COR 601
Organizational Behaviour
Final Assignment
• This project must be done individually or in groups of two (max)
• This assignment must be submitted in softcopy only on the assigned due date to
• Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted
• You must include a title page that lists your name, Student ID and the unit number and title.
• Number all pages sequentially.
• Any published material you refer to must be properly referenced
(Harvard Referencing) and included in a reference list at the end of
your assignment.
Due Date: Thursday, 24th August 2017
Weighing: 80% of total assessment
Any student submitting their assignments 2 days after the designated
deadline will be considered as a Late Assignment Submission which will
incur a penalty of CHF 100/SAR 380.
The penalty amount will be automatically added to your subsequent month's Course Fee.
NOTE: The first page of each final case study must include the following declaration:
I certify that this assignment is my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research, and that I have acknowledged all material and
sources used in the preparation of this final case study whether they be
books, articles, reports, lecture notes, any other kind of document,
electronic or personal communication.
I also certify that the final case study has not previously been
submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in
this Course, unless by negotiation, and that I have not copied in part
or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students and/or
persons. I have read the GBS policy on plagiarism and understand its
Final case study that do not include the above declaration will not be marked.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating, by representing someone else's
work as your own or using someone else's work (another student or
author) without acknowledging it with a reference. This is a serious
breach of the Academic Regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.
Plagiarism occurs whenever you do any of the following things without acknowledging the original source:
• Copy information from any source (including the study guide, books, newspapers, the internet)
• Use another person's concepts or ideas
• Summarize or paraphrase another person's work.
How do I avoid plagiarism?
To ensure you are not plagiarizing, you must acknowledge with a reference whenever you:
• use another person's ideas, opinions or theory
• include any statistics, graphs or images that have been compiled or created by another person or organization
• paraphrase another's written or spoken word
You are required to use the below mentioned referencing system:
The Harvard Referencing System; e.g. 'Smith (1985) listed five key factors'
Description of the practical session
This is a practical session provide students with the major
principles of a OrganisationalBehaviour with a vision and help to
identify the causes of a problem within an organization and plan
individually or in group a project to attain the expected positive
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1. Ability to understand the principles of Organizational Behaviour
2. Recognize the potential effects of organizational-level factors
(such as structure, culture and change) on organizational behavior
3. Ability to identify the nature and scope of change
4. Ability to identify the change strategies available to organisations
5. Ability to explainwhyemployeesresistchangeanddevelopstrategiestoovercomethem
6. Ability to understand how conflict are resolved
7. Ability to understand how change affects the organisation
Final Assignment
If you were CEO what would you change and why - provide
yourrecommendation with a Before and After Organizational chart. - If
you are not working at thistime - use a past employer..
1. Identify a Vision Statement and Mission Statement (5 marks)
2. Describe the corporate structure (Vertical/horizontal specialization, departmentalization Organigram) (5 marks)
3. Identify an area of planned change in the organization (using Engine of Change) (10 marks)
4. Describe your corporate culture (using Schein’s 3 levels) and leadership style (10 marks)
5. What are the visible and invisible control systems. (5 marks)
6. Describe the types of resistance you would encounter (10 marks)
7. Identify an area of conflict and explain how to resolve it(specify which style you would use and why) (10 marks)
8. Select your strategy (use Force Field Analysis model) (10 marks)
9. Identify the key stakeholders and your methods to influence them in your decisions(using your feedback loop) (5 marks)
10. How has your organization affected due to Information Technology
and what positive & negative changes has been occurred.(5 marks)
Executive Summary of your report [4 marks]
An executive summary is an overall summary of the entire report. It should have 3-4 short paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Based on the Introduction (Introduce the topic of your report)
Paragraph 2: Summary of the body (Indicate main subjects examined in the discussion section of your report)
Paragraph 3: Summary of the conclusions
Paragraph 4: Outline recommendations, if any, in bullet points
NOTE: This is a summary of the entire report so you cannot write it
until you have completed the report (you cannot summarize a report you
have not yet written).
Even though it appears first, the Executive Summary is one of the last things you will write.
