Sunday, February 24, 2019

Everyday Use," "Araby," "Paul's Case," "The Rocking-Horse Winner," "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" or "Good Country People," identify

Fiction Interpretation Essay In class readings, we explore the idea of theme – the central idea or meaning of the text – and we analyze short stories in terms of theme. For this paper, you may choose one of the short stories, "Everyday Use," "Araby," "Paul's Case," "The Rocking-Horse Winner," "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" or "Good Country People," identifying and analyzing the theme in the chosen text. Make sure that your paper has a controlling idea and a clear, specific thesis statement. Do not retell the story. Any discussion of plot or character should relate to your discussion of the theme. The paper must be unified, organized, coherent, well-developed, and grammatically and mechanically correct. Remember to always support your argument with proof from the text itself. This paper should be double-spaced, and the final draft should be 750-1,000 words long. You are expected to use quotations from the text and to provide proper MLA documentation, including a Works Cited page. (Remember that sample analysis essays are included in the introductory section of the literature textbook, in case you would like an example of what you are being asked to do.)RESEARCHED AND SOLVED BY OUR WRITING TEAM 
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