Monday, February 6, 2017

Building Teams, Adaptive and Situational Leadership, and Leadership Power.

Building Teams, Adaptive and Situational Leadership, and Leadership Power.
Case Study: Team Building, Adaptive Leadership, and the Use of Personal and Position Power
Reid was having a tough week. He had just been promoted to lead the department in a different store. He had new responsibilities, new subordinate section leaders, and new employees. Then, on the third day of his arrival, he was informed by the store manager that the district manager was coming to conduct a big inspection concerning his department’s adherence to the store layout, inventories, and policies concerning retail selling and record keeping, as well as reviewing his team-building plan and the ninety-day review he would later receive by the store and district manager. A quick check of the records showed that his section leaders were not following standard operating procedures for sales, inventories, or for record keeping. The records were sloppy or incomplete, and a lot of the scheduled sales training and inventories had not been conducted. On top of these issues, he thought that a male section leader, who was close to the departed department head, did not like him. The employees reporting to this section leader appeared to fear him.
After receiving the store manager’s guidance about the upcoming inspection and having begun the formation stage of his team-building protocol, Reid briefed his section leaders on the requirements and wanted to hear their assessment of each section and their recommended plans on how they would get ready for the inspection. He soon recognized that due to the state of the department, he would have people work late, and to do this, he needed the store manager’s approval and the buy-in of the department’s employees. Reid could have complained about his predecessor, but he thought it best to just stick to the facts and talk about what he had found out about the department’s lack of adherence to store and company standards. He suspected the abrasive section leader was the favorite of the departed department head and for all he knew may have been complicit in helping lead the department’s leadership team to its current state. Reid wanted to look forward and not backward in building the new team with him at the head.
The abrasive section leader asked, “You’re going to work late.”
After checking his plan, Reid replied, “Yes, I think it is necessary to meet the standards set by the store manager and the company.”
The abrasive section leader made a sound that could have meant “OK,” or it could have meant, “You’re being foolish and wasting our time,” but he was not sure.
The next day, Reid informed the section leaders first and then addressed all employees on what they would have to accomplish before the inspection took place. One of the employees stated that the old department head would have just fudged the paperwork to get the department through. Reid thought about this and wondered if the section leaders were complicit in these actions as well. But he told the department employees to do the work correctly and that he did not accept fudging of paperwork, knowing that this would not set the correct leadership climate for the department. Reid instead informed the employees not to take shortcuts and do the work in accordance with the standing operating procedures and standards set by the district and store managers. He further explained that they would do the best they could, and if they did not pass, they would do better the next time. Reid said that he would accept responsibility for the department’s deficiencies.
Reid then asked the department employees for their thoughts on how to get ready. He listened to their ideas and offered some of his own. One employee suggested that they could outperform other departments by taking shortcuts like his predecessor did. Reid did not want to bad-mouth his predecessor, as he was responsible now. He dismissed the idea by stating it would be nice to be the best department, but they were not going to cheat to get ahead; they would have to earn the distinction by taking the appropriate actions.
The night before the inspection, some members of the department worked longer hours with compensation; some volunteered to work a few hours later than usual the night before the inspection. At one point, Reid found an employee napping in the store’s break room.
Reid asked him, “Do you want to finish up and go home?”
The employee stated with surprise, “I did not think you’d still be here!”
“Where else do you think I would be?” he asked.
The next day, the store manager asked her if she thought they would pass the inspection.
“Not a chance,” he replied.
Later, when the inspector was going over documents, he asked if his employees could follow along. “I want them to see how to do a thorough inspection,” he told the inspector. As the employees followed the inspector around and learned how to look closely at the process and documents, one of them commented that the department had never allowed them to be around for any inspection up to this point.
Later, when the store manager went over the results of the inspection with Reid and his section leaders, he looked up at Reid as he read the failing score. Reid was about to state, “We will try harder next time,” but decided not to say anything. Instead, the abrasive section leader spoke up and stated, “This is the first time the department failed an inspection, but we are already better off than we were the day before yesterday, failing grade and all, because of the team-building steps we have taken together.”
Two page double-spacing, minimum, not including the reference page.
Read the Chapter Case: Case Study: Team Building, Adaptive Leadership, and the Use of Personal and Position Power (pp. 96-97) of The Art of Leadership & Supervision text. Answer the following questions:
What team-building steps did Reid initiate as the new department leader facing an inspection shortly after taking his leadership role?
How did you see Reid adapt to his new role and the situation he faced? How would you use personal and position power in this case study?
Facing a ninety-day review by the store and district manager, what steps would you take in conducting a review of your department leadership and organization climate/ What team-building and assessment plan would you develop and share with your leadership?
Points: 25 Grading Rubric: Yes
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Assignment Grading Rubric: ADMG 372 FW Assignment 4: Building Teams, Adaptive and Situational Leadership, and Leadership Power
Read the Chapter Case: Case Study: Team Building, Adaptive Leadership, and the Use of Personal and Position Power (pp. 96-97) of The Art of Leadership & Supervision text. Answer the questions:
Write a Two page minimum paper, not including APA style reference page.
Topic/Question Areas
Available Points
Earned Points
1. What team-building steps did Reid initiate as the new department leader facing an inspection shortly after taking his leadership role?
2. How did you see Reid adapt to his new role and the situation he faced? How would you use personal and position power in this case study?
3. Facing a ninety-day review by the store and district manager, what steps would you take in conducting a review of your department leadership and organization climate/ What team-building and assessment plan would you develop and share with your leadership?
4. Paper Heading & Format, Grammar, Spelling, APA citations & Reference page.
Total Points
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