Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Financial Trading Simulation

You have done your preparation, you designed a trading plan, you can now start trading.
You will be trading using real-time data on TradeStation, on the following markets:
- Equity (8 weeks)
- Foreign Exchange (2 weeks)
- Options (2 weeks)
- Futures (2 weeks)
Keep a trading log of all your trades and reflect on your trading.
1. Trading log (30%)
Keep a detailed log and provide a justification for all trades you did. The justification must be based on technical or fundamental analysis.
2. Profitability (10%)
Less than -8% 0; -8% 1; … 0% 5; … 10% and more 10
3. Reflection on financial theory(30%)
? Reflect on economic and financial theory you have learned in your programme and how it is applicable to financial investment and trading.
? You can see this as a literature review to be referred to in the justification of your trades above.
4. Reflection on the use of technology (20%)
? Which features of TradeStation have you used, which features were new to you, how have you learned to use them, how have you used them, how do you think they could be useful, what else would you liked to have had or to used?

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