Saturday, December 31, 2016

social classes change

How and when did different social classes change during the 18th century in terms of several main events which took place in Britain? How and when did different social classes change during the 18th century in terms of several main events which took place in Britain?

Gluten Free, Allergen Free Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Cake Pops

Develop an allergy friendly baked product (cake or biscuit) for a primary school canteen that is free of egg, dairy, soy, gluten and nuts.
Research and review literature pertaining to the development of your assigned food product. Include in this review areas such as; technology used in its manufacture, description and functionality of ingredients utilised, nutritional issues and methods of analyses needed for the chemical, microbiological and sensory assessment of the product and legal requirements.

Friday, December 30, 2016


Submit answers to all the following questions. Be sure to explain your reasoning clearly and fully and use diagrams where appropriate. The questions are applied and analytical. They can only be answered by the student having knowledge of macroeconomic principles.
Students should note that this learning task must be an individual piece of work. That is, it must be the creation of the person submitting it.

1. Consider a macroeconomy was initially at equilibrium level of real GDP. Using an aggregate demand and aggregate supply diagram or model of the economy, graphically illustrate and discuss the short-run and long-run effects of the following events upon the economy:
(a) A political election campaign is held.
(b) There is an increase in spending on infrastructure.
(c) An increase in international economic turbulence.
(d) A depreciation in the foreign exchange rate value of the economy’s currency.
(e) A fall of business confidence within the economy
(f) The country’s main exports rise in price while the goods the country imports fall in price ie its terms of trade improves in the country’ favour (3 marks)
2. Collect an article from an Australian newspaper that relates to the current Australian macro economy. In a paragraph indicate which section of the course it applies to, why you selected the article and provide a brief summary of what the article is actually about (1 mark)
3. Many people find the current unemployment figures for Australia at 5.5% unbelievable. Why is this? Why might the official statistics be inaccurate? (1 mark)
4. Using the simple Keynesian model to assess the implications for equilibrium GDP and the level of savings of an increase in the savings function. What eventually happens to the level of savings? What would happen to equilibrium income if there is a sustained rise in private investment spending? (2 Marks)
5. State the difference between:
-economic contraction and economic expansion.
-between appreciation and depreciation
- between the balance of payments deficit and the budget deficit
-between the bond rate and interest rate (2 marks)
6. When is monetary policy most effective? When is fiscal policy most effective (2 marks)
7. Distinguish between ongoing demand-pull and ongoing cost-push inflation. Carefully draw them. Why might it be difficult to establish the extent to which a given rate of inflation is either demand-pull or cost-push? (2 marks)
8. The Australian economy has gone nearly 22 years without a recession meaning a whole generation have grown up never experiencing a recession. What are the macroeconomic dangers now facing Australia? When commentators suggest that the Australian economy is a two -speed economy what specifically are they referring to? (2 marks)
9. Why do economists study economic indicators? What are some examples of Leading indicators? (2 marks)
10. The Australian dollar has fallen by 12 US cents in the last few months. What are the macroeconomic consequences of this currency movement?

annual report analyze

Analyze the company”s annual report from the below given 3 companies. I already chose my company that is Coles-Myer Ltd. Question 1 also have to choose 4 points from the the given list. I also have chosen them which are comprehensive income statement analysis, funding analysis, share price and market capitalization analysis and expense and depreciation analysis. The 3rd question has require to compare same industry as the company. i chose Woolworths supermarket. So compare Coles and Woolworths. These 2 supermarkets are competitive in Australia.Thanks

