I be able to give you numbers? Do you want me to pluck them out of the air?”
Nagasai: “Alright, relax. No one is ganging-up on you. I understand that you are giving Gemma
numbers based on experience. However, there may be other factors that you should consider. No, don’t shake your head at me. I will get our new accountant to write up in his report to us what else you need to consider when forecasting next year’s numbers. Hopefully that will solve your problem Alistair.”
“Partially. I have another question that maybe someone could answer. I have been told that Jaymie Electronics will be shutting its doors next year and they are looking to get rid of Theolite, a material that we use. I know we still have stock of it, but I am thinking that if we can buy it now at a discounted price, then maybe we should just buy it first.”
“Look mate, I know you are cosy with Mel from over there, but we do not really need that much Theolite. I know we use it but why should we get it before we even need it?”
“Look, this has nothing to do with Mel. I am just trying to save us money. We are going to need to buy it sooner or later, we might as well buy it at a discount.”
“I am not sure, Alistair. It would be a bit of a stretch for our finances to buy material we do not need yet.”
“Why don’t we let our new accountant work out whether we should or not? Is there anything else Alistair? Nope? How about you then, Joe?”
“Well, I am not sure whether you have heard of this new method of costing called ABC. I am not sure what it is, but a lot of our competitors seems to be implementing it. Maybe Gemma can tell us something about it?”
“Well, that’s really putting me in a spot isn’t it Joe? I know something about it but it has been ages since I learnt about it. Maybe our new accountant would be better suited to explain it to us?”
Nagasai: “There’s no need for that here. It can be included in the report. Tell us what ABC is
and how it works. Explain the benefits of this ABC as well as the limitations. It can’t be all good. Give us a recommendation as to whether we should implement it or not and if we should, then how do we go about it. Alright? Now, Dominic, anything from you?”
“We have already discussed my issue. I would like to know a bit more about how I should forecast my sales numbers, but we all know these numbers must be realistic.”
“Alright Dom, we get your point. Does anyone have anything else to add?”
“Yes, I have something else. As you know, we produce most of the components needed for our PCBs. However, I have just had an offer from MHLV to produce one of our parts, the MKA 1919, for us. I have calculated how much it currently costs us to make and it seems like the offer from MHLV is cheaper. I am just wondering if we should just outsource that? It would save us quite a bit.”
Nagasai: “Well, give those costings to our new accountant and see what we come up with.
This can be included in the report for our next meeting. Alright, does anyone else have anything to add? If not, can you all please provide some more information after the meeting to our new accountant so that the report can be prepared?”
With that the meeting was concluded and you are left with Nagasai in the room. “Look, I know this is a bit much for you, but I hope you can do well. There is another issue I would like you to consider as well. As you heard, Alistair is seeing Mel from Jaymie Electronics. I am not sure whether his proposal to buy at a discounted price is for our good, or for his own good. I hope that nothing illegal is happening here. Can you include in your report if there is anything wrong with that transaction?” Nagasai said.
“And, next year is starting to look pretty bad for us. There are a few major maintenance issues coming up next year and this will add to our costs. Do you think we can move those costs to this year as we are doing alright? There won’t be any impact on our overall performance for this year or next as it will still add up over the two years. So have a look and tell me what you think.”
You then left the meeting with Nagasai and headed to see Gemma. “Sorry to put you in a spot, but you should be more familiar with ABC considering you have just graduated and I have not seen this for like a million years. Remember to send Nagasai an email cover for your report as he is a stickler for procedure. Now go see Joe for the ABC information as well as that offer from MHLV,” Gemma said.
You then went to the Production Department and Joe is waiting in his office for you with some information. “Here are the current costs of our three PCBs (See below). We seem to be doing alright, though we could always sell more of everything!” Joe said. But the main issue is that we seem to be producing more and more of the Zenith. It’s the most complex PCB but there seems to be a very strong demand for it. We must be doing something right here! Prime’s sales looks to be dropping as
Dom is always telling us to reduce production of Prime and focus more on Zenith.”
Current per unit costs of PCBs
HT Prime HT Maximus HT Zenith
Direct Materials $46 $72 $94
Direct Labour $26 $26 $13
Overhead $25
$38 $75
Cost per board $97
$136 $182
“And these are the costings for MKA 1919 (See below). We typically produce 50,000 units per month but we have the capacity to produce up to 70,000 units if required. MHLV’s offer for each unit is really very good. I seriously think we should accept it. At $3.85 per unit it makes it really difficult for us to even come close. Right now, we are producing each MKA 1919 for $5.16. Tell me why we should not accept MHLV’s offer? I am sure that you can see it makes sense and will ultimately save us money!”
MKA 1919
(50,000 units)
Direct Materials $ 125,000
Direct Labour 30,000
Manufacturing Overhead* 60,000
General and administrative overhead** 43,000
Total Costs 258,000
* Manufacturing overhead is applied on the basis of direct labour costs.
Fixed overhead 75% of direct labour costs
Variable overhead 125% of direct labour costs
Manufacturing overhead rate 200% of direct labour costs
** General and administrative overhead is applied at 20 percent of the total costs of direct material, direct labour and manufacturing overhead.
Looks like it is now time for you to get down to work!
Prepare a report (no more than 10-pages) for Nagasai Motoko that addresses all the issues in the above exchanges.
Attach an email brief of your report to Nagasai by the due date.

