Monday, January 29, 2018

Gains and Losses in Middle Adulthood

Gains and Losses in Middle Adulthood

Discuss Baltes' theory on the gains and losses in middle adulthood. Elaborate on the processes of growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss that can be adaptive for development at this stage. Describe how age-graded changes and history-graded changes help to explain development during this stage.
Image result for order now

Application of Theory and Research in Adulthood

Application of Theory and Research in Adulthood

Reflecting on what you have learned about lifespan development theories and research in adulthood, identify what aspects are most relevant to your own specialization or professional role. Describe any themes that emerged that are most meaningful for you. 
Image result for order now

Evaluation as Part of a Disaster Management Plan

 Established  in 1970, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) is a nonprofit,  non-governmental health arm of the National Academy of Sciences  (chartered by President Lincoln in 1863) and has served as an unbiased  advisor to the nation on health care improvement. The IOM has a key role  to play in helping to shape the direction of health care in the United  States and abroad and works to enhance quality and add value to the  health care system. Their seminal report from 2001, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health Care System for the 21st Century, describes a strategy for improving health care overall.

 Historically,  heath care for mental health and substance-use conditions had a less  developed quality measurement infrastructure than general medical  practice. This characteristic was addressed in the 2006 report, Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions  and recommendations were made for quality improvement, patient-centered  services, strengthening evidence-base practices, and care coordination.
 To prepare for this Discussion: 

 Review the Summary and the summaries for Chapters 3, 4, and 5 in the ebook, Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions, focusing on the importance of evaluation and reevaluation of plans.

Review Chapter 17 in your course text, Crisis Intervention Strategies,  focusing on systems overviews and the Principles of a Crisis  Intervention Ecosystem and then consider the value of ongoing plan  evaluation.

Review the Appendix and Chapters 5 and 9 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, focusing on the components of an effective crisis management plan and organizational learning.

Review  the article, “Program Evaluation: The Accountability Bridge Model for  Counselors.” Consider the importance of developing effective counseling  evaluation programs and the importance of accountability for counselors.
Review  the article, “Violence Prevention After Columbine: A Survey of High  School Mental Health Professionals.” Consider how research and program  evaluation can improve the effectiveness of counseling.

Review  the article, “Collaborative Consultation and Program Evaluation,”  focusing on how effective program evaluation can inform and improve  counselor education and leadership.

Review the “Six-Aims of Health Care Systems” at and consider how adherence to these guidelines should be kept in mind as you develop and evaluate crisis management plans.

Review the article, "Five Years  After Katrina: Progress Report on Recovery, Rebuilding, and Renewal” or  use a search engine to find another disaster recovery plan. Think about  areas that still need improvement. Be sure to include resources if a  different recovery plan is used.

 With these thoughts in mind: 

 Post   a (200 Word APA Format) brief justification for three components of the Six Aims of  High-Quality Health Care that you think are most important when  evaluating a crisis management plan. Then provide a brief analysis of  the “Five Years  After Katrina: Progress Report on Recovery, Rebuilding, and Renewal ”  recovery plan or the plan you chose, and explain insights you gained.

Chapter 17
 Crisis Intervention Strategies

Chapter 5
 Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape[;vnd.vst.idref=ch05]!/4/2@0:0

Chapter 9
 Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape[;vnd.vst.idref=ch09]!/4/2@0:0

 Six-Aims of Health Care Systems” at  
Image result for order now

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Imagine you are head of the HR department, and you have been asked to review two applicants for the sales clerk position at your company.

 Discussion Question:
Imagine you are head of the HR department, and you have been asked to review two applicants for the sales clerk position at your company. Alice, the first applicant has 10 years of experience in sales work, but can be easily distracted. She will not work on commission and cannot work weekends. She can be a little obstinate, but has an excellent job history. Mary, the second applicant, has one year experience, but very congenial and loves working with people. Her work schedule is very flexible, but she can become a little stressed at times and has been known for having to quietly leave and regroup for a short time. Determine which candidate would be the “right fit”. Support your decision by describing the thought process that lead up to your decision

HR Director of a Fortune 500 Company.