Thursday, December 29, 2016


As discussed in lecture, interviews are a rich, valuable and unique source of information. Interviewing people about what they know or have experienced often is the only way to gain such information. Not everything can be found online. Learning to effectively interview is a highly useful skill relevant to not just mass media, but every professional field.
Applying the principles outlined in the topical lecture, you will interview an immigrant. Your interview subject can be of any age and have been in this country for any length of time. Similarly, the person may have crossed the border without benefit of legal documentation, or overstayed a visa. You would be wise to have a preliminary chat to make sure your potential subject is willing to be interviewed and is likely to be forthcoming. Sometimes interviewees can be stubbornly reticent, revealing so little as to make the interview worthless.
Generally, immigrants have interesting stories, and they are quite willing to share them.
So, how should you proceed? Your goal is elicit enough information to produce a fairly detailed profile. First, prepare a list of questions. Think of them as a blueprint that will ensure you cover basic territory.
Here are some questions you ought to ask:
1. What is your name, age, and where are you from?
2. How long have you lived in the United States? Have you always lived in the same U.S. city?
3. Describe your life in your native country. Press for details. Most of us like to talk about where we were born and life experiences we consider important, pleasant, poignant or even unpleasant.
4. What caused you to leave? Did you think your departure would be permanent?
5. Did you settle in another country before coming to the U.S.?
6. How has the immigrant experience been for you? Might you ever return to your homeland?
Of course, you will want to ask additional questions. Also, almost certainly the interview will produce opportunities for unanticipated questions.
Plan for an interview of at least 20 minutes, and if at all possible conduct the discussion in person.
Review your interview notes and type them if you did not do so originally.
You will identify a theme in your interviewee’s story and describe it in the first paragraph, or the lead. Perhaps the immigrant you talk to has struggled unsuccessfully to adapt to the U.S.
Or, he or she has so completely become Americanized as to lose touch with the original culture. Those would be excellent themes.
You are to submit a story of between 550 and 600 words as a Word document on the date and time specified on the class site.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Use Chapter 4 and 5 in “American Government and Politics Today by Barbara A. Bardes” and Chapter 10 in “Texas Politics by Charldean Newell” as sources.
1. The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation’s leading civil liberties organization. Visit the ACLU’s website at
a. Look around a bit, then scroll down to the bottom of the page to look at their general subject areas (“Capital Punishment”, “Free Speech”, Voting Rights”, etc.). Click on a specific topic of interest (“Marijuana Law Reform”, “Internet Censorship”, etc.) and look around. Make sure to investigate at least two of the links on that page (“Additional Resources”, “Most Popular”, “Related Issues”, etc. ). In a paragraph, summarize what you find. What, exactly, is the issue? What is the position of the ACLU? What does (or would) the other side say? Describe at least two relevant court cases or specific examples mentioned. What did you learn that was interesting or surprising?
Note: If you are having a hard time coming up with the other side, try Conservapedia (, Judicial Watch, or The Future of Freedom Foundation ( None are explicitly “anti-civil liberties”, but they do provide info and links to the point of view opposite the ACLU.
b. Choose one additional “Issue” and repeat.
c. Lastly, write a paragraph summarizing your reaction to this assignment.
Notes: Please identify the topic at the top of each paragraph. Make sure to put into your own words–don’t just cut and paste from the website. Remember, this is not about your position on the issue and why you feel that way, but rather the position of the ACLU and the other side, and what their rationale is.
2. Due process means that laws must be applied fairly and equally to all people, especially to a citizen accused of a crime. The Constitution uses the phrase in the 5th and 14th Amendments, declaring that the government shall not deprive anyone of “life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” The 5th Amendment protects people from actions of the federal government, and the 14th protects them from actions by state and local governments.
The due process amendments (amendments 4, 5,6 and 8) have been fairly controversial among the American public – simply because they protect those citizens who have been accused of a crime.
Why are these due process protections so controversial? These amendments are so controversial because we KNOW that citizens who are guilty of a crime do “get off” on technicalities. (For example, evidence of a crime is found but thrown out of court because there were problems with the warrant.) For this reason, most of us – who are law abiding citizens – do not see the protections as necessary. After all, if we are not accused of a crime then we will not need the protection afforded by the due process amendments. When criminals we believe to be guilty have been released due to a technicality, citizens tend to ignore the protections from government provided to ALL citizens (even if you are never accused of a crime) through the due process amendments. In short – despite their unpopularity, the due process amendments DO protect ALL of us from the potential of an abusive government.