Introduction of your report [6 marks]
In this part of your assignment you will required to give details introduction about your company
The introduction should generally include three key types of information.
a) Background
This section sets the context for the report and provides the
(brief) background information required for the reader to understand the
NOTE: Detailed company background should not be included here. It is best discussed in the body of the report
b) Aims/Objectives
This tells the reader what the aims/objectives of the report are. It
indicates what key questions the report is trying to answer and what it
is trying to achieve. Why was it written?
Tell the reader exactly what areas/ideas are covered in the report.
This also helps to explain how the report is organized. Look at your
plan and consider your headings and sub-headings.
Body of your report
References [5 marks]
The body must be fully referenced throughout, using Harvard Referencing Guidelines (In-text referencing) to support ideas.
It should be organized logically, using topic headings, subheadings
and minor subheadings to break it into sections and sub-sections.
All headings must be numbered sequentially.
In-text Referencing:
If you take any information from the textbook, website, etc, you will need to mention it between the lines within your report.
Example for textbook referencing:
Support organizations are those that use IS primarily for activities
such as transaction processing. (Neville, 2010, p.76)?(Author’s last
name, Year of Book Publication, Page number of the book)
Example for website referencing:
In a management information system, modern, computerized systems
continuously gather relevant data, both from inside and outside an
organization.(BBC, 2008)? (Name of the Website, Year)
Conclusion & Recommendation of your report [6 marks]
This is your final chance to impress the reader so make it powerful. Most conclusions include three main parts
i) stating the aim/ context of the assignment again
ii) followed by a very brief summary of the main points
iii) final comments often considering the future (for eg: what can
be done to improve the implementation of an intervention in the future)
Assignment Formatting (Page Numbering, Header, Footer, etc) [5 marks]
References of your Report [5 marks]
Last page of your assignment must include the complete list of the
references used during the completion of your assignment with all the
Format for referencing from print media like books:
FAMILY/SURNAME, Initials. (Publication year in brackets) Book title -
italicised or underlined.Series title and volume if applicable. Edition
– if not the first. Place of publication: publisher.
NEVILLE, C. (2010) The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism. 2nd Ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Format for referencing from electronic sources:
Author of website FAMILY/SURNAME, Initials or WEBSITE name if no
author is available. (Year - in brackets) Title of website in italics or
underlined. Any numbers if necessary or available if website is part of
a series. [Online in square brackets] Available from: URL. [Accessed:
followed by date in square brackets].
BBC NEWS. (2008) Factory gloom worst since 1980. [Online] Available
from: m. [Accessed: 19th
June 2012].
Appendix of your Report
Things that you refer to in your main paper but don't want to include in the paper, like:
Questionnaires /Answers to questionnaires
Interview transcripts
Consent forms
Some diagrams
Part A Excellent Good Average Needs Improv. Marks Allocated Marks Received
Executive Summary
Paragraph 1: Based on the Introduction (Introduce the topic of your report)
Paragraph 2: Summary of the body (Indicate main subjects examined in the discussion section of your report)
Paragraph 3: Summary of the conclusions
Paragraph 4: Outline recommendations, if any, in bullet points
This section sets the context for the report and provides the
(brief) background information required for the reader to understand the
NOTE: Detailed company background should not be included here. It is best discussed in the body of the report
b) Aims/Objectives
This tells the reader what the aims/objectives of the report are. It
indicates what key questions the report is trying to answer and what it
is trying to achieve. Why was it written?
c) Scope
Tell the reader exactly what areas/ideas are covered in the report.
This also helps to explain how the report is organized. Look at your
plan and consider your headings and sub-headings.
Vision and Mission Statement
CorporateStructure 5
EngineofChange 10
Culture 10
ControlSystems 5
ResistancetoChange 10
ConflictResolution 10
ForceField Analysis 10
Stakeholders 5
Information Technology 5
Conclusion& Recommendation
i) stating the aim/ context of the assignment again
ii) followed by a very brief summary of the main points
iii) final comments often considering the future (for eg: what can
be done to improve the implementation of an intervention in the future)
Harvard Style of References 5
Assignment Formatting (Page Numbering, Header, Footer, etc.) 5
Total 100
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