Write this essay as an HR Director of a Fortune 500 Company. The corporation is a multinational organization and based in the United States. You are being asked to identify your knowledge of HRIS and to make a suggestion about a new piece of technology for each of the weekly learning objectives. Your boss has asked you to discuss one new piece of technology that you could use for each weekly topic. These are the topics that were discussed: E-Recruiting, E-Selection, Self-Service & HR Portals, E-Learning & Training, and Performance Management
Each of these topics should be about one page in length and answer the questions above. You should also tell me what is important to consider with each of the decisions that you make. A good place to find information is on the SHRM website. This paper will required you to research HRIS technology to discuss.
  • Please read the assignment instruction carefully and make sure that you cover all requirements.
  • Make critical thinking skills visible.
  • Fully develop key points and provide sufficient details .
  • Focus on specifics and avoid generalization and or recitation of facts. 
  • Establish clear connections and support your statements.
This should be the format of your Paper:
1)  Introduction should discuss the evolution of HR. You should use our reading material for week #1 and any research that you have completed from outside sources to briefly discuss the evolution of HRIS
2)  Second paragraph should discuss our reading material about the important consideration in developing and implanting and HRIS. This paragraph should tell your boss how you would recommend the development and setup or an HRIS for your organization. You can call the organization Fortune 500 Co,
3) The next five pages should discuss the material for that is listed above.
4)  Paper should end your with a conclusion about the future of HR and what you might be able to implement in the organization in the future. Also tell your boss about any culture or acceptance problems that you might foresee in your organization when implementing the HRIS.

UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.

Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.
Assignment 2: Job Analysis / Job Description
Due Week 4 and worth 100 points
Go to YouTube, located at, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
  1. Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position. 
  2. Describe your method of collecting the information for the job analysis (i.e., one-on-one, interview, survey, etc.).
  3. Create a job description from the job analysis.
  4. Justify your belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Formulate HRM strategies and policies to recruit, select, place, and retain the most efficient and effective workforce.
  • Develop effective talent management strategies to recruit and select employees.
  • Design processes to manage employee performance, retention, and separation.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. 
  • Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Foundational concepts of data, database management, and database maintenance

Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


The final project for this course is divided into two parts: configuration and optimization recommendations, and a job aid. 

As a database administrator, it is essential that you understand the foundational concepts of data, database management, and database maintenance. While each database tool may appear different, the same concepts stretch across tools. Thus, your success in this course will be contingent on your ability to apply foundational database administration concepts to a specific database, as well as perform the common maintenance tasks necessary for improving functionality and ensuring security and integrity of data.

Your assessment for this course requires you to place yourself in the role of a database administrator as you evaluate an existing database environment and make recommendations for configuration and optimization. Additionally, you will create a job aid that will be used to onboard new database administrators  This will allow for a practical approach to applying database administration concepts and performing essential administration and maintenance tasks. Refer to the prompt below for the specifics. You will need to download your database from this link and import it into the environment located on your virtual desktop to complete this final project.

The project is divided into five milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven. 

In the final project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: 

       Configure relational database environments to align to a defined set of business requirements
       Perform common database maintenance and administration tasks on various database management systems that improve functionality
       Optimize databases for scalability and performance based on the business environment and in accordance with business needs
       Perform database backups and successfully restore data operations in accordance with best practices in database administration
       Manage secure database by performing common security administration and access procedures


Imagine that you are a database administrator for SNHU Car Parts and Accessories. Currently, the organization has a relational database running on Microsoft SQL Server. The company sells car parts and accessories out of its Manchester, NH, location and through its online e-commerce website, and is thinking about expanding to other areas of the country. 

You have recently been promoted to senior database administrator and have been tasked with two projects. Knowing that the business is planning on growing and expanding, you have been asked by the information technology (IT) director to: 

I.              Support the business’s initiatives by recommending methods for configuring and optimizing the existing database environment to ensure scalability and reliable performance as the business grows, and to align with the following business requirements:
a)      Optimize the database/website to support ongoing growth
i.       Recommend a scalable solution
ii.     Define security standards
iii.   Include user tracking and an auditing system iv. Provide order fulfillment and order tracking
b)      Website should be able to support 100 simultaneous users
c)       Include search functionality
d)      Render website content in multiple languages
e)      Meet ADA requirements
II.            Create a job aid that will be used to onboard new database administrators when you are unable to devote your attention to their training. 