The role of due process amendments is evident in the following video (1:24).
After being interrogated relentlessly for many hours, four US Navy sailors separately confessed to committing a violent rape and murder despite the lack of any evidence linking them to the crim. Based on their confessions, and despite there being no DNA match at the crime scene, each of the men was sent to prison for the crimes.
Watch the video clip. Think about why an innocent person might confess to a crime. Also think about — are all types of evidence equally valid when used to build criminal cases? Finally, think about what role do our due process protections have in the case you are watching?
Using evidence from the film AND information from your textbook. Answer the following questions:
a. When interrogating suspected criminals, police are allowed to make accusations, lie about or make up evidence, yell at suspects or get in their faces. In the case shown in the video, the police told one of the men that he had failed a polygraph (lie detector) test, even though he had passed it. Why do you think it is legal for police to lie when questioning a potential criminal? Do you think that it is right? What do you think police should and should not be allowed to do during an interrogation?
b. Before being questioned by police, suspects must be told their Miranda rights, which give them the right to remain silent and to speak to an attorney. Why might these men have waived their rights? In what ways might their innocence have affected their perception of the importance of remaining silent or having a lawyer present? How might their story have been different if they had insisted on exercising these rights?
c. In this case, DNA tests of hair and bodily fluids did not indicated that any of the four men were at the crime scene. Why didn’t the DNA test results help clear these men of the crime? What type of evidence was used to convict them of the crime? Should the strength of the various types of evidence be considered in a court? Should we make changes to our due process rights that account for new types of scientific inquiry and our ability to use forensic evidence?
d. Eventually these men were found or pleaded guilty of the crime in court, even though there was no evidence linking them to the crime, and a positive DNA match identified another man who had confessed to the crime. How could this happen in the American justice system? In what ways were the following parties responsible for the outcome:
• The four men themselves
• The police
• The lawyers
• The jury (in the case of a court trial)
• The judge
3. THE PATRIOT ACT: As the U.S. government tries to fight terror through increasing the means of surveillance, critics raise issues of individual liberty, including the right to privacy and the right to avoid unwarranted searches and seizures. Of particular interest and heated debate has been the provision in the Act that would allow the government to access patron records at public and private libraries without warrants. Or, the government’s access to our private phone calls, internet searches, etc… Think about whether the Patriot Act is necessary to the nation’s security, or an invasion of civil liberties.
a. First, investigate the history and elements of the USA Patriot Act. You may use a combination of your textbook and the websites below to help you find the answers.
• What does the acronym “U.S.A. Patriot Act” stand for?
• Explain the purpose of the Patriot Act.
• Identify the major provisions of the Patriot Act.
• Discuss some of the controversial uses of the Act.
• What Section of the Act has been severely criticized by the Amer
ican Library Association and other interested parties? On what basis have they criticized it?
b. Now, read the article, “The Patriot Act: What is the Proper Balance between National Security and Individual Rights” at the following website.
• How does the Patriot Act define “domestic terrorism”? Do you think participants in public protests could ever be accused of “domestic terrorism” under this definition? Why or why not?
• The Justice Department has proposed that the government should be able to ask a court to revoke the citizenship of any American who provides “material support” to terrorists. Do you support the proposal? Why or why not?
• Below are two famous quotations. What do they mean? Which, if any, do you agree with? Explain.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.—Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)
There is danger that, if the [Supreme Court] does not temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom, it will convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact.—Justice Robert H. Jackson dissenting in Terminiello v. City of Chicago (1949)
c. Finally, look through the websites listed below.
• Discuss three “pro” and three “con” views of the Patriot Act. Be sure to include in your discussion some reference to national security and individual liberty (as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights).
• Do you believe that the Patriot Act goes too far on the side of “security” and, in fact, serves to threaten “individual liberty”? Why, or why not?
Supportive Views (Pro)
• The Patriot Act and Related Provisions: The Heritage Foundation’s Research
• In Defense of the Patriot Act by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
• Patriot Act 101 by Jon Thibault, FrontPage Magazine
• The Patriot Act, Reauthorized, JURIST
Critical Views (Con)
• PATRIOT Games: Terrorism Law and Executive Power, JURIST
• American Library Association’s Resolution on the PATRIOT Act
• Jennifer Van Bergen, Repeal the Patriot ActA six-part series analysing the Act.