job -One web desk solution for IT helpdesk Issue

Project title related to my job -One web desk solution for IT helpdesk Issues'.
These projects papers are to explain the leaders about genius solution to overcome the problems
and the consequences caused by companies which are still manually managing IT help desk
operation such as attending calls from branches, ticket routing, assigning task to the IT
Technicians and escalation which cost manpower , time and manual efforts. So here I would like
to propose the solutions by introducing the system as One IT web desk solution. By
Implementing this One IT web desk system in companies or organizations, are actually improves
the trouble shooting workflow and it consumes cost and manpower. One person is able to
perform multi-tasking. It also can be a great platform in helpdesk industry. As we are moving to
e-generation or E-world, this One IT web desk will be the defined as the best solution for the old
system IT Helpdesk center. Soon with the help from IT experts it can be developed to be fully
automated trouble shooting system in IT industry.

Companies nowadays are much to in the usage of software’s, hardware’s and webpage
application to run their organization or firm. In this case there will be always problems with
these IT tools. So as the users itself they are not allowed to do the troubleshooting on their own
as they have their own access credentials. So the users will call the help desk to fix the problem.
In this scenario there must be a bunch of peoples to attend the number of calls which will be
called from nationwide. Some of IT helpdesk center even suffer from lack of manpower which
falls under unsatisfactory rating.
Below is the basic workflow which is implemented in IT helpdesk Centre generally.

Below are the requirement needed for my proposal.
Candidates are reminded that they must submit the project proposal for approval before
beginning to carry out their project paper work. They should consult their supervisor for
approval. The following points must be prepared in the project proposal.

1. Study Area:
The candidate must indicate the area of investigation or study. The study area must be
related to the program the candidate is undertaking.

2. Title of Project Paper:
Candidate to have discussion with supervisor to finalise the title. It must be focused, clear
and short.

3. Background:
Candidate to write briefly about the background of the study, highlighting the
importance of the study being carried out and its relevance to the industry or the
candidate's company.

4. Objectives and Scope
Candidates to clearly write down specific objectives of the studies or investigations. The
Objectives must be measurable and not open statements. Objectives that are achievable
and will be carried in the study.
The scope will identify and determine the area or place or the people who will be involved in the study.

5. Research Methodology
Candidate to indicate the various methods to be taken to undertake the study.
e.g. (i) collection of primary and secondary data
(ii) method to be use for data analysis

6. Milestone
Candidate to plan the actual task need to be carried out during this study in a tabular
form. List down all the activities which you strongly feel need to be done and place it
against the week which you wish to do it.

Activity / Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 11 Week 12
Discussion with supervisor x x X
Confirmation of title X
Preparation of background x