Final Project, Part I: Configuration and Optimization Recommendations
Analyze the existing database environment, located on your virtual desktop. As the IT professional, make recommendations that will allow the database environment to align to the specified business requirements while also ensuring scalability and reliability of performance as the business grows.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I.                Introduction: 
a)      Provide an overview of the scenario, including an analysis of the organization, the current state of the business environment, and any industryspecific information you feel is relevant. Be sure to describe the business environment in terms of what might be important for consideration in the recommendations you will make to improve the database environment, providing specific examples to support your claims. 
b)      Are there any particular assumptions or conclusions that you have made about the scenario, the business environment, and the database environment that are important to note? What led you to these assumptions and conclusions? Provide specific detail to support your considerations. 

II.              Business Requirements and Needs: Given what has been provided in the scenario, discuss the specific business requirements that need to be met by the database, as well as the business needs that exist. Remember that the business needs may not always be included in the requirements, as often businesses establish requirements without full knowledge of future growth or technological aspects. Part of your job is to plan ahead and make educated predictions on what the business needs may be in the not-so-distant future. Establish the business needs in correlation with the defined requirements, and explain your conclusions. 

III.            The Existing Database: Where is the current database falling short of expectations, needs, and requirements? Explain your conclusions with scenariospecific context and specific examples. Some things to consider include but are not limited to the performance speed of various aspects, the quality or reliability of the program, and the impacts of certain functions or programs on the database environment. 

IV.           Configuration: Recommend ways to configure the database environment so that it aligns with the defined business requirements. How do you know that your recommendations will meet these requirements? Be sure to support your recommendations with relevant sources and examples. 

V.             Performance: You have established the business requirements and the needs as informed by your analysis of the given scenario. Given the information you have gleaned and your predictions for future needs, outline your recommendations for ensuring continued performance quality. In other words, what will need to happen to maintain or even improve the levels of performance, and why do you feel these steps are necessary and will be successful? What evidence exists to support your conclusions? 

VI.           Scalability: Given the information you have gleaned from the scenario and the predictions you have made about the future of the business, what is your recommendation for ensuring scalability? Specifically, as the business grows and expands, how do you know that your recommendations will allow the database environment to grow in a manner that will meet the business’s needs? What evidence supports your recommendations?  

Final Project, Part II: Job Aid
Create a detailed job aid to help train the new database administrators that the company will hire. You will be working your way through the following tasks to create process documentation that new hires can follow. 

There are two options for submission, both of which will apply to the itemized prompt listed below. Please view the Guidelines for Submission for more information on the submission expectations and rubric that will be used to evaluate submissions of both option types at the end of this document.

The first option is a written job aid that contains screenshots to illustrate the processes/tasks and written explanations to highlight the purpose, importance, and steps necessary for successful completion in alignment with the company’s needs and standards. In assembling the job aid, you should provide written instructions to facilitate understanding of each process and a table of contents to make finding each appropriate process easier.

The second option is more technology dependent, but would allow for non-written submissions. This option requires the use of a tool, such as Jing, that enables you to record yourself working through each designated task while capturing your verbal explanation of steps and importance of processes. While you may use another tool, Jing has full IT support and is free, while many other tools are not. The SNHU Help Desk will not be available to assist you with the use of a tool for this option; therefore, Jing is highly recommended. Should you run into difficulties that you cannot address, it is your responsibility to revert to option 1 in order for your submission to be on time. Late submission because you were not successful in using a tool for option 2 will result in the normal late penalties established for this course. 

Specifically, your job aid should include the following critical elements, most of which are tasks common to the database administration scope of responsibilities:

I.                Introduction: This is where you will inform the audience of general business requirements/standards for database administration that currently exist for the organization. Specifically:
a)      Communicate the properties of the database (size, location, file names) visually and verbally/in writing. 
b)      When are the peak use hours of the database? Explain how you determined this, why it matters, and what to do if peak hours change. 
c)       What backup software does the company use? Why? What relevance does this hold for the new team members? 