4. The Voting Rights Act (VRA) bans racial discrimination in voting practices by the federal government as well as by state and local governments.
Passed in 1965 after a century of deliberate and violent denial of the vote to African-Americans in the South and Latinos in the Southwest – as well as many years of entrenched electoral systems that shut out citizens with limited fluency in English – the VRA is often held up as the most effective civil rights law ever enacted. It is widely regarded as enabling the enfranchisement of millions of minority voters and diversifying the electorate and legislative bodies at all levels of American government.
Congress has reauthorized the VRA five times, most recently in 2006, when both the House and the Senate approved the measure overwhelmingly in a bipartisan manner. Congress conducted over 20 hearings, heard from over 50 expert witnesses, and collected over 17,000 pages of testimony documenting the continued need for and constitutionality of the statute.
The 2006 reauthorization renewed several key protections, providing for language assistance, Election Day monitors, and Justice Department pre-approval of voting changes. The protections are currently set to expire in 2031.
Using your textbook and/or the websites below, answer the following questions.
About the Voting Rights Act
• Text of the Voting Rights Act –
• History of the Voting Rights Act
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Myths & Facts about Section 5 of the VRA
• Myths & Facts about Section 203 of the VRA
• Map of States Subject to Sections 5 and 203
Effects of the Voting Rights Act
• Real Stories of the Impact of the VRA
• Video Testimonials
• Reports on Voting Rights in the States
• Why You Should Care About the VRA
a. Explain how the Voting Rights Act relates to the 15th Amendment.
e. Discuss why the Voting Rights Act was needed? For example, how were blacks disenfranchised?
f. How did the Supreme Court and Congress attempt to lessen disenfranchisement before the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
g. Discuss key provisions contained in the Voting Rights Act. Explain using Section 2, section 5 and other provisions.
Just this year, a case reached the Supreme Court regarding whether the provisions in Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act should still be applied to states. (For summaries, audio of the case, etc… see
Read the following articles.
h. Discuss three reasons section 5 should still be applied to state AND three reasons why section 5 is no longer needed. After reviewing your textbook and the information above, explain whether or not you believe Section 5 protections should be continued.
5. The American Civil Rights Movement produced tremendous change in American society and politics. At the crux of the movement, was the battle to end segregation in public schools. In this question, you will need to explore the legal, political, and social implications of racial segregation and desegregation through the study of two Supreme Court decisions: Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education. You may use your textbook and/or any of the links below to help you answer the following questions.
a. Define racial segregation.
b. Define the two types of segregation. Give examples.
c. Discuss Jim Crow laws. Give examples.
d. Explain which form of segregation you think was hardest to overcome and why.
h. Discuss the background to Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Discuss the majority and minority opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson.
i. Explain three implications of the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.
j. Analyze the “separate but equal” doctrine. How does the court justify legal separation?
k. Discuss the background to Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
l. Discuss the majority and minority opinion in Brown v. Board of Education
m. Explain three implications of the Brown v. Board of Education decision
n. Interpret the quote below. Explain how it differs from the Court’s opinion in Plessy.Justice Henry Brown, writing in the majority opinion in the Plessydecision asserted:
“We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff’s argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it.”
o. Interpret the quote below. Chief Justice Warren, writing the majority opinion in Brown v. Board, stated:
“Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other “tangible” factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does…We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
6. As your textbook indicates, civil liberties and civil rights have a particularly important role in the Texas judicial system. Because Texas uses the death penalty so frequently, the stakes are quite high in Texas court rooms.
Look at the following factsheet. (
a. Using your textbook and the factsheet, discuss the use of the death penalty in Texas.
b. Compare the use of the death penalty in Texas to other states.
PBS Frontline covered the trial, conviction and execution of Cameron Todd Willingham. Given the length of this assignment, you probably do not have time to watch the entire 60 minute documentary (
Try watching these two brief clips covering the case.
c. Given what you have read in your textbook, write a response in which you argue whether or not you believe the conviction (and execution) were sound. Explain why you feel that way.
7. Please freely discuss whatever is in the news this week. What caught your attention? Why?

Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).

Criminal Justice
Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper in which you assess criminal justice from a global perspective. In your paper be sure to analyze the following:

Assess the impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).

Discuss the impact that cyber crime and technology have had on worldwide justice systems.

Differentiate the policing systems on a worldwide scale.

Identify major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes (e.g., Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, Congo, etc.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Integrating Culture and Diversity in Decision Making: The CEO and Organizational Culture Profile

Choose one (1) of the following organizations to research: Google, Zappos, Southwest, Hewlett Packard, Xerox, W.L. Gore, DuPont, or Procter & Gamble. Use a variety of resources (company Website, newspaper, company blogs, etc.) to research the culture of the selected organization. Note: Use Question 6 as your conclusion. An abstract is not necessary for this assignment.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. Provide a brief (one [1] paragraph) description of the organization you chose to research.
2. Examine the culture of the selected organization.
3. Explain how you determined that the selected organization showed the signs of the culture that you have identified.
4. Determine the factors that caused the organization to embody this particular culture.
5. Determine what type of leader would be best suited for this organization. Support your position.
6. Imagine that there is a decline in the demand of product(s) or services supplied by the selected organization. Determine what the change in culture would need to be in response to this situation.
7. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Explore how individual differences, personality traits, and perspectives impact the productivity of an organization.
• Review learning theories and their relationship to organizational performance.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior.
• Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Management Practice and Theory

Management Practice and Theory
ln your answer give at least 3 business examples, which show an understanding of the article readings,
powerpoint slide discussion and textbook chapter readings from class.
! 1./Explain what management theory is and contrast the classical definition of management with the
contemporary definltion of ma nagement.
2. Explain what scientific management is and how it operates in practice using examples of different
management theorists.
f) Explain and contrast the different types of managerial ability espoused by Fayol and Fayol’s general
principles of management.
d, Explain the differences between the bureaucracy and traditional organisation including their basic
components and consequences.
i,1, Explain the soclal person approach to management, the importance of the relationship between
management with workers and what are the crucial dimensions of management skills.

Monday, December 26, 2016


research the elements of business and prepare an APA formatted paper that:
•Analyzes the organization’s basic legal, social, and economic environments
•Analyzes the organization’s managerial, operational, and financial issues including: •Project Management
•Project Timelines
•Critical Paths and Contingency Planning
•Implementation Plan Contingencies
•Staffing Needs and Tools
•One Gantt Chart Example
•One PERT Chart Example
•Analyzes the impact of potential change factors and the impact on the functions of management

Developing HR Policies

Developing HR Policies

Within organizations, the human resources department is considered an ally by some managers and a barrier by others. The legal requirements of managing HR require you to be the dispenser of policies, procedures, and rules at times and a trusted counselor and guide at other times. There are varying perspectives on the value HR policies bring to an organization. In other words, the policies, procedures, or rules may be viewed as tools that help or hinder leaders from managing their people and will either detract from or enhance company performance. When not properly aligned with the company’s goals, they can negatively affect the success of the organization. You know that you need to review the current HR policies, procedures, and rules and anticipate that you may be recommending changes, additions, or deletions. Because you are still new and solidifying your position within the company, you are concerned that missteps now will cost you your “place at the table.”
You decide to consult with your mentor—an experienced, powerful HR executive at another company. She presents the following for you to consider:
•What steps will you take in your policy, procedure, and HR rules review with the jewelry company?
•What will that involve? As you consider their HR policies, how will you ensure they are effectively aligned with what you see as the company’s goals?
•If you find areas where policy revision is needed, how will you present your recommendations?
•How do you feel your recommendations will be viewed?
•Do you anticipate resistance? If so, what plan do you have to overcome that?
•What do you see as the possible outcome from policy revision in terms of impact on the company’s performance?
•Write her an e-mail addressing these issues.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Empowerment and implications for counselling practice

 Discuss 3 quotes supplied (Susie Bright, Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandela) with reference to readings supplied and what the implications for counselling practice may be regarding Empowerment . Citing of authors required-author and date of publication, however NO reference list required at the end


Congratulations! You have been hired for your ideal teaching position, in your ideal school district.
Living up to your “ideal” expectations, your new school district has been selected to host a panel discussion among a number of leading, world renown, scholars in education. Leading this panel discussion will be Eric Von Glasserfeld, L. S. Vygotsky (miraculously brought to life and speaking fluent English through a new procedure developed by NASA), and Jerome Bruner.

To your dismay, you find that your excitement about this opportunity is not shared among your colleagues. Upon a meeting with your principal, you learn why – Unfortunately, your colleagues are not well-informed on the insights that these famous scholars have contributed to our understanding of constructivist-based teaching and learning. You begin to realize that while your colleagues speak of constructivism regularly, they are not well-informed of its foundations or the various perspectives from which constructivism is often interpreted.
Given your insights and interest in this area, your principal has asked you to assist her in preparing your colleagues for this “once in a lifetime” opportunity.
This brings you to your 4th case assignment…
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation* that illustrates the following different perspectives of constructivism:
Radical Constructivism
Social Constructivism
Cognitive Constructivism
To “illustrate” each perspective, address each of the following:
Who is the key theorist associated with each perspective?
How does each theorist believe knowledge is constructed and/or learning occurs?
Supplement your presentation with a narrative depiction of what you will be “saying” for each slide. ?Depending on your skill and comfort level with PowerPoint, you may choose ANY ONE of the following formats for your supplement:
A separate word document; OR
The “notes” feature of the PowerPoint software.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Intelligence – nature vs. nurture

Choose one of the areas listed below. Identify and critically evaluate the role of internal and external factors in relation to this area. Intelligence – e.g. nature vs. nurture
Your essay should include:
• A clear articulation of your chosen topic
• A discussion of the topic as outlined in the essay descriptions above
• An analysis of the topic in light of current literature

Friday, December 23, 2016

IRB requiremen

IRB requiremen
create a plan and methodology for research that you would engage in to evaluate and/or measure the efficacy of your proposed model. In this component, you:
?Apply critical thinking skills to describe the research methodology you would use to conduct valid, reliable, and ethical research in order to prove the efficacy of your proposed model. Be sure to specifically describe what you would measure and how you would measure it.
?Explain how your selected methodology will be used as a strategy to help promote changes to public safety policy, given that accurate and relevant data regarding the success of your model are important in promoting policy changes that are effective and produce the desired result.
?Describe how your methodology considers professional standards related to the discipline and ethical research practices (such as informed consent, IRB requirements, protected classes, and confidentiality concerns).

Reader’s Notes

What is a reader’s notes ?
Reader’s Notes
One way to become a better writer is to become a more active, engaged reader. With reader’s notes, the goal is to become more aware of the process of building meaning through words. The notes are a way to think critically and explore and expand upon ideas.
Please make Reader’s Notes responding to each of the articles assigned throughout the course of the semester. Use the following two-step process with each article:
Active Reading: If you print out the article you can highlight or underline and write notes in the margins. You may want to use a straight line underlining the things you find interesting or important and a wavy line underlining the things that you find unclear or problematic. If you are reading from a computer screen you may need to devise another method for highlighting noteworthy segments (e.g. green ) for things you find interesting and meaningful, yellow for things you find problematic or confusing) Reflections: Jot down your observations and questions, etc. Please note: This is not meant to be a summary of facts or information, but a way to build comprehension, generate new ideas, notice your thought processes, and discover your reactions to different modes of written expression. You may want toask yourself:
§? What is being expressed?
Think critically; remember that authors choose what to focus on and what to
downplay or leave out. The writing may reveal a particular perspective or even a bias.
§? How does the author express it?
§? What do I think? Do I Agree? Disagree?
§? Does the content of the article cause me to think in a new way?
§? How am I reacting to the way it is written?
§? Is it expressed effectively? If so, how? If not, what changes might I suggest to the author? How might I discuss this subject differently?
Take 10 – 15 minutes minimum to do this.
Each time you record your responses to a specific reading, please date your writing and refer to thearticle. Be sure to keep all of your written work; you will turn in the notes at the end of the semester with your portfolio. Your grade for this project will be based on your effort and engagement with the readings,rather than “correctness” of ideas, style or usage.
Tip: Go beyond simply underlining the printed article and writing a few words in the margins.
Treat this as you do your free writing exercises, yet with the article as the subject and the questions above as the starting points for your thoughts.
Writer-educators Peter Elbow and Pat Belanoff’s Dialectical Notes serve as inspiration for this exercise.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Global Business Economics