II.              Administration, Optimization, and Configuration: There are several tasks that the average database administrator will need to be able to perform. Attend to the performances listed below by walking your audience through each task, providing a visual representation of the process, a written/verbal explanation of the steps, their relevance, and when a new administrator might need to perform the task:
a)      Create new tables, views, and stored procedures. As you create the tables, views, and stored procedures, be sure to include identifiable information, such as your name, your imaginary employee ID number, and so on. Be sure to communicate any particular standards that new tables need to meet in order to ensure data integrity and consistency across your database. 
b)      Create a copy of the database. Where is the data stored? Should you have a copy in a remote location? Why?  c) Detach and attach a database to the environment 
d)      Import data from external sources (i.e., flat files, Excel, and extracting data)  
e)      Baseline the database (use the SQL Profiler): Why does this matter? 
f)       Set the database to grow automatically by a certain percentage. Provide your justification. 

III.            Maintenance, Backup, and Recovery
a)      Determine the timeframe for committing and truncating the database log files. 
b)      Back up the database. How often should the database be backed up? Why? 
c)       Explain how to monitor disk utilization of the server. 

IV.            Security
a)      What security groups are present? Who has access to the database? How do you know this, and where do you go to gather this information?  b) Include how to add/remove users and groups
c) Assign database permissions to users in groups


Milestone One: Database Optimization Recommendations, Part I 
In Module Two, you will submit a two- to three-page paper that provides an introduction addressing the specific business scenario identified for the final project. Specifically, you should:

       Analyze the business environment
       Identify assumptions
       Establish requirements and needs
       Analyze existing database

Discuss the roles of staff, vendors, consultants, and the organization in making the database improvement process successful. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.  

Milestone Two: Database Optimization Recommendations, Part II 
In Module Three, you will submit a two- to three-page paper discussing configuration and performance monitoring. Provide recommendations for configuring the database to meet the needs of the organization. Also, discuss how the performance will be monitored to ensure quality control. Provide support that is professional, scholarly, and reputable within the industry. In preparation for the final submission, begin to consider how the database could be scalable as the organization grows.  Please note that this milestone will not be submitted as part of the final project submission. This milestone provides an initial overview of the key concepts that will later be introduced as part of the final requirements.

This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.   

Milestone Three: Job Aid, Part I 
In Module Four, you will submit a two- to three-page paper that provides an introduction for a new employee in the organization. Specifically, you should:

       Communicate the properties of the database
       Identify peak hours
       Identify software used for backup

This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.  

Milestone Four: Job Aid, Part II  
In Module Five, you will submit a two- to three-page paper that provides a new employee with an in-depth description of the administration of a database. Specifically, you should explain the steps required to:

       Create tables, views, and stored procedures
       Copy a database
       Attach and detach a database
       Import data from external sources
       Use SQL Profiler to correctly baseline database

Be sure to support your analysis with strong explanations, professional resources, and established industry concepts and practices. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.

Milestone Five: Job Aid, Part III
In Module Six, you will submit a two- to three-page paper that provides a new employee with an in-depth description for the continuation of administration and ongoing maintenance of a database. Specifically, you should:

       Explain steps required to set database to grow automatically
       Determine correct timeframe to commit and truncate the database log
       Perform backup of database
       Describe how to monitor disk utilization

Be sure to support your analysis with strong explanations, professional resources, and established industry concepts and practices. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Five Rubric.

Final Project Submission: Configuration and Optimization Recommendations and Job Aid
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. Your final submission should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course, specifically the feedback received from Milestones One through Five. Your submission should also include the following critical elements not previously addressed in the milestones: 

       Recommend methods for ensuring scalability of the database
       Identify user groups and how to locate information
       Demonstrate how to add and remove users and groups         Assign database permissions to users in groups

The final submission should reflect a solid understanding of the needs and qualities of a database environment. The configuration and optimization recommendations will be graded using the Final Project Part I Rubric. The job aid will be graded using the Final Project Part II Rubric.