 Discuss three major cross-cultural differences that would need to be taken into consideration if your company were to expand into this market based on your selected country 

ourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) Industries

 You are required to choose a topic of interest that relates to the structure or function of either the tourism sector, the hospitality industry OR the event industry and prepare a 2000 word report about this topic.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Financial Trading Simulation

You have done your preparation, you designed a trading plan, you can now start trading.
You will be trading using real-time data on TradeStation, on the following markets:
- Equity (8 weeks)
- Foreign Exchange (2 weeks)
- Options (2 weeks)
- Futures (2 weeks)
Keep a trading log of all your trades and reflect on your trading.
1. Trading log (30%)
Keep a detailed log and provide a justification for all trades you did. The justification must be based on technical or fundamental analysis.
2. Profitability (10%)
Less than -8% 0; -8% 1; … 0% 5; … 10% and more 10
3. Reflection on financial theory(30%)
? Reflect on economic and financial theory you have learned in your programme and how it is applicable to financial investment and trading.
? You can see this as a literature review to be referred to in the justification of your trades above.
4. Reflection on the use of technology (20%)
? Which features of TradeStation have you used, which features were new to you, how have you learned to use them, how have you used them, how do you think they could be useful, what else would you liked to have had or to used?

Family Law

Family Law

Research Paper
Annie Brown is 30 years old and has three children to 3 different fathers.
Tyler James Wakefield (born 3 May 1996) and his father is Tyler Wakefield Senior. Tyler has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Jessica June Brown (born 6 July 1998). Annie believes that Jessica’s father is Jake Brown, her former partner. Annie and Jake were together in a relationship for 18
months. Jake is the named father on the birth certificate but Annie is not 100% certain that he is in fact the father. This is because
she had a one night stand with a work colleague, Barney Penfold around the time that she fell pregnant with Jessica. Barney has always
expressed a particular interest in Jessica’s life.
Terry Craig Chung (born 12 December 2009). Terry is the child of Dr Tsu Chung, a heart
Annie and Tsu are currently living together although it has always been a rocky relationship. Annie is considering leaving the
relationship because she often feels threatened by Tsu. Tsu comes from Bangkok and all of his family still live there. Tsu often says that
he would like to set up a private surgery in Bangkok and move the family there permanently. Tsu’s family practise Sikhism.
Tsu provides
Annie with a set income each week for her and the three children. Sometimes Annie says that this is not enough to pay all the bills and when she needs more Tsu refuses.
Tyler and Jessica both attend St Joseph’s College, Toowoomba Queensland. Tsu currently pays for all of
their education costs even though he does not agree with the choice of religious affiliation. Annie knows that if she leaves the
relationship, she will be unable to pay for the school fees on her own as she only works part-time as a teacher’s aide. The biological
fathers refuse to contribute. Annie also recognises that if she leaves Tsu, he has no obligation to pay for the school fees because the
children are not Tsu’s biological children.
Tyler’s significant behavioural difficulties recently caused him to physically lash out
at Annie giving her a black eye. Annie did not report this to the police because she was worried that Tyler would be removed from her care
and placed with the father, Tyler Wakefield Senior. Annie has previously refused him to spend time with Tyler because the father is a
kangaroo shooter and she worries about Tyler’s safety. The father also has a history of drug abuse. Although Annie dabbles in
prescription medication provided by Dr Chung she doesn’t believe that she is addicted.
Tyler has been asking to live with his father.
There are no orders in place but the father has mentioned mediation.
Jessica is extremely bright. Annie however believes that something
has happened to Jessica. Jessica is very pretty. Lately Jessica has been hiding in her bedroom. Annie says Tsu has not been able to hug
Jessica without her pushing him away or glaring at him.
The youngest child, Terry is the apple of Tsu’s eye because he is 4 years
old and his only male heir.
Tsu holds Terry’s passport in a safe at work.
Tsu has mentioned that he is keen for Terry to have his name
changed to Master Tsu which would provide him with authority within his family in Bangkok and superiority within their religion. Annie has
refused but Tsu said she cannot stop him because he is the father and she has no power.
Finally, Annie tells you that her face book page
has also been hacked into and changed. There have been comments made that allege that she is mentally unwell. Annie says that she ha
post natal depression in the past.
Lately Annie has been feeling like self-harming because she is so distressed about her situation but
knows that if she does anything, that she may lose the children and her life.
With reference to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and other
sources what is your advice to Annie? Advise of issues including but not limited to:
Parental responsibility – long-term decision

Monday, December 19, 2016

Polysmography/ Sleep Study

Sleep Lab Observation Summary Instructions
1) Sleep Lab Observation Process
a) Schedule and attend two sessions sleep lab to observe a baseline diagnostic sleep study (not a CPAP titration) by the end of Module 3.
b) Plan an appointment by calling a local sleep lab far enough in advance that you can complete this assignment by the end of Module 3.
c) Visit the sleep lab at night and observe a patient hookup procedure and at least the first 2 hours of recording (this will last approximately from 8:00 p.m. to midnight).
d) As the sleep lab observation progresses, make careful note of the following:
i) Observations of the patient hookup.
ii) The technician-patient interactions.
iii) The startup process of the study.
iv) The technician and patient activities for the first 2 hours of recording.
2) Sleep Lab Attendance Form
a) After attending each of the two sleep labs and observing the process, have the form found in Resource 2: Grand Canyon University Sleep Lab Attendance Form, located in the Course Resources folder, completed by the trainer from the facility.
b) Submit the forms to your instructor with the Sleep Lab Observation Summary at the end of Module 3.
3) Sleep Lab Observation Summary
a) Write a 500-word summary of your sleep study experience. Include all the information outlined above that you noted in the process. Describe in detail your experiences in the sleep lab during your night of observation. Do not provide any of the patient’s information (e.g., name, date of birth, address, or any other information that can be used to identify an individual). Use the following questions as a guide through the process:
i) What symptoms did the patient have prior to being admitted to the lab? What did the technician do to prepare for the patient’s arrival?
ii) How did the technician interact with the patient?
iii) What technical problems or artifacts, if any, did the technician encounter, and how did the technician correct these?
iv) What type of notes did the technician take?
v) What did you notice on the sleep study (e.g., apneas, oxygen desaturations, leg movements, artifacts)?
b) APA format is not required, but solid writing skill in APA style and a title page is expected.
c) Submit the Sleep Lab Observation Summary and Sleep Lab Attendance Forms to the instructor by the end of Module 3.
4) CLC Discussion Forum
b) Post your Sleep Lab Observation Summary in the CLC Discussion Forum.
c) Read other Sleep Lab Observation Summaries from your colleagues and post your observations, comments, and reflections.
d) This process should begin by the start of Module 4. Address the following in your responses.
i) What did you learn from the experience?
ii) How does it compare with that of your team?
iii) Provide an analysis and evaluation of your learning experiences.
e) Refer to the Resource 5- Participation Rubric for more information on the expectation of the assignment.

let’s put pornography back in closet

let’s put pornography back in closet
1. What is the writer’s thesis? Summarize the essay and the main points.
2. What evidence does the writer use to support his or her position? Look closely and examine the ways the writer tries to be convincing.
3. What do you think of this argument? Is it a good one? Why or why not?
4. Finally, what is YOUR opinion on the topic? Should some kinds of speech be censored? Why or why not?