Module Due
Database Optimization Recommendations, Part I
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Database Optimization, Part II
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Job Aid, Part I
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Job Aid, Part II
Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
Job Aid, Part III
Graded separately; Milestone Five Rubric

Final Submission: Configuration and
Optimization Recommendations and Job Aid
Graded separately; Final Project Part I and II Rubric

Final Project Part I Rubric

Guidelines for Submission:  The configuration and optimization recommendations must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Proficient (85%)
Needs Improvement (55%)
Not Evident (0%)
Introduction: Business

Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides exceptional detail regarding the organization, industry information, and the current state of the business environment 
Discusses the organization, the current state of the business environment, and industryspecific information and gives examples that are relevant
Discusses the organization, the current state of the business environment, and industryspecific information that is relevant, but misses necessary or key details, or discussion is not always relevant
Does not discuss the organization, the current state of the business environment, and industry-specific

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and assumptions and defense reflect keen insight into the nuances of constructing recommendations for optimization and configuration
Clearly identifies and logically defends assumptions and conclusions made regarding the business environment, scenario, and database environment with specific supporting detail
Identifies and defends assumptions and conclusions that were made regarding the business environment, scenario, and database environment, but assumptions are not always clear, or defense of assumptions is not logical or not supported with detail 
Does not identify and defend assumptions and conclusions that were made regarding the business environment, scenario, and database environment
Requirements and

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and established business needs evidence reflects keen insight into the organization and business environment in the
Establishes appropriate business needs in relation to the defined business requirements and with consideration of the business environment, with detailed explanation
Establishes business needs, but they either lack relation to the defined business requirements, consideration of the business environment, or detail
Does not establish business needs in relation to the defined business requirements and consideration of the business environment
Existing Database

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis is exceptionally detailed and supported
Analyzes the existing database environment, providing specific areas of shortcomings or areas in need of improvement regarding the business requirements, and provides detailed explanations for support
Analyzes the existing database environment, but identified areas are not specific to the business requirements or explanations lack necessary detail 
Does not analyze the existing database for areas of shortcomings or areas in need of improvement

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and supporting resources and examples are of a professional, scholarly, reputable nature 
Recommends methods for configuring the database environment that align with the defined business requirements and needs, and supports with resources and examples
Recommends methods for configuring the database environment, but recommendations do not align with the defined business requirements and needs, or resources and examples provided do not fully support the recommendations
Does not recommend methods for configuring the database environment

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and recommendations are particularly insightful regarding ensuring performance quality over time, or supporting evidence is particularly strong
Outlines recommendations for ensuring the continued performance quality, and supports with evidence
Outlines recommendations, but recommendations would not lend to ensuring the continued performance quality, or evidence provided does not constitute support
Does not outline recommendations for performance quality

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and recommendations are particularly insightful regarding ensuring scalability over time, or supporting evidence is particularly strong
Recommends methods for ensuring scalability of the database in accordance with the business needs, and supports with evidence
Recommends methods, but methods would not lend to scalability, or evidence provided does not constitute support
Does not recommend methods for scalability
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

Earned Total

Rubric Annotations

To the scenario, business context, industry/organizational environment, and scope of this particular assignment (the recommendation for optimization and configuration)
Exceptional detail
As is appropriate for the situation, relevant to the scenario, and showing keen insight or exceptional knowledge of the nuances of analyzing business environments for the purpose of optimization and configuration recommendations
Keen insight into the nuances of
For context, it is necessary for student to make some assumptions in order to successfully tackle this project, or any project in the real, professional world. A key aspect is making assumptions that are relevant, logical, and can help lead students to a successful solution. If
constructing recommendations for optimization and configuration
students can identify the areas they made assumptions and explain, logically, why it was appropriate to make such assumptions with exceptional detail and accuracy, they probably have a deep understanding of the nuances of making assumptions within the context of constructing recommendations.
Keen insight into the organization and business environment in the future
The student’s explanation will evidence keen insight if they form educated and logical conclusions about the future needs of the business that will allow them to better prepare and configure a database environment. This is the idea that going above and beyond the business requirements that currently exist may be a requirement for organizational success. 
Exceptionally detailed and supported
While still completely relevant to the scenario and provided business context, the identified areas of improvement are sufficiently detailed, and accurate in that detail, to provide the baseline for a path to addressing the areas. Further, exemplary analysis is supported with strong explanations that are in line with scholarly, professional, and/or reputable established concepts and practices.

Showing a graduate-level conceptual understanding of the needs and qualities of database environment that successfully maintain quality performance in the long run
Particularly strong evidence
Professional, scholarly, and reputable within the industry

Final Project Part II Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: There are two submission options for Part II of the final project:

1.       Written job aid featuring screenshots (or embedded videos) of performance tasks, as well as written explanations and answers to critical elements.

2.       Use of recording tool, such as Jing, to record yourself performing each task. Jing will allow you to record the activities you perform on your computer, while also recording your verbal explanations to files that are up to five minutes in length. The use of Jing requires an updated Flash driver, as all files will be saved as Flash files. Any issues that you may run into will have to be dealt with by Jing’s IT support, not the SNHU Help Desk. If you run into difficulty and feel you cannot use this option, please continue with the first option. It is your responsibility to make sure you complete and submit your assessment on time.

Critical Elements
Proficient (100%)
Needs Improvement (55%)
Not Evident (0%)
Introduction: Properties

Accurately communicates and visualizes the properties of the database
Communicates and visualizes the properties of the database, but with gaps in accuracy
Does not communicate and visualize the properties of the database

Introduction: Peak Hours

Accurately communicates the peak hours, how they were determined, why it matters, and what to do if peak hours change
Communicates the peak hours, how they were determined, why it matters, and what to do if peak hours change, but with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not communicate the peak hours, how they were determined, why it matters, and what to do if peak hours change
Introduction: Backup

Accurately identifies the software used for backup and communicates the relevance and reasoning
Identifies the software used for backup and communicates the relevance and reasoning, but with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not identify the software used for backup and communicate the relevance and reasoning
Optimization, and
Configuration: Creating

Correctly creates a new table, view, and stored procedure while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and existing standards
Creates a new table, view, and stored procedure while explaining the steps, relevance, and existing standards, but tasks are performed incorrectly or explanations are not accurate
Does not create a new table, view, and stored procedure while explaining the steps, relevance, and existing standards
Optimization, and
Configuration: Copying

Correctly copies the database while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Incorrectly copies the database or inaccurately explains the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Does not copy the database while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Optimization, and Configuration:

Correctly attaches and detaches a database while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Unsuccessfully attaches or detaches a database or inaccurately explains the steps, relevance, and when to perform 
Does not attach or detach a database correctly while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Optimization, and
Configuration: Importing

Correctly imports data from external sources while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Imports data incorrectly from external sources or inaccurately explains the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Does not import data from external sources while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Optimization, and
Configuration: Baseline

Uses the SQL Profiler to correctly baseline the database while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Uses the SQL Profiler incorrectly to baseline the database or provides an inaccurate explanation of the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Does not use the SQL Profiler to baseline the database while providing an explanation of the steps, relevance, and when to perform

Optimization, and
Configuration: Automatic

Correctly sets the database to grow automatically by a certain percentage while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Incorrectly sets the database to grow automatically by a certain percentage or inaccurately explains the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Does not set the database to grow automatically while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Maintenance, Backup, and Recovery:
Committing and
Truncating the Database

Correctly commits and truncates the database log files while accurately determining the correct timeframe and explaining the steps and relevance
Incorrectly commits and truncates the database log files, determines an inaccurate timeframe, or provides an inaccurate explanation of steps and relevance
Does not commit and truncate the database log files while explaining timeframe, steps, and relevance
Maintenance, Backup, and Recovery: Backup

Successfully performs backup of the database while accurately explaining the steps and relevance and determining an appropriate frequency for backups
Performs an unsuccessful backup, or explanation and determination of frequency are inaccurate
Does not perform a backup while explaining steps, relevance, and frequency
Maintenance, Backup, and Recovery: Disk

Accurately explains how to monitor disk utilization and why it is important, while providing a correct visualization 
Explains how to monitor disk utilization and why it is important, while providing a visualization, but explanation is inaccurate or visualization is incorrect
Does not explain how to monitor disk utilization and why it is important, while providing a visualization
Security: Groups and

Accurately identifies present user groups and explains who has access while visually showing how to locate the information
Identifies present user groups and explains who has access while visually showing how to locate the information, but explanations or identifications are inaccurate
Does not identify present user groups, explain who has access, and show where to get the information
Security: Add/Remove
Users and Groups 

Successfully adds and removes users and groups while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Unsuccessfully adds or unsuccessfully removes users and groups, inaccurately explains the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Does not add and remove users and groups while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Security: Assigning
Database Permissions

Correctly assigns database permissions to users in groups while accurately explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Assigns database permissions to users in groups while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform, but performance is incorrect or explanations are inaccurate
Does not assign database permissions to users in groups while explaining the steps, relevance, and when to perform
